Supreme Chef

Chapter 701 Xu Mei's Whereabouts

Chapter 701 Xu Mei's Whereabouts

Hearing that Sun Huixin said that there was her friend's whereabouts, Lin Mu couldn't help becoming nervous.

Although Lin Mu said that it would be best for them to come after five years, everyone has different aptitudes, especially Xu Mei's aptitude is the best. For Xu Mei who has good aptitudes, it may not take five years at all, it is enough to pass the teleportation. The array has reached the world of comprehension.

Seeing Lin Mu's eagerness, Sun Huixin took out a jade slip and said, "This is the information I heard, but I'm not sure if this is the person you're looking for."

Lin Mu couldn't wait to take the jade slip.

"Xu Mei!" Seeing the portrait in the jade slips, Lin Mu said in shock.

Just as Lin Mu thought, Xu Mei was the first to arrive at the realm of comprehension.

Xu Mei in the jade slips had already changed into the clothes in the earth, but Lin Mu still recognized Xu Mei at a glance.

Looking at Xu Mei in the jade slip, Lin Mu put down the jade slip and asked impatiently, "Where did you get the news about Xu Mei? How is she? Is she safe?"

Sun Hui said in her heart: "Don't worry, she is safe now, she is a disciple of Tiannu Sect."

"Heavenly Girl Sect!" Lin Mu frowned when he heard Sun Huixin's words.

Of course Tiannvzong Lin Mu has heard of it. Tiannvzong is one of the emperor's sects, but it is the only emperor's sect in the entire Eastern Xuanzhou that only accepts female disciples.

At the same time, the Tiannv Sect is also the only one that does not participate in any activities of other Emperor Sects, and the Tiannv Sect also upholds the same attitude in the fairy world, and will not participate in any affairs of the Great Emperor Sect. It can be regarded as a neutral sect among the Emperor Sects.

However, the neutrality of Tiannvzong does not mean that it has no position.Its stance is very simple, as long as someone dares to attract the attention of a female disciple of the Heavenly Nv Sect, they will be killed without mercy. This point will not change no matter what.

Xu Mei was able to enter the Heavenly Girl Sect, Lin Mu did not have to worry about Xu Mei's safety.

But knowing that Xu Mei has arrived in the realm of self-cultivation, the yearning in Lin Mu's heart can no longer be suppressed, and now Lin Mu desperately hopes to have a look at Xu Mei.

Feeling Lin Mu's emotional changes, Chen Ziyan also tilted her head, and said, "Big brother, is this sister your lover? Ziyan grows up, and she wants to be your big brother's lover."

Lin Mu couldn't laugh or cry when he heard Chen Ziyan's words, he didn't know how to respond.

When Sun Huixin heard her daughter's words, she quickly reprimanded: "Children, don't talk nonsense."

Chen Ziyan said stubbornly: "Big brother saved Ziyan's life, Ziyan will be big brother's lover. Ziyan will promise her to big brother with her body."

When Lin Mu heard Chen Ziyan's words, while being moved, he was also very helpless.

Lin Mu scratched Chen Ziyan's nose, and said, "Big brother treats you the same way he treats his own sister. Big brother's protection of you comes from the instinctive protection of his sister. You are still young, and when you grow up you will I understand how big brother feels about you."

Chen Ziyan said stubbornly: "I am not young anymore, Ziyan knows what love is. Ziyan just loves big brother."

Chen Ziyan's words made Sun Huixin and Chen Yunkai embarrassed for a while.

"Ziyan, don't mess around!" Sun Hui had no choice but to reprimand again.

Lin Mu also said: "Ziyan will definitely meet a better Prince Charming in the future. Now you can't say the word 'love' to people easily. Once you say 'love', it can't be changed easily. 'Love' is It is very important, and casually saying it will make it worthless. So Ziyan must use this word carefully in the future."

Chen Ziyan nodded, and said: "Big brother, I know. When Ziyan grows up, I will tell you again, big brother. I just pretended to be Ziyan and didn't say anything."

Although Chen Ziyan's words still made Sun Huixin and Chen Yunkai helpless for a while.But at any rate, my daughter won't be obsessed with making a promise to Lin Mu now.As for the future, we will talk about it later.

"Senior, can I meet my friend?" Although Lin Mu knew about the Tiannvzong, it didn't mean that Lin Mu knew about the Tiannvzong.

Sun Huixin shook her head and said: "I'm afraid this is not possible. You should have heard of the rules of the Tiannvzong. The disciples of the Tiannvzong are not allowed to meet with the opposite sex casually. Even if you were friends in the past, she is now a member of the Tiannvzong. Disciple, it’s not something you can see whenever you want.”

Lin Mu had indeed heard of this rule, but he was still worried that he couldn't see Xu Mei immediately.

Sun Huixin seemed to see Lin Mu's intentions, and said, "But you can try your luck at the medicine hospital."

"Is the pharmacy going to open again?" Lin Mu blurted out when he heard Sun Huixin's words.

Sun Huixin nodded and said, "Yes."

The name of the pharmacy, Lin Mu, is very popular.

Legend has it that the Medicine Academy is the place where a generation of medicine sages cultivated various rare spiritual herbs in ancient times.

But later, due to the great changes in the ancient times, the medicine saint fell, but before he fell, he sealed the medicine academy that he had put his heart and soul into with a formation.

A generation of medicine sages and a formation arranged by the great powers of the ancient times, one can imagine its power.

Over tens of thousands of years, I don't know how many people have called the attention of the pharmacy, but in the end, no one succeeded.

However, after paying so much life, it is not that there is no gain at all.

At least they came to a conclusion, that is, the power of the time formation will weaken for one month every millennium.

As long as the weakened formation is passed by a monk under the state of transformation, it will not cause the formation to rebound.Of course, it doesn't mean that as many cultivators of the God Transformation Realm can enter, the maximum number of people allowed at a time is only 100 people.

It is precisely because of the above restrictions that each opening of the pharmacy will attract competition from all parties.

Basically, it can be said that every opening of the Medicine Academy is equivalent to a large-scale competition in the entire Eastern Xuanzhou.

Of course, this contest is aimed at sects below the Emperor Sect, because the Emperor Sect has given priority to ninety of them with their unique natural strength, leaving only ten places for the rest of the sects.

This was the decision made by the Emperor Sect in order to stop Youyou's mouth, otherwise, none of the ten places in the Emperor Sect would stay.

Lin Mu practiced for the first time and had never entered a medicine school.The main reason is that when the medicine academy was opened, Lin Mu's cultivation had already surpassed that of Huashen.

But this time Lin Mu has a chance, Lin Mu will definitely not give up.At the same time, Lin Mu is also thankful that he has resisted his urge to break through the past few months.

If Lin Mu broke through his cultivation at that time, then Lin Mu might not have much chance now.

Of course, Lin Mu of the Medicine Academy has to enter, but Xu Mei Lin Mu also has to meet, Lin Mu said: "Senior, can you be sure that Xu Mei will definitely go?"

Sun Huixin said: "I'm not sure about this, but as far as I know. Xu Mei is now the head's proud disciple. The head of the Tiannu Sect will attend this time. I think Xu Mei will definitely follow."

When Lin Mu heard Sun Huixin's words, he already had a plan in mind.

"The two seniors thank you for your life-saving grace this time, but the opening of the pharmacy is about to start, and I have to go to the pharmacy immediately to find my friends!" Lin Mu also handed over his hands and was about to say goodbye.

"Lin Mu, you'd better wait a few more days before leaving!" Chen Yunkai suddenly stopped Lin Mu.

(End of this chapter)

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