Supreme Chef

Chapter 702 Blood Building

Chapter 702 Blood Building

Chen Yunkai's words also made Lin Mu stop, Lin Mu looked at Chen Yunkai with some puzzlement, and also wanted to know why Chen Yunkai made him stop.

Chen Yunkai said: "Although the Brotherhood is mainly aimed at my city lord's mansion, according to our understanding, there are indeed some people who offered a secret offer to buy your life."

"Who?" Lin Mu asked.

Chen Yunkai said: "It has something to do with the utensils."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "If it's related to Qidu, I'll know who it is."

Regarding some things about Qidu, Chen Yunkai also heard Sun Huixin tell him.

Chen Yunkai said: "Although the Brotherhood has been wiped out by me, the hidden flowers that have bloomed in Qidu have been taken over by the Blood Tower. As far as I know, the Blood Tower has already prepared and sent masters to kill you."

"Blood Building!" This was another force that Lin Mu was not particularly familiar with.

Lin Mu had heard the name of the Blood Building before, it was a group of people living in darkness.They are the killer alliance in the comprehension world.

Knowing about any of them is limited, but there is no doubt that their strength is very powerful.

Whether you are a perfect Ascendant or a genius with a cultivation base against the sky, as long as the Blood Tower accepts the task, it will definitely complete the task.

From the appearance of the blood building to the present, there has not been a chance to miss.

Moreover, the Blood Building does not belong to any faction, it is completely independent.In the realm of comprehension, they only care about money. As for who they are asked to kill, they will never care. As long as you can afford it, they will dare to kill even the head of the Emperor Sect.Of course, whether someone can afford the price is another matter.

Although there is a blood building chasing after him, but the medicine courtyard forest is a must.

"Thank you senior for letting me know, but I must go to the Medicine Academy." Lin Mu also said, clasping his hands.

After a pause, Lin Mu said confidently, "And it's not so easy for the Blood Building to want my life."

Chen Yunkai knew that he couldn't stop Lin Mu, so he also said: "In this case, let's go on the road together. This time, there are people from my Soul City who are going to the Medicine Academy to try their luck. Originally, the elders led the team. Since Lin Mu You want to go too, so let's go together."

Lin Mudao: "Senior, this junior appreciates your kindness, but senior has already helped me a lot, so I can't bring senior any more trouble."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Chen Yunkai said proudly: "What's the trouble? My Soul City has never been afraid of any forces before. The Blood Building didn't mess with my Soul City. If it does, His blood building will no longer exist."

Lin Mu was also very moved by Chen Yunkai's words, but it was really hard for Lin Mu to accept Chen Yunkai's kindness.

And if it was him, it would be very easy no matter if he wanted to escape or whatever.

If he was with Chen Yunkai, if the Blood Tower really sent out a master, then he would very likely implicate Chen Yunkai and cause unnecessary losses to Soul City.

Seeing that Lin Mu insisted, Chen Yunkai no longer insisted, but he still escorted Lin Mu all the way for [-] miles, to the next city with the teleportation formation to the Medicine Academy.


In a completely unknown place in Dongxuanzhou, a nine-story building made of unknown materials stands in the middle of a dark and poisonous swamp.

This is the headquarters of the Blood Building, a place that no one knows.

The Jiuzhong Building is bright red, as if it has been painted with a layer of color from a distance.But only when you get close can you see that the red color on the nine-story building is not a paint at all.

It was completely monk's blood. The owner of the building did not know what method was used to keep the blood that had existed for an unknown period of time from drying up.

Judging from the occasional flashes of golden light in the undried blood, the blood should be the blood essence of monks.

A monk may have a lot of blood, but very little blood essence.

The essence of blood that completely covers such a huge nine-story building, one can imagine how many monks' lives are needed to cover such a huge nine-story building.

In the depths of the blood building, a monk wearing a long robe with no face at all, lowered his head and whispered to the empty skeleton throne above, "The landlord, Lin Mu, has left Soul City. The city lord personally sent him up to the teleportation array of the medicine academy."

A muffled sound came from above the skeleton throne, asking, "Did Soul City follow Lin Shu to the Medicine Academy?"

"No!" said the robed monk below.

A voice came from above the throne again, saying: "Lin Mu may have the treasure of Qidu on his body, send capable men to intercept him in the medicine academy."

"Yes! This subordinate understands." The monk in robes paused for a moment, and continued: "The landlord is a tree whose tools are alive."

The landlord continued: "Don't ask me about it, the treasured weapon soul in Lin Mu's body is of great use to me. Regardless of Lin Mu's life or death, I must bring the tool soul back."

"Yes!" The robed monk bowed and nodded, then stepped back and left the blood building.


Through the teleportation array, Lin Mu reached the nearest city to Yaoyuan without any obstacles.

This is a city that is bustling only once every thousand years. The opening day of the Medicine Academy is approaching, and it is becoming more and more lively here.

The opening of the Medicine Academy can be said to be one of the most important events in the entire East Xuanzhou.

Everyone knows the contents of the ancient medicine sage's pharmacy, which is absolutely extraordinary.

And according to the previous situation, every time the elixir brought out from the pharmacy, the last one was the ninth-grade elixir, and even once brought out the fairy elixir.

Immortal medicines have long since disappeared in the current cultivation world, and only this medicine school can still exist.

And what a fairy medicine means to everyone, everyone is very clear.

Especially in the current situation, a celestial medicine will extend the lifespan of hundreds or even thousands of years to a cultivator who is perfect in the Ascension Realm.Therefore, the opening of the pharmacy this time has attracted everyone's attention more than ever before.

Lin Mu entered this city also named after the Medicine Academy, and originally wanted to find a place to live, but he found that there was no place to live here, and even if there was, the price was ridiculously high.

The spirit stones on Lin Mu had almost been spent, and facing such a sky-high price, Lin Mu could only hold back.

But originally Lin Mu didn't come to find a place to live, Lin Mu came to find Xu Mei.

Lin Mu randomly found a teahouse, and ordered a pot of spirit tea that usually only needs ten high-grade spirit stones outside, but now needs a thousand high-grade spirit stones.

"Second brother, I want to ask you, is there anyone from the Tiannvzong here?" Lin Mu stopped the second brother who was about to leave.

The second brother looked at Lin Shu up and down, and said with a little disdain: "Today, you are already the second person to inquire about this matter with me, but I advise you to save yourselves. People from the Tiannvzong, think about it." That's it."

Lin Mu was also very helpless after hearing Xiao Er's words, but he still said: "I have friends in Tiannvzong, I just want to meet friends."

Xiao Er sneered, and said, "I've heard this excuse hundreds of times. Since you don't give up, I'll tell you. Have you seen the three-story inn on the street? The Tiannvzong has taken over there, Did you see the male cultivators around outside? They all have the same purpose as you, I hope you will be luckier than them."

After talking about the second brother, he turned and left.

Lin Mu was also a little surprised when he looked at the inn at the street corner which was densely surrounded by male cultivators.

Although Lin Mu knew that the Tiannv Sect was very attractive, he didn't expect to exaggerate it to such an extent.

Lin Mu is still not sure whether Xu Mei has followed, so he is not in a hurry to check.

(End of this chapter)

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