Supreme Chef

Chapter 704 Uncontrollable Longing

Chapter 704 Uncontrollable Longing
When Lin Mu heard these words, he shattered the bodies of the two with one palm.

"Let's see how long your blood building can be so arrogant!" If Lin Mu didn't take the blood building seriously just now.Now the arrogance of the blood building completely angered Lin Mu.

In the middle of the canyon, Lin Mu dealt with the spiritual consciousness mark on his body, then turned around and returned to the medicine courtyard.

Back at the Medicine Academy, Lin Mu arrived at the residence of the Tiannvzong. At the gate of the Tiannvzong, Lin Mu looked at the crowd that had not decreased in the slightest, hesitated, and finally left.

If you go in rashly now, you will be surprised if they let you see it. Anyway, the competition will officially start in one day.At that time, all the emperor sects will bring their disciples to attend, and they will naturally see them at that time.

But just as Lin Mu turned to leave, the gate of Tiannvzong opened suddenly, and a group of Tiannvzong's disciples came out from inside.

Seeing a disciple of the Tiannv Sect come out, the people outside were even more excited.

Tiannvzong.The disciples in it are the same as its name, and almost every one of them looks like a goddess descending from the earth, otherwise it would not have such a great charm.

Seeing someone coming out, Lin Mu also stopped.

"Xu Mei!" When Lin Mu saw the last female disciple who came out, he couldn't help blurting out.

Xu Mei also heard the voice and looked over immediately.

When Xu Mei saw that it was a tree, she was also so excited that she could no longer restrain herself and ran directly to the tree.

"Lin Mu!" Xu Mei threw herself into Lin Mu's arms, her hands tightly wrapped around Lin Mu's back, as if she was worried that Lin Mu would leave her again.

"Is Lin Mu really you? Am I not hallucinating?" Xu Mei hugged her for a long time before raising her head to look at Lin Mu and asked uncertainly.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei in his arms with a smile, scratched Xu Mei's little nose habitually, and said, "Do you think this is an illusion?"

Feeling the familiar temperature from Lin Shu, Xu Mei's eyes became a little moist.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei with ruddy eyes, pinched Xu Mei's straight nose, and said, "Why are you crying, am I fine?"

People around looked at the indescribable beauty in Lin Shu's arms, their eyes were full of envy and jealousy.

Although the Tiannv Sect does not prohibit it, disciples in the sect and outsiders form Taoist couples.But you must know that the Tiannvzong is the emperor's sect, and if you want to form a Taoist partner with a disciple of the Tiannvzong, the threshold is not usually high.

So ordinary people just think about it. As for the beauty, it is only possible for the most outstanding disciples in the emperor's sect.

"Junior Sister Xu, is this the husband-in-law you often mention?" Just as Lin Mu was about to inquire about other people's news, a female cultivator who was equally beautiful but still cute came to Xu Mei and looked at Lin Mu curiously. asked.

Seeing the person, Xu Mei introduced to Lin Mu: "Lin Mu is Senior Sister Wanting. When I first entered the sect, Senior Sister Wanting always took care of me."

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Wanting."

Xu Mei glanced at Lin Mu, then looked at Wanting with some embarrassment, and said, "Senior Sister Wanting, I just met my husband, I think..."

Wanting said very understandingly: "I know, you two go. But the master gave us an hour, you have to hurry up."

Xu Mei smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, Senior Sister Wanting, I will pay attention to the time."

After talking about Xu Mei and Lin Mu, they left the crowd under everyone's envious eyes.

After leaving the crowd, Lin Mu and Xu Mei left the hospital directly.

Using the eighth-rank flying spirit treasure given to him by the great elder Qidu, Lin Mu and Xu Mei went directly to a canyon that was very remote from the Medicine Academy.

After leaving the crowd, Xu Mei could no longer bear the longing in her heart and threw herself into Lin Mu's arms.

Xu Mei's hot body instantly ignited Lin Shu's enthusiasm.

The clothes on the two of them became less and less, and Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei's enchanting body, and couldn't bear it any longer, so he went straight to Huanglong.

Xiao Linmu and Xu Mei instantly merged.


A long moan seemed to express Xu Mei's endless yearning for Lin Shu.

"I want……"

As the speed of the trees increased, Xu Mei's body became hotter and hotter, and an unnatural pink burst out from her body, filling the entire cave with a strange smell.

Because time was limited, after half an hour, Lin Mu took the initiative to hand in his gun.But within half an hour, Xu Mei had already been sent to the peak by Lin Mu several times.

Lin Mu hugged the naked Xu Mei, played with Xu Mei's smooth hair, and asked, "Sister Yaqing, are they all alright?"

Xu Mei said: "Sister Yaqing and the others are all very well, I just missed you so much, that's why I came to look for you in advance."

Lin Mu's big hand was dishonest, he touched Xu Meijiao's snow-white skin, and said softly, "Do you miss me, or do you miss her?"

Xu Mei looked at Xiao Linmu who was already tense again, spat lightly, and said, "Rogue!"

Lin Mu said: "Don't you just miss me as a rascal?"

Because there were still many questions to ask, Lin Shu did not attack Xu Mei again.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei who already had the perfect cultivation of the ninth level of the Golden Core, and said, "How did you enter the Heavenly Girl Sect?"

Xu Mei said: "After I arrived at Dongxuan Continent through the teleportation array, I found a place to hide and began to improve my strength according to what you taught us.

It took me almost a month to stabilize my cultivation at the seventh foundation building level, and then I left the hidden place.

After I came out, I was planning to go directly to you, but I ran into a group of people who wanted to take me away not long after I left.It happened that Senior Sister Wanting and the others passed by and rescued me.Later I joined the Tiannv Sect, and later the head of the sect took a fancy to my talent and accepted me as a personal disciple. "

When Lin Mu heard that Xu Mei was almost taken away, he couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.At the same time, I also regretted that I was in West Jizhou, delayed for too long, and did not come to Dongxuanzhou in time to establish my own power.

If she could have established her own influence earlier and made a name for herself, how could Xu Mei encounter such danger.

Lin Mu said guiltily: "I made you suffer, I didn't come to pick you up sooner."

Xu Mei stretched out her finger to block Lin Mu's lips, and said, "Don't say that, if I didn't miss you and came here earlier, there wouldn't be so much trouble."

Lin Mudao: "I have reopened our Fuman Building in Yunshui City. Before Yaqing and the others arrive, I will reopen our Fuman Building and let the entire East Xuanzhou know about us."

When Xu Mei heard that Lin Mu reopened Fumanlou, she was also pleasantly surprised: "You have reopened Fumanlou!"

Lin Mu nodded and said: "En! Yes! Fumanlou has reopened and has established a firm foothold in Yunshui City. If everything goes well, Fumanlou will soon be in the entire East Xuanzhou Branches have been established.”

Xu Mei said: "Then I'll go back and tell the master later, let the master let me leave the Tiannvzong to help you."

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "For the time being, you can't leave the Heavenly Maiden Sect. The Blood Building is chasing me. After I solve the problem of the Blood Building, I will go to the Heavenly Maiden Sect to pick you up."

"The Blood Tower is chasing you? What's going on?" Xu Mei also asked hastily when she heard that Lin Mu was being hunted down.

After Lin Mu told Xu Mei about his visit to the realm of comprehension, Xu Mei was also terrified.

Xu Mei was quite lucky. Not long after she arrived in the realm of comprehension, she met the Tiannvzong.Unlike Lin Shu, who was able to get to the present, it was entirely paved with blood and sweat by himself.

"Why don't I tell the master to let you join my Heavenly Girl Sect?" Xu Mei also offered to propose when she heard that Lin Mu had to face so many hunts and dangers.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "I don't have the habit of getting married. I'm not afraid of a few clowns. They'll come to pick you up after I've solved it. Now I'll take you back first, so your master won't worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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