Supreme Chef

Chapter 705

Chapter 705
Along the way, Xu Mei tried her best to want Lin Mu to enter the Heavenly Maiden Sect, but for Lin Mu, there was no difference between entering the Tiannvzong and being married.

Lin Mutang is a big man, it is impossible to marry him no matter what.

Xu Mei was also aware of Lin Mu's character. If Lin Mu decided on something, she would definitely not change it.

When Lin Mu and Xu Mei returned to the hospital, Wanting and the others just came back.

Wanting looked at Xu Mei with a happy face, and joked, "Junior Sister Xu, I have never seen you smiling so happily."

Xu Mei's pretty face flushed, and she spat, "Senior Sister Wanting, you know how to laugh at me!"

Wanting giggled twice and said, "Master is still waiting for us, let's go in first."

After a pause, Wanting looked at Lin Mu and said, "Junior Sister Xu, do you need me to talk to the other senior sisters about your husband, and then we can all ask the master for you."

Xu Mei glanced at Lin Mu, finally shook her head, and said, "No need. My husband promised me that when the time is right, he will come to the sect to pick me up."

After hearing Xu Mei's words, Wanting couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Junior Sister Xu, are you leaving the Heavenly Girl Sect?"

Xu Mei nodded firmly, and said, "Wherever my husband goes, I will go with him."

Wanting said: "Although the Tiannv Sect does not accept male disciples, once a Taoist couple is formed, the Taoist couple can live at the foot of the mountain. The master values ​​you so much, you have to think about it."

Xu Mei looked at Lin Mu with a happy face, and said, "I've already thought about where my husband is, that's my home."

After listening to Xu Mei's words, Wanting also looked at Lin Muyu and said earnestly: "Lin Mu, it is your luck that you can marry Junior Sister Xu. If you can't treat Junior Sister Xu well in the future, I will be the first to let you go."

Lin Mu also smiled after hearing Wanting's words, and said, "I will definitely not disappoint Xu Mei."

Wanting nodded, and said: "Aside from seeing Junior Sister Xu, you are also here to enter the medicine school, right? I can talk to Master later and ask Master to provide you with a quota, so that you There is no need to participate in any competitions."

Lin Mu shook his head, and said, "If I can't get into the medicine academy with my own strength, what can I do to make Xu Mei happy?"

Wanting listened to Lin Mu's words and said: "Okay! Junior Sister Xu did not misunderstand the person, this is my communication jade slip. This time I will follow everyone to enter the pharmacy. If you enter the pharmacy, you can directly find me .”

Lin Mu was not polite either, and directly accepted Wanting's communication slip, saying, "Thank you, Senior Sister Wanting!"

Seeing Xu Mei and the two enter the inn, Lin Mu also turned and left.

The competition for ten places is about to begin, and the number of people surrounding the Tiannvzong is gradually decreasing.

After all, Tiannv can only be used for fantasies, but a place in the pharmacy can be won.

Lin Mu spent the whole night adjusting outside the city, and after adjusting his state to the best, he also returned to the medicine courtyard.

In the center of the city, there is a teleportation array that can really enter the medicine courtyard.

And the venue for the competition for places is the arena in the center of the city.

The sun is rising and the pharmacy, which is opened once in a thousand years, is officially opened.

Everyone looked up at the ever-changing and unpredictable space in the sky, and smelled the strong medicinal fragrance that occasionally leaked out, all of them couldn't help being fascinated.

This is a medicine courtyard left by a generation of medicine sages, and every elixir in it can be said to be a rare treasure.

It is not impossible for the immortal medicine in it to make people lift up.

The sky changed for nearly an hour before stopping, and the teleportation array officially opened after an hour.

At the same time that the teleportation array was opened, the six major and five emperor sects of Dongxuanzhou had already allowed fifteen disciples selected by each to enter the teleportation array and teleport directly to the Medicine Academy.

At the same time that the Medicine Academy was opened, Emperor Zong's disciples could enter the Medicine Academy, which in itself was already extremely unfair.You must know that the opening time of the pharmacy is limited, and entering first means that you may get the best elixir first.

But even if everyone has opinions, they can only endure it at this time.

After all his disciples had entered, the host who presided over the competition for places slowly announced that the competition had officially begun.

The competition adopts a one-round elimination system. There is only one competition between everyone. If you fail, you will leave immediately. There will be no chance for you to participate in the next round of competition.

This kind of competition seems unfair, but there are too many participants, if the cycle continues one by one, even if the competition is closed far away, the competition will not end.

Including Lin Shu, more than [-] people participated in the competition.

Such a large number of people is not much compared to the huge base of monks in Dongxuanzhou.However, these 10 people can be said to be almost concentrated, all the top powerhouses below the state of transformation in the entire Eastern Xuanzhou.

And the reason why the number of people is small is because many people have self-knowledge, no one would be willing to take [-] high-grade spirit stones, but just go through the motions.

According to his own number, Lin Mu found his own arena.

Looking at the muscular man who was already standing on the top with his whole body bulging, Lin Mu didn't expect that his first opponent would be a body-training cultivator.

This person's cultivation base is the same as Lin Shu's, which is the perfection of the Nine Levels of Nirvana.

However, the cultivation level of body training is too bad. This person looks very scary despite the terrifying muscles all over his body.

But in fact, his body training is only at the fourth level of the human realm, which is four levels behind Lin Shu.

"Stop talking nonsense, get off by yourself, otherwise I will never hold back!" The muscular man saw Lin Mu come on stage, and let Lin Mu roll off the stage without saying a word.

When Lin Mu heard what he said, he was also amused. Before he could speak, he was going to drive him off the stage.

"What are you laughing at? I don't have time to waste with you. I'll give you three breaths. If you don't step down, you will be at your own risk!" The muscular man was obviously very confident.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "Give me a short breath is enough!"

Before Lin Mu's voice fell to the ground, the man suddenly appeared in front of the muscular man.

The muscular man was also taken aback when he saw Lin Shu appearing suddenly.

However, the muscular man's reaction was fast. The moment Lin Mu appeared, he had already completed his attack and attacked Lin Mu's dantian.

Lin Mu looked at the fist that the muscular man was attacking, and didn't even dodge it.

"Looking for death!" The muscular man saw that Lin Mu despised him so much, and a murderous light flashed in his eyes.

The speed and strength of the shot also doubled abruptly.


Lin Shu came first, and his seemingly slender palm firmly clasped the muscular man's veins.


Seeing Lin Mu pinching his veins, the muscular man tried hard to break free, but failed after several attempts.

At this time, the muscular man finally realized that something was wrong.

But when he realized something was wrong, it was already too late.

With a slight flick of Lin Mu's wrist, the muscular man flew away with the wind like a feather.

The whole movement seems to be very long, but in fact all the movements are completed in the blink of an eye, not even a breath.

"Boom!" The muscular man fell to the ground, stirring up a large cloud of dust.

"Accept!" Standing on the ring, Lin Mu said with a smile and cupped his hands.

The muscular man stared at the trees above the ring for ten seconds, and finally sighed unwillingly, turned and left the medicine courtyard.

In fact, this muscular man is unlucky enough. Originally, with his perfect cultivation as a body-refining cultivator and the ninth level of Nirvana, there is a high possibility that he will reach the final battle.

However, he was unlucky enough to meet Lin Mu in the first round. Not only did Lin Mu's cultivation steadily suppress him, but his body training cultivation was beyond his reach. It would be difficult for him not to lose.

For the next game, there was almost no difficulty for Lin Shu.

Among all the opponents in front of Lin Shu, most of them didn't last three breaths.

Under the same realm, Lin Mu didn't talk about pushing horizontally, but it was almost the same.Especially in the face of these rootless casual cultivators, Lin Mu didn't even have to show [-]% of his strength.

10 people seems like a lot, but after such a round of elimination, it takes about an hour, and there are only 40 people left on the ring.

(End of this chapter)

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