Supreme Chef

Chapter 706 Pink Skull

Chapter 706 Pink Skull
Forty people were divided into two groups, and they were divided into twenty rings in total.

Lin Mu's opponent is a seductive nun with a vixen-like cheek.

The seductive female cultivator looked at the trees, and lightly shook the veil on her body, revealing a large area of ​​snow white, and her slender beautiful legs emitted a dazzling white light in the air.

"Brother, can you let me advance? As long as you let me advance, I will be yours. You can play however you want, okay?" The seductive nun looked at Lin Mu with a charming look and said .

Lin Mu looked at her and said lightly, "Not good!"

Obviously, this is also a monk who practiced charm skills, but her charm skills are too vulgar and not popular at all.

What's more, for those who can stand out from 10 people, how can there be people with weak wills.

"Little brother, think about it, even if you enter the medicine school, you may not be able to find the treasure medicine, but you can develop the treasure in my body at any time."
Lin Mu shook his head and said, "If you want to do it, you'd better hurry up, I have limited time."

Seeing that Lin Mu's true heart could not be shaken, the female cultivator's eyes became sharper, and she said: "Brother, this is your choice. Since you don't want to be my bed guest, then I can only let you be my skirt." To hell."

After finishing speaking, the female cultivator suddenly threw out a large handful of pink powder.

"Acacia breaks up!"

The sharp-eyed monk immediately recognized what the powder thrown by the nun was.

"There is such a thing in the cultivation world, where did she get it?"

Hehuansan is the treasure of the town religion of the long-disappeared Hehuan sect.

The Hehuan Sect is also a Nine-Star Sect, but the exercises they practice are too sinister.The male disciples in the sect use the female cultivators as the cauldron, while the female cultivators use the male cultivators as the cauldron. Together with their treasures of the town teaching, they are called Shuangxiu. In fact, they completely drain the essence of each other.

With this kind of practice, the cultivation base will improve very quickly.The Hehuan Sect was once at its peak in the cultivation world, and even the Emperor Sect had to be allowed a bit of it at its peak.However, this kind of heyday brought about endless sinister killings.

It is precisely because of the various sinister and evil deeds of the Hehuan Sect that ten thousand years ago, the monks in the comprehension world united to destroy the Hehuan Sect, and the whereabouts of Hehuan San are also unknown.

The reason why Hehuan San is called the treasure of the Hehuan Sect's township teaching is because Hehuan San can make any monk of any cultivation level, male or female, instantly have desires, and this desire will make you lose the ability to resist, and eventually become a cauldron. .

Even if you are good at good fortune and your cultivation is against the sky, if you are contaminated with a little bit of Hehuansan, you will not escape the bad luck of becoming a cauldron.

Standing on a high platform, Xu Mei looked at the trees wrapped in acacia, feeling nervous for a while, her hands unnaturally entangled with the corners of her clothes.

"He is your husband." Beside Xu Mei, a middle-aged beautiful woman with an extremely strong aura and noble temperament asked softly while looking at Lin Mu.

"Yes! Master!" Xu Mei was stunned for a moment, then replied in a low voice.

Middle-aged | The beautiful woman looked at Lin Mu for a while, nodded and said: "He is very good, he has fought all the way, and he didn't even show half of his strength, so you don't have to worry about him."

After a pause, the middle-aged|beautiful woman said: "Is your husband really unwilling to join the Heavenly Girl Sect?"

Xu Mei nodded and said, "Yes."

Middle-aged|beautiful woman, said: "Xu Mei, your aptitude is the best I have seen in a thousand years, and you are born with a beautiful body. Although my Heavenly Girl Sect does not have top-level charm skills, but you practice the skills of my Heavenly Girl School, the future Achievements are also unlimited, you have to think about it carefully.”

Xu Mei said firmly: "Thank you for your training, Master, but I have already decided that as long as my husband comes to pick me up, I will definitely leave with my husband."

"Hey!" The middle-aged|beautiful woman sighed, and said: "Your husband is now being hunted down by the Blood Building, no matter how strong he is, it will be difficult to escape. The power of the Blood Building is beyond what you can imagine. Even as a teacher, I don’t want to provoke the Blood Tower.”

"What!" Xu Mei couldn't help but be surprised when she heard her master's evaluation of the blood building, and then hurriedly said: "Please master to save my husband."

The middle-aged|beautiful woman said: "If your husband is determined not to join the Heavenly Girl Sect, even I can't intervene. You may not know that there is an agreement between the Emperor Sect and the Blood Tower. They will not interfere with each other. I think your husband may have kept you in the Tiannvzong because of this consideration."

After hearing what her master said, Xu Mei's face turned pale.

Xu Mei didn't expect that the Blood Building would have such strength, and even reached a non-interference agreement with Emperor Zong in private.

If the strength of Xuelou is really comparable to that of Emperor Zong, then Lin Mu is no match at all.

Xu Mei may not understand the Blood Building, but Xu Mei knows the strength of Emperor Zong, just how powerful it is.

The strength of Emperor Zong is not as outsiders guessed. The power of Emperor Zong is far beyond outsiders' guesses, and the Blood Building can reach an agreement with Emperor Zong. Obviously, the strength of Blood Building is not inferior to Emperor Zong.

How could Lin Mu have a chance of winning when he faced the blood tower that was not inferior to Emperor Zong alone.

"Master!" Xu Mei was about to tell Lin Mu everything, but found that she couldn't move.

Middle-aged | The beautiful woman sighed, and said: "Xu Mei, don't blame Master for being selfish, I think your husband will understand Master's choice. If your husband can escape the pursuit of the blood building, Master will definitely not It will stop the two of you from being together."

Hearing her master's words, two tears fell down Xu Mei's cheeks.Seeing Lin Shu who was fighting on the ring, Xu Mei's lips were tightly pursed.


Facing Hehuansan on the ring, Lin Shu just flicked his sleeves, and a strong wind blew away all the Hehuansan.

"This kind of trick is useless to me, show your strength, otherwise you will never be able to show it." Lin Mu said lightly.

A trace of shock also flashed in the eyes of the seductive female cultivator when she saw that she had broken through the forest where she was in love with her understatement.

"Hehehe!" The seductive woman Xiumei laughed three times, and suddenly her arm trembled, and the clothes all over her body flew away like butterflies, and her perfect ketone body was exposed in front of Lin Shu without reservation.

I have to say that the figure of the seductive female cultivator is definitely the hottest Lin Mu has ever seen.

Plump double peaks, Hunyuan legs, and upright buttocks, each has a fatal temptation for men.

She didn't have any distracting thoughts about Lin Mu, but the male cultivators who watched the battle below already had a sinister gleam in their eyes.


The seductive female cultivator suddenly spun around, circles of pink radiated from her body, forming a seductive field.

"Acacia sect's must-kill stunt, red|pink skull!" The monk below exclaimed again.

"She got the inheritance of the Hehuan Sect!"

Before she used Hehuansan, many people already had such speculations.Now she is using Hehuanzong's stunt again, which is even more affirmative.

The red|pink skull is the secret skill of the Acacia Sect. In this pink area, no matter whether a monk or a monk, male or female, as long as it is contaminated with a little bit, he will immediately burn himself with desire|fire and eventually turn into a pile of bones.

The desire | fire in the pink area is not just, it is just a literal meaning, it is the real desire | fire, a flame that can burn people's inner desires, very weird and mysterious.

This desire | fire may be extremely dangerous to others, but to Lin Mu, who has the sky fire, any flame is not enough to see in front of Lin Mu.

"Play with fire with me, then I will teach you how to play with fire?" Lin Mu sneered and punched out directly.

"Flame wave!"

Lin Mu let out a low growl, and layers of fire wolves spread out, swallowing up the pink area of ​​the seductive female cultivator in an instant.

"Sky Mars Nuclear Flame!"

The monk below, seeing Lin Mu's punch, screamed again.

Flowing frost and sky fire, forest trees are used to temper the stone tires for Taoist Guang, but the star core flame is enough to deal with the female cultivator in front of him.

Seeing the three layers of flame waves spreading, the female cultivator also had a look of despair in her eyes.

Desire|Huo is in front of Tianhuo, not even a younger brother.

Without any doubts, the female cultivator was swallowed by the flames, not even a bit of bone dross was left.

In this competition, someone is allowed to fall, and the female cultivator has no intention of letting Lin Shu go, so Lin Mu will naturally not accept it.

(End of this chapter)

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