Supreme Chef

Chapter 710

Chapter 710
The fire that filled the sky instantly evaporated the entire sea of ​​blood.

How can the power of the second-level Frost Skyfire be comparable to that of the first-level Star Core Flame.The power of the second-level Frost Skyfire is even stronger than that of the general third-level Earth Fire.In the world of comprehension, it definitely belongs to the top flame, and Tianhuo's natural restraint against evil things also prevents the bloodline from fully displaying its strength.

The sea of ​​blood evaporated instantly, not even a drop of blood remained.The killer of the blood building was also a little dazed looking at the emptiness in front of him.

However, Yan Lang's power did not allow him to spend so much time in a daze.


The flame wave continued to unfold, and the killer of the blood building also quickly pulled back, not daring to stay where he was.

After withdrawing from Baizhang one after another, he managed to avoid the envelope of the flame wave.

With a wave of the knife, the killer of the blood building chopped off the charred clothes.

Looking at the completely boiling magma on the ground, for the first time, the Blood Tower Killer showed a serious expression in his eyes.

After fighting for so long, it was also the first time Lin Mu saw the killer of the blood building, and there was even a change of mood.


Lin Mu didn't give the blood floor killer time to react, and took the initiative to bully him.

The formation of knives condensed between the raised hands.

When the knife array fell, seventy percent of the elixir here was destroyed in an instant, and nearly five feet of soil was blown away from the ground.

The killer in the blood building obviously also knew the power of the knife array, so he didn't dare to face it head-on, and also pulled back.

While retreating the killer from the blood building, he used the short blade in his hand to arrange a dense defensive saber aura in front of him to resist the attack of the saber array.

The cultivation level of the blood building killer is indeed the only one that Lin Mu has ever seen, and the short blade in his hand is also extraordinary.

But for those who want to kill him, Lin Mu will not show mercy just because he admires them.

While the saber array was sweeping across, Lin Shu also began to gather murderous aura, ready to slash the second sky splitting knife.

But just when Lin Shu gathered his murderous aura, he suddenly became alert.

There was a flash of brilliance in his eyes, and a white light instantly passed through the knife array without hindrance, and hit his chest.

The speed of this light was so fast that Lin Shu had no time to react, so he could only do his best to avoid the vital parts.


The white light pierced through Lin Shu's shoulder blades in an instant, leaving a terrifying blood hole on Lin Shu's shoulder.There was a strange energy riot in the blood hole, even with Lin Shu's flawless body, it couldn't heal instantly.

You must know that Lin Mu is now in the middle stage of the flawless body, even an eighth-rank Lingbao can hardly hurt Lin Mu's body.

But the white light was not only fast enough, but also extremely powerful. The moment it came into contact with it, it had already caused heavy damage to the trees.

"Forbidden weapon!" Lin Mu glanced back, and the eyes of the thing that was floating behind him, which hurt him, could not help but tighten.

The so-called forbidden weapon is a magic weapon that is extremely powerful but has a limited number of uses.

Forbidden weapons are very rare and rare, mainly because the materials used to make forbidden weapons are all top-notch.

If there were really top-level materials, no one would be so extravagant. Instead of using these top-level materials to refine top-level spirit treasures, they just refined a forbidden weapon.

But once it is refined into a forbidden weapon, its power is extremely powerful.Definitely the best way to kill someone.

Just like the dagger in front of Lin Mu, although it is only a seventh-rank spiritual treasure, it is because it is a forbidden weapon.The power that can be exerted is even better than that of the ninth-rank Lingbao, so Lin Mu suffered heavy losses without checking for a while.

In fact, the Blood Tower Killer was even more shocked than Lin Mu.

This forbidden weapon was specially given to him by the elders, and he didn't even bother to bring it out.Because in his opinion, as long as the forbidden weapon is released, Lin Shu will definitely die, and there is no need to do it himself.

But looking at it now, things are not what I thought at all.It's not that I bring too many things, but that I bring too few things.

I have used all my means, and even took out the forbidden weapon, but Lin Shu was only severely injured.

He couldn't be more clear about the power of the forbidden weapon.If the forbidden weapon hits him, he will definitely die.

All the thoughts flashed through his mind.

Picking up his hand formula, he was going to take back the forbidden weapon and give Lin Mu a fatal blow.

But how could Lin Mu give him this chance, Lin Mu snorted coldly and said, "I want to take it back, you think so beautifully!"

Lin Mu instantly sacrificed several divine consciousness knives, cutting off all the connections around the forbidden weapon.Then he sacrificed the shield of consciousness again to completely cover the forbidden device and cut off all contact with the outside world.

Lin Shu doesn't have time to refine it now, but he will definitely not let it be used by others.

Feeling that he lost contact with the forbidden device, the killer of the blood building also shuddered suddenly.

When he saw Lin Mu's divine consciousness skill instantly sacrificed, he knew that Xue Lou's understanding of Lin Mu was far from enough, and Lin Mu's strength had far exceeded Xue Lou's maximum expectation.

"Shh! Shh!"

After controlling the forbidden weapon, Lin Mu no longer hesitated, raised his hand and shot three more divine senses, and shot towards the killer in the blood building.

The killer of the blood building was able to play all of Lin Mu's cards, which Lin Mu had never thought of before.

Spiritual consciousness came and went without a trace, and the speed was not much slower than the forbidden weapon.In the blink of an eye, it had already pierced into the blood floor killer's body.


A big mouthful of blood was spat out, and the face of the killer in the blood building became extremely pale, and at the same time, the panic in his eyes also appeared.

In addition to seriously injuring the body, the Divine Consciousness Gun can also severely injure the Consciousness Sea.The shock of the Sea of ​​Consciousness made the Blood Tower Killer even stand a little unsteadily.

Taking advantage of the unsteady foothold of the killer in the blood building, Lin Mu shot out several consecutive divine sense knives.



In an instant, three terrible wounds were added to the body of the blood building killer.


Seeing that he was invincible, the blood building killer didn't stop for a moment, turned around and ran away, without hesitation at all.

Lin Mu was also taken aback when he saw the killer from the blood building running away.

Because according to the information obtained by Lin Mu, the killer of the blood building will never escape before completing the task.

But seeing him running away, Lin Mu didn't intend to let him go. If he couldn't be dealt with at such a good opportunity here, there would definitely be endless troubles if he was left behind.

Lin Mu received the forbidden weapon into the chaotic world, and then flew to follow.

The area of ​​the pharmacy is also extremely large, it is not just a small courtyard.

There are many mountains and mountains in the medicine hospital.

Although the speed of the Blood Tower Killer was extremely fast, Lin Mu's speed was even faster, and soon the distance between the two was shortened to within the range that Lin Mu could attack.



Lin Mu once again sacrificed his divine sense gun.

The divine sense pierced through the blood building killer's body in an instant, causing his already severely injured body to suffer another serious injury.



The Blood Tower Killer spat out two mouthfuls of blood again, his body trembling even more.

Seeing Lin Mu attacking him again, the Blood Tower Killer also burned his blood, fled frantically, and distanced himself from Lin Mu again.

The two chased and fled, the mountain under their feet retreated rapidly, and soon the two had already entered the medicine courtyard.


Just when Lin Mu was about to deal a fatal blow to the killer of the blood building, suddenly in his consciousness, a group of people blocked the way forward for himself and the killer of the blood building.

(End of this chapter)

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