Supreme Chef

Chapter 711 The Shame of the Blood Building

Chapter 711 The Shame of the Blood Building
The killer in the blood building slowed down when he saw the group of people in front of him.

Lin Mu frowned slightly as he looked at the group of people on the opposite side, and his speed slowed down accordingly.

There were a total of eight people on the opposite side, and the leader was a young man with a face like a crown of jade, but an unruly expression.

Of course, his unruly nature also has his capital.The genius disciple from the Emperor's sect, whose cultivation has long been able to break through the nirvana, only for today's medicine school, so he suppressed it with all his strength.The actual strength is not at all weaker than the powerhouses of the third level of Huashen, half a point weaker.

Such a genius, he deserves to be proud of himself, but in Lin Mu's view, such pride is too childish.

"Kill him, and you can enter the blood furnace of the blood building." The blood building has obviously reached an agreement with them.

Only then did Lin Mu understand that the Blood Building had prepared double insurance for itself.

The first insurance is naturally this killer from the blood building, if he can't deal with himself.The agreement reached between Xuelou and Emperor Zong, that is, the second layer of insurance will also work.

I don't know if the blood furnace is Lin Mu, but it must be something that can make even Emperor Zong's heart move.

"The Blood Tower claims to never miss, why can't even deal with such a small character." The leading disciple of the Emperor Sect said sarcastically at the killer of the Blood Tower.

The killer in the blood building didn't answer, but stood behind guardingly, staring at Lin Shu closely while recovering from his physical injuries.

Seemingly getting no response, Emperor Zong's disciples also felt very bored.

Turning his head to look at Lin Mu, the disciple of the Emperor Sect said, "You should know who we are? If you don't want to suffer, you'd better catch your hands, otherwise we will make your life worse than death."

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "The disciples of the Emperor Sect of the East are willing to serve as dogs for the Blood Building. It seems that I was wrong. The real power in Dongxuan Continent is not the Emperor Sect, but the Blood Building."

"Boy, you want to die, dare to insult my emperor's reputation!" A disciple of the Emperor's sect standing behind the leader yelled, and attacked Lin Mu.

The leader, Lin Mu, was still a little apprehensive. Lin Mu didn't even bother to look at these lackeys.

Regardless of the fact that everyone is also Nirvana Consummation, there are also different levels of Nirvana Consummation.

Lin Mu is obviously the existence of the ninth class. As for this person who came up blindly and arrogantly, it is reluctant to say that he is the sixth class.

Although Lin Mu is seriously injured now, it is more than enough to deal with such a cultivator who is barely a sixth-class monk in the Nirvana Realm.

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu didn't bother to fight against someone who came up to die like this, and just threw out a Wuhuang fist.

In the direction of the fist wind, a huge killing area is slowly forming. This is precisely because of the improvement of Lin Shu's cultivation base, the changes slowly produced by Wuhuangquan.

After this killing domain is completely formed and perfected.Lin Mu's Wuhuang Fist can also be renamed the Wushen Fist.However, with the current prototype, there is still a long way to go before becoming a complete killing domain.

However, it is obviously enough to deal with the disciple of Emperor Sect in front of him.

Although the killing domain is still in its infancy, the disciples in the killing domain are not masters.

In just an instant, he felt cold all over his body, and his whole body fell into the ice cave.The body is also slowly losing consciousness, and at the same time, the ability to move is also slowly disappearing.

Seeing Lin Mu's fist getting closer and closer to him, a fear of death rose in his heart.

He couldn't remember how long he hadn't felt this way. As a seed disciple of Emperor Zong, he was respected no matter where he went. Not to mention the threat of death, he had already forgotten the feeling of being threatened. What is it like.

All these thoughts were in his mind, passing by like lightning, and the next moment his sea of ​​consciousness stopped thinking.


Lin Mu punched his body to pieces, and Nascent Soul and Sea of ​​Consciousness also shattered.

He killed a seed disciple of the Emperor Sect with a single punch, which made the rest of the Emperor Sect disciples who had ridiculed Lin Mu just now have solemn expressions.

With such strength, I am afraid that among all the disciples of the same level in the entire East Xuanzhou, there is no one to be found.

And the most important thing is that Lin Mu is obviously seriously injured, and he can still display such strength, which is even more shocking.

The killer of the blood building couldn't help but sneer when he saw the wonderful expressions of these self-righteous Emperor disciples.

These high-ranking disciples of the emperor's sect think highly of themselves, thinking that Lao Tzu is the best in the world.If they had seen how Lin Mu came all the way, and how he fought the blood building disciple, they would not have such thoughts.

"I didn't expect you to have some ability. It seems that I underestimated you, but you are worthy of being my opponent." After a short moment of astonishment, the leading disciple of the Emperor Sect also sneered.

For these disciples from Emperor Sect, Lin Mu was really speechless.Lin Mu had no idea where their sense of superiority and self-confidence came from.

"Stop talking nonsense. My time is limited. If you want to do it, you can do it together. If you don't, you can go away. Don't delay me from killing that bastard from the blood building." Lin Mu said.

"You killed my disciple of the Emperor Sect just now, and you are already doomed. You are still so arrogant, do you want us to work together to destroy you?" Another follower jumped out and shouted loudly.

Lin Mu sneered and said: "If you want to go together, just say so, there is no need to raise the banner like this."

Lin Mu has seen too much of Emperor Zong's despicableness. Ever since the four great emperors joined forces to chase down a little fairy, Lin Mu has seen too much despicableness of Emperor Zong.

"Looking for death!" The leading disciple of Emperor Zong roared, and then took the lead, leading the remaining six followers behind him, and rushed directly to Lin Mu.

Seeing these Emperor Sect disciples who had no sense of shame at all, he didn't show politeness to them, and directly took out the Heavenly Dragon Bow.

One-on-one Lin Mu is not afraid of these disciples of the emperor's sect. If a group of people go together, Lin Mu is really no match, not to mention that he is still seriously injured.

Seeing the Heavenly Dragon Bow that Lin Mu took out, the killer in the blood building couldn't help but tighten his eyes suddenly.The purpose of his coming out this time is for the things in Lin Mu's hands.

The seven Emperor Sect disciples saw Lin Mu take out the Heavenly Dragon Bow. Although they didn't know what level of treasure it was, they knew that the bow was definitely not simple just from the mysterious pattern.

Lin Mu took a deep breath and directly pulled the bowstring away.

The moment the bowstring was drawn, all the energy in Lin Mu's body flocked towards the Tianlong bow.

In an instant, a light arrow appeared on Tianlongkong's bowstring.

Looking at this light arrow with great coercion and overwhelming momentum, the disciples of Emperor Zong were all a little dumbfounded.

This kind of coercion and momentum is not something that people in the realm of extinction can possess, and even a strong man in the realm of transcending tribulation may not be able to block this arrow.

If they knew that before them, two masters of the Tribulation Realm had died under the Heavenly Dragon, they would not have wondered whether the masters of the Tribulation Realm could resist.

The killer of the blood building looked at the arrow that Lin Mu was about to shoot, and couldn't hide the fear in his eyes.

Such an arrow is definitely not something he can block. If Lin Mu had just taken out the Heavenly Dragon Bow, he might not even have time to escape.

"Emperor Sect is nothing more than that!" Lin Mu calmly uttered six words, and then gently let go of the bowstring.

The bowstring trembled slightly, causing a series of ripples.But the arrow of light passed through the body of a disciple of Emperor Zong in the blink of an eye.

The arrow of light passed through, and the vitality of this Emperor Sect disciple was instantly wiped out.However, the arrow of light did not stop, but passed through the body of a disciple again, and likewise lost all vitality in an instant.

After six times in a row, he finally arrived in front of the leading disciple of the Emperor Sect.

"I am the head of the Eastern Emperor, a direct disciple, you dare to kill me..." Before he finished speaking, the arrow of light passed through his body.

For this kind of person who did not forget to show off his identity when he was dying, Lin Mu also felt that death was not a pity.

In the end, the arrow of light flew in front of the Killer of the Blood Building, and the Killer of the Blood Building looked at the Light Arrow with ashes in his eyes.

He knew that he could not escape, and he could only accept his fate.At the same time, he also knew that his name would become a disgrace to the Blood Building, because he was the first assassin in the history of the Blood Building to fail.

(End of this chapter)

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