Supreme Chef

Chapter 712 Shameless and no lower limit

Chapter 712 Shameless and no lower limit
The arrow of light exploded, and the seven people, including the blood building killer, were all killed.

The powerful power of the light arrow caused the mountain peaks at the foot of the forest to be cut off by hundreds of feet.

Seeing the complete fall of the seven people, Lin Mu also heaved a sigh of relief.

The power of the light arrow is indeed great, but the consumption each time is also very huge.Every time it is used, it will completely evacuate all the aura in Lin Shu's body.

Basically, after Lin Shu shot an arrow, he had no power to fight anymore.

Lin Mu put away the unexploded storage ring, then hid directly, found a hidden place, hid and began to recover his body.

As a large amount of spiritual energy entered his body, Lin Mu's injuries improved little by little. After all, he has a flawless body, and his recovery speed is much stronger than that of normal people.

In just half a day, Lin Mu's injury has recovered as before.The aura on his body also recharged.

This battle not only allowed Lin Mu to understand more deeply, the power of the Heavenly Dragon Bow, but also allowed Lin Mu to realize the power of the Blood Tower one step closer.

The strength of the Blood Tower obviously exceeded Lin Mu's expectations, which sounded the alarm for Lin Mu, and at the same time let Lin Mu know how he should be more careful in dealing with the Blood Tower in the future.

As for killing those disciples of Emperor Sect, Lin Mu didn't take it seriously at all.

Emperor Zong was his opponent in the first place, so what if he killed their disciple now.And Lin Mu not only wanted to kill their disciples, but also planned to destroy the foundation of the Four Great Emperors in the cultivation world, making their disciples and grandchildren homeless.

"Senior, if the Chaos Qinglian is still in the Medicine Academy, where will it be hidden by the Medicine Sage?" Lin Mu left his hiding place and began to look for the Chaos Qinglian.

Dao Guang said: "I don't know much about the medicine sage, but if I were the medicine sage, I would definitely put the chaotic green lotus in a place that is safest but will not be noticed by everyone."

"The safest place that won't be noticed by everyone?" Lin Mu repeated what Taoist Guang said.

But thinking about it, Lin Mu couldn't figure out what this place was.

The blood spirit dragon also thought for a long time, and then kicked Taoist Guang's skeleton, saying: "The medicine courtyard is so big, where do you want us to find the safest place that will be least noticed by people."

Daoist Guang bared, and said: "If the Chaos Qinglian is so easy to find, then it will not be the spiritual root of heaven and earth, and the medicine sage is not worthy of being a medicine sage."

"Xiaolong, come out and search with me. Even if you can't find the chaotic green lotus, you can't waste this opportunity!" Lin Mu pulled the blood spirit dragon out of the chaotic world, and asked the blood spirit dragon to help him search together.

Taoist Guang also said: "The Medicine Sage has hidden a lot of good things in his medicine courtyard. Although the chaotic green lotus is the most precious, other things are equally precious. It will definitely be of great use to you in establishing a sect in the future." .”

"Wait! I want to smell it, the smell of Lingquan." Xue Linglong took two deep breaths and said to Lin Mu.

"Lingquan!" Lin Mu couldn't help being surprised when he heard Xue Linglong's words.

What Lin Mu needs most now is resources. If there is really a spiritual spring here, it will definitely be a great harvest.

The Blood Spirit Dragon carefully identified it for a while, then pointed with his hand, and said: "It should be over there, the smell is coming from that direction."

After hearing what the blood spirit dragon said, Lin Mu directly sacrificed the flying spirit treasure, and flew in that direction with the blood spirit dragon.

The pharmacy has only been open for three days, and it has been one day now, so Lin Mu can't help but speed up.

An hour later, Lin Shu flew Lingbao to the top of a canyon.

Looking down from a high altitude, a natural formation covered the entire canyon.

And under the cover of the formation, three "gurgling" spiritual springs flowing with spiritual liquid are watering the medicine fields in the canyon.

The medicinal materials in the medicinal fields are not cherished very much.Most of them are seventh-rank and eighth-rank elixirs, but because they are watered by spiritual springs all the year round, these elixirs grow extremely lush, and their medicinal effects are naturally extremely strong.

However, compared with the three-eyed spiritual spring eye, the value of these elixir seems a bit too thin.

You must know that a mouthful of spiritual spring eyes is enough to become the foundation of a nine-star sect's existence.And these three Lingquan eyes are obviously not low-level.

Looking at the past and present, the only one who can use three spiritual springs so extravagantly just to pour some common elixir is probably only the medicine sage.

"Do you really think that there are only ordinary elixir in there?" Taoist Guang asked as if he had read Lin Mu's mind.

Lin Mu said: "Is there anything else?"

Guang Dao said: "The three springs are obviously arranged arrays, and the empty space between the three springs should be the most precious thing in the whole medicine field."

"The most precious thing? Could it be the chaotic green lotus!" Xue Linglong's eyes lit up and he asked stupidly.

Guang Dao said: "Probably not, if it is so obvious, there is no need to arrange it."

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu looked forward to the things here even more.

When Lin Mu arrived here, two groups of people from outside and abroad were already confronting each other.

And one of them, Lin Mu even knew him.It was led by Wanting, a member of the Tiannv Sect.

As for the one on the opposite side, it can also be seen from the clothes that it is also from the Emperor Sect, a disciple of the Southern Emperor Sect.

The Southern Emperor and Lin Mu naturally had grudges, and Lin Mu naturally didn't have a good impression of their disciples.


"Junior Sister Wanting, since we discovered this place together, the things here will naturally be shared equally between the two of us. I don't think Junior Sister Wanting has any objections, right?" The leading male disciple of the Southern Emperor Sect looked Ruya said with cupped hands.

If such a proposal is seen by outsiders, there is naturally no problem.

But when Wanting heard such a proposal, her face turned livid with anger.

This was actually discovered by her Tiannvzong for the first time, and at the same time, the formation here was also cracked by the disciples of Tiannvzong who came in from generation to generation.

The main purpose of Wanting coming in this time is to get here, and then break the formation to take away the spirit spring and the elixir inside.

My sect has paid several generations, thousands of years of hard work and waiting, just for today's harvest.

As a result, the people of the Southern Emperor Sect, who did not know where they got the news, actually followed him quietly, and now they have the audacity to equally share the efforts of several generations of their sect.

"Hua Yangze, this is the hard work of several generations of seniors in my sect. If you want to share it equally, who do you think you are?" Both belong to the Emperor Sect, so naturally they are not afraid of the Southern Emperor Sect.

Hua Yangze smiled slightly and said, "Junior Sister Wanting, it's boring for you to say that. You said that this is the hard work of several generations of your Tiannvzong, but do you have any evidence? I also said that this is my Southern Emperor The efforts of several generations of Zong?"

"You..." Wanting is obviously not good at sophistry. Of course, the most important thing is that Wanting is not as shameless as Hua Yangze.

"Junior Sister Wanting, let's leave you and me alone. Let's discuss how to break the formation here and take out the things inside?" Hua Yangze suggested proudly.

Hearing this, Wanting became proud instead, and said: "Only my Tiannvzong has the formation diagram here. Since you want to crack it, then you should do it first. We each rely on our own ability, whoever cracks the formation here first , who owns what’s here.”

Hua Yangze said: "Junior Sister Wanting, since your Celestial Girl Sect has obtained the formation map by accident, this is better. It can save us a lot of trouble. You take out the formation map, and we will be responsible for the effort. At that time, we can save the things here. Take some. Is that fair?"

" are shameless!" Wanting really did not expect that Hua Yangze would be so shameless.

"I won't take out the Huayangze array map today. I would rather not have the things in this array, and I won't make you cheap for nothing."

Hua Yangze's face sank, and he said, "Junior Sister Wanting, I have magnanimously given up the benefits we deserve. If you still don't plan to cooperate, Junior Sister Wanting, then we can only be sorry."

When Wanting heard Hua Yangze's words, she snorted coldly and said, "Hua Yangze, don't you still want to do it?"

Hua Yangze, said: "Junior Sister Wanting, although it is said that the Pharmacy Academy is not a place of great danger, but it is normal to die, I think you don't want to fall here, Junior Sister Wanting."

"If you have the ability, try it yourself!" Wanting also lost her temper.

(End of this chapter)

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