Supreme Chef

Chapter 713

Chapter 713
Hua Yangze looked at Wanting unscrupulously, and said, "Junior Sister Wanting, do you know how many people are coveting you?"

Wanting snorted coldly, and said: "Hua Yangze, these indiscriminate means are useless to us at all, you can fight if you want!"

Hua Yangze made two noises, and said: "Not necessarily. Junior sister Wanting, don't you think the current atmosphere is very suitable for us to spend time together?"

Looking at Hua Yangze's expression, Wanting suddenly realized something, her face changed suddenly, and she said, "Hua Yangze, you are despicable, you actually poisoned the air."

Hua Yangze said with a chuckle: "Junior Sister Wanting, don't be nervous, this poison is harmless, it won't kill you, and it will make you ecstatic."

"Hua Yangze, are you doing this to start a war with our Celestial Girl Sect?" Wanting snapped.

Hua Yangze laughed and said: "Junior Sister Wanting, there is no news from the pharmacy. Even if you can't leave the pharmacy in the end, no one will suspect us."

"If you say that, I'm very relieved." As soon as Hua Yangze finished speaking, another voice suddenly rang out.

"Who?" Hua Yangze shouted loudly when he heard that there were still people here.

Lin Mu slowly showed his figure, and slowly stood in front of everyone in Huayangze.

"Who are you?" Hua Zeyang looked at the trees and asked vigilantly.

I didn't notice the existence of Lin Mu at all just now. Obviously, Lin Mu's concealment technique is extremely clever, and at the same time, his strength is likely to be higher than his own.

Seeing that it was Lin Mu, Wanting couldn't help being surprised, and said, "Lin Mu is you!"

In fact, Wanting never thought that Lin Mu could break into the top ten and still get here.

As for the jade slips he sent to Lin Mu, he never thought that Lin Mu would contact him, and all of that was just to save Xu Mei's face.

Lin Mu turned his head and glanced at Wanting, arched his hands and smiled, and said, "Senior Sister Wanting."

Looking at Lin Mu, Wanting suddenly thought of something, and said anxiously: "Lin Mu, hurry up, you are not their opponent. You leave here quickly, and after you get out, you must tell me what happened here, Master, Master He will definitely make the decision for us.”

Hua Yangze sneered, and said, "You still want to leave after coming, don't you think it's too late?"

Lin Mu looked at Hua Yangze, shook his head, and said: "Emperor Zong has such virtues, so I really want to feel sad for your old man. It seems that I don't need to do anything at all. Your foundation will also be destroyed by yourself. ruined."

"You're not ashamed to say that you want to destroy the foundation of my emperor's sect. I think you are looking for death!" A person following Hua Yangze yelled and rushed towards Lin Mu.

"Ling Mu be careful, he is the emperor's seed disciple, you..." Wanting hadn't finished her reminder when she saw a strange scene, her small mouth suddenly opened wide, and she couldn't say a word.

I saw Lin Mu firmly grasping the fist of the Emperor Sect disciple with one hand, and then with a light flick of his wrist, he easily threw the disciple to the ground.

"Boom!" Lin Mu stepped on the opponent's head, and said disdainfully: "If you don't know the depth, if you dare to do it, it's useless to keep your pig brain."

As soon as the words fell, Lin Mu crushed his head with his foot without any hesitation.

It seems that what Lin Mu killed was not a disciple of Emperor Zong, but just A Mao and A Gou.

Wanting stood behind Lin Shu, staring dumbfounded. Lin Shu's strength completely exceeded her expectations.

"Such strength, I'm afraid only the great emperor sects, those evildoers who never come out and are hidden in secret can have it." Wanting looked at Lin Mu, thinking secretly in her heart.

Although only seed disciples and core disciples were able to enter the Medicine Academy, the truly powerful disciples did not enter.

Most of these disciples will be trained as future masters, and they will not come out and walk around on weekdays.

And for these disciples who don't come out and walk around, everyone's talent is almost monstrous.Coupled with the full cultivation of God's Zong resources, it is difficult for them not to be strong.

In fact, Hua Yangze also had the same idea, the strength of Lin Shu was indeed somewhat beyond his expectations.

Hua Yangze even felt that his elder brother, who was called the number one genius disciple under the Southern Emperor, might not be as strong as Lin Mu.

"It's your turn, you go together, or one by one." Lin Mu said lightly.

"Go! Kill them!" Hua Yangze was also very decisive. The matter had reached this point, and it was obviously impossible to retreat.

"Lin Mu, I will block Hua Yangze for you, and you help the others to deal with the rest first." Wanting also quickly said to Lin Mu.

But Wanting didn't wait to move, she was stopped by Lin Mu, and said: "I'll deal with Hua Yangze, you just need to help me stop the rest of the people for half an hour."

After talking about Lin Shu, he soared into the sky and attacked Huayangze.

Seeing Lin Mu attacking him, although Hua Yangze was a little apprehensive.However, he still let out a low growl and attacked.

Compared with the killer in the blood building, Hua Yangze's strength is a bit weaker.

Although Hua Yangze also has the strength to leapfrog challenges, but his opponent is a monster who is even more wicked than him.

Hua Yangze watched the forest attack, his hands changed rapidly, and soon a divine formation appeared in the void.

This is the housekeeping skill of the Southern Emperor Sect, Transversing the Void.

Nandi is the only one among the great masters in the fairy world who has become a great emperor with a formation.

No one in the entire fairy world can match his formation skills.

According to the rumors, the reason why the Southern Emperor had such a high level of attainment in formations was because he once entered a divine formation by mistake when he was in the realm of comprehension.

It is reasonable to say that there is death but no life if you stray into the divine formation, but the chance of the Southern Emperor is profound.Not only did he not fall, but he got the inheritance of the divine formation. Since then, the cultivation of the formation has been astonishing.

The "Transverse Void" evolved from the Divine Formation is even more so, almost invincible in the fairy world.

Lin Mu had personally seen the Transcending Void that Nandi himself had evolved, and when the Divine Formation came out, it really isolated the entire Void.

Anyone who falls into the divine formation, whether you are an immortal emperor or a great emperor, has absolutely no possibility of surviving.

Of course, Hua Yangze's magic formation is completely incomparable with the Southern Emperor.

Hua Yangze's magic formation doesn't even have a millionth of the power of the Southern Emperor.However, for those below the God Transformation Realm, even monks at the God Transformation Realm, the power of this formation is extremely huge.

The thunder rumbled in the divine formation, and the rudiments of the mountains and rivers were also hazy, as if it formed a killing world by itself, which was daunting.

But Lin Mu was not afraid of it.

"Crack the sky!"

"Break the formation!"

When Lin Shu raised his hand, a knife array was formed in an instant.

The attack power of the sword array is stronger than that of the god array, of course, this is also because of the stronger strength of Lin Shu.

Hua Yangze's eyes also tightened when he saw that Lin Mu raised his hand to form a saber array.

Wanting, who was resisting the other disciples of the Southern Emperor Sect below, was shocked again when she saw Lin Mu's strong performance.


The sword formation rushed into the god formation in an instant, and the sword formation's saber energy was tyrannical. The moment it rushed into the god formation, it began to resist all the killing formations in the god formation.



The tyrannical saber energy, like a round of world-destroying sun, will instantly melt any killing moves that come into contact with it.

The saber formation raged in the divine formation, and it was an irresistible force to destroy the world.


In just a dozen or so breaths, the divine formation was completely shredded by the saber formation, and rushed towards Huayangze with still power remaining.



When Hua Yangze saw the saber formation attacking, he also formed several formations in a row, and at the same time, the formation plate in his hand was constantly thrown out to resist the killing formation.


Before Hua Yangze's formation was finished, Lin Shu's Sky Splitting Second Slash had already been slashed head-on.

Once Li Tian slashed, it was enough to make Hua Yangze flustered.For the second cut, Hua Yangze didn't even have the ability to resist, so he was split in half by the trees.

Hua Yangze was split in half from the middle, and even Nascent Soul and Divine Consciousness didn't have time to escape.

The leading figures have all been beheaded by manpower.How can the rest of the people still have the confidence to fight.

But now it was completely out of their hands, and the trees fell from the sky.

With a strong capital, assist Wanting to kill all the remaining people.

"Thank you, Brother Lin!" Seeing Lin Mu's strength, Wanting couldn't continue calling Lin Mu anymore.

Lin Mu smiled honestly, not at all as strong as before, and said gently: "Senior Sister Wanting, you still call me Lin Mu, I'm more used to it."

Wanting is not hypocritical, said: "Okay! Lin Mu!"

Wanting paused for a moment, and said: "We are all poisoned by Lin Mu now. If we can't break through this formation, we have to wait another thousand years. Lin Mu, can you help us break through the formation? I can decide to destroy the things here. Give you a third."

(End of this chapter)

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