Supreme Chef

Chapter 717 The Third Spiritual Root

Chapter 717 The First Spiritual Root
The method of shrinking the ground into an inch is extremely difficult in the eyes of others.But for Lin Mu, who masters the rules of space and speed at the same time, shrinking the ground to an inch is not so difficult.

In the Tower of Time, after several days of practice, Lin Mu finally mastered the secret of shrinking the ground to an inch.

This added another trick for Lin Mu to escape in the future.

However, with Lin Shu's current cultivation base, shrinking the ground to an inch is at most shrinking a thousand miles to an inch. As for the realm of shrinking a world to an inch, Lin Shu is still far behind.

Walking out of the time tower, Taoist Guang and Xue Linglong also stepped forward to ask, "How is it?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "No problem."

Then Lin Mu dodged directly and rushed in from the crack in the formation.

No matter how this crack appeared, it was a shortcut to the chaotic green lotus.

After Lin Shu entered the crack, he immediately pinched his hands and began to move forward with the method of shrinking the ground to an inch.

Shrinking the ground to an inch is indeed the only way to cross the space, but the disadvantage is that it consumes too much spiritual energy.

Almost every time the ground shrinks, it will consume one tenth of the aura of the trees.

And most importantly, although this is a flaw in the entire formation.But that doesn't mean it's not far away.

After shrinking the ground to an inch more than ten times in a row, Lin Shu also felt a burst of emptiness in his veins.

However, for the sake of Chaos Qinglian, Lin Mu directly took out a large pile of high-grade spirit stones, and then directly began to burn the spirit stones to start shrinking the ground into an inch.

Tens of thousands, tens of thousands of high-grade spirit stones were turned into ashes in front of Lin Shu.But Lin Shu didn't feel distressed at all, and if he could burn faster, Lin Shu would be even more generous.

The land kept shrinking into inches for an hour in a row, and Lin Mu no longer knew how much he had traveled.Lin Mu felt that the distance he had shrunk to an inch in an hour was almost enough to cross a continent.

But even so, Lin Mu felt that the distance between himself and Chaos Qinglian hadn't shortened much.

The time to close the distance is getting closer and closer.Lin Mu also gritted his teeth, and began to burn spirit stones double, triple, or even five times, regardless of the capacity of his tendons.

Under such a desperate rush, Lin Mu finally felt that he and Chaos Qinglian were getting closer.


Finally, when Lin Mu's tendons almost collapsed, Lin Mu felt his whole body loosen.Then I felt that my whole body was full of the aura of Dao, a feeling of being about to ascend at any moment, permeating the whole body of the forest.

Forcibly suppressing this thought, Lin Mu also looked at this chaotic green lotus, which was strictly protected by nine heavens and ten earths.

The chaotic green lotus looks no different from the ordinary lotus.However, since ancient times, the lotus flower has been the closest to the way of heaven, and the chaotic green lotus is the first lotus flower to appear in the world, and the avenues and ways contained in it can be imagined.

Lin Mu stared at the chaotic Qinglian in front of him with fiery eyes, and couldn't help reaching out to touch it.

As soon as he stretched out his hand, Lin Mu felt the endless fragments of the avenue merged into his body from his fingers.

As soon as these dao rhymes were integrated, Lin Mu couldn't help taking a deep breath, and a feeling of comfort permeated his whole body.

Lin Mu felt that he seemed to be unable to suppress his cultivation, and this was the terrifying aspect of Dao.

"Time is limited, quickly put away the chaotic green lotus." Taoist Guang reminded Lin Mudao.

Hearing Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu also quickly woke up, and at the same time forcibly suppressed his already perfected cultivation base, which could no longer be perfected.


Lin Mu let out a low growl, and then directly pinched his hands to transplant the entire chaotic green lotus into his chaotic world.

It's not that difficult to collect the chaotic green lotus, but if you think about it, it's an impossible task to get close to it. Is there any need to do something about collecting it?

The chaotic green lotus entered the chaotic world, and immediately swayed gently.The avenues began to pervade the chaotic world, and the chaotic world instantly became different.

The changes in the chaotic world also attracted the soul of the sleeping Tianlong bow nearby.

Tianlong Bow raised his head and glanced at Chaos Qinglian, then took a big gulp, swallowed a lot of Dao Yun, and then fell asleep again.

"This is simply a bandit!" Seeing what Tianlong Bow was doing, the Blood Spirit Dragon jumped and shouted.

After the chaotic green lotus was collected, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths formation also collapsed.

The big formation disappeared, and the whole space became clearer.

"It's time, hurry up and get out." Taoist Guang said again.

Lin Shu didn't have time to look for anything else, so he broke through the soil layer and rushed directly to the outside of the medicine courtyard.


Outside of the Medicine Academy, Wanting had already returned to the sect, and of course Wanting had told Master in detail about everything in the Medicine Academy.

After hearing Wanting's words, the suzerain of the Tiannv Sect showed a monstrous wrath on top of his good-looking face: "The Southern Emperor Sect is so bold that you dare to kill my disciple of the Tiannv Sect!"

Wanting said: "Master and disciples were able to escape this time, it is entirely due to Lin Mu, if Lin Mu hadn't arrived in time, the disciples might have met with disaster."

The head of the Tiannv Sect frowned slightly, and said, "Oh! It was Lin Shu who saved you!"

"Where is Lin Mu? Is he alright?" Xu Mei also asked eagerly when Wanting mentioned Lin Mu.

Wanting smiled and said, "Junior Sister Xu, don't worry, Lin Mu is very safe. In the medicine academy, no one can kill him. He is so powerful that I am surprised."

Hearing what his disciple said, the head of the Tiannv Sect also became interested, and said, "Tell me, how powerful is Lin Mu?"

Wanting said: "It's Master!"

Then Wanting explained Lin Mu's various performances to her master in detail.

"You said that Lin Mu's cultivation level can only be compared with those disciples trained by the Emperor Sect!" After hearing Wanting's words, the head of the Tiannv Sect couldn't help being moved.

Although she could see that Lin Mu had concealed his cultivation, she didn't know that Lin Mu had hidden more than what she saw.

Wanting nodded, and said: "Yes! Lin Mu was almost alone, sweeping the entire Southern Emperor Sect's disciples. And the disciples can see that his formation skills are at least higher than that of the formation master. It is Huatian's attainments in formation, I am afraid there is no way to compare with Lin Shu."

The lord of the Tiannu Sect frowned slightly after hearing Wanting's words, and said: "Wanting, Huatian's talent in formations is beyond what you can imagine, and you can't judge by what you see. "

"It's the disciple who found out!" Facing her master, even if Wanting wanted to defend Lin Mu, she didn't have the courage.

The suzerain of the Tiannv Sect paused for a moment, and said, "However, according to what you said, Lin Mu's potential is indeed very huge. In the entire Eastern Xuanzhou, there may really be only a few people, who can be compared with Lin Mu. "

The head of the Tiannv Sect actually underestimated Lin Mu. If she knew that Lin Mu was not only a patriarchal master, but also a half-immortal alchemist, and even the most promising person in the entire cultivation world to become a ninth-rank alchemist, she would probably not will be so calm.

"Why didn't Lin Mu come out with you?" Xu Mei also asked hastily when she finally caught her master's silence.

Wanting said: "Lin Mu said that he still needs to find some elixir in the pharmacy, so he didn't come out."

At the same time, in the place where the Eastern Emperor Sect was stationed, the suzerain of the Eastern Emperor Sect looked at the remaining eight disciples with a gloomy and terrifying expression.

"Why are there only eight of you coming out?" the head of the Eastern Emperor Sect asked in a cold tone.

"Sect Leader, we have also contacted Senior Brother Yun and the others, but we haven't heard anything back." One of them lowered his head and replied.

"What about the killer of the blood building?" the head of the Eastern Emperor Sect asked again.

"There is no news of the killer from the blood building. We have found the pre-agreed place, and there was a violent fight there. But we haven't found anyone's body. Brother Yun and the others may have..." The disciple said here, just I dare not continue to speak down.

Although Senior Brother Yun was not trained as the head of the Emperor Sect, Senior Brother Yun is the youngest son of the head.Originally, the head of the sect wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to send Senior Brother Yun to the blood furnace in the blood building to refine his cultivation to a higher level.

But he didn't expect that stealing the chicken would cost him nothing. Not only did he fail to send his son to the furnace of blood, but he even lost his son's life.

The head of the Eastern Emperor Sect was silent for ten breaths before asking in a cold tone: "Where is that forest?"

(End of this chapter)

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