Supreme Chef

Chapter 718 9 Dead 1 Life

Chapter 718 Nine Dead Lives

Hearing the master's tone, the disciples below shivered involuntarily, and said, "We didn't find any trace of Lin Shu either."

The head of the Eastern Emperor Sect suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "Go and call the people from the Blood Building."

In fact, there is one person who is more depressed than the head of the Eastern Emperor Sect, and that is the head of the Southern Emperor Sect who was wiped out by Lin Mu.

All the people from the other Emperor Sects came out, only their people, none of them came out.

The pharmacy is basically harmless. Although there is a possibility of falling, the chance of this is very small.

But if they haven't come out now, it basically means that their people have been wiped out, and all of them have fallen into the medicine academy.

Looking at the medicine academy that was about to close, the palm of the head of the Southern Emperor Sect made a 'crack bang' and 'crack bang' sound.

"Could the head be a member of the Tiannv sect..." an elder next to the head reminded in a low voice.

"Absolutely not. The things Yangze and the others carry are enough to restrain the members of the Tiannvzong. Moreover, Yangze's cultivation base can also steadily suppress the disciples of the Tiannvzong who entered this time." Southern Emperor Sect The head, staring at the pharmacy where the exit is getting smaller and smaller, said.

"If it's not a member of the Tiannv Sect, who else is it, someone who dares to touch my Emperor Sect so boldly?" The elder next to him also asked doubtfully.

After pondering for a while, the head of the Southern Emperor Sect said: "Send someone to the Tiannv Sect to inquire about the news, and see what happened to the disciples of the Tiannv Sect in the Medicine Academy."

"Yes!" The elder agreed, then turned around and went down to make arrangements.

Seeing the smaller and smaller entrance, Xu Mei felt restless like an ant in the heat.

Everyone had already come out, but she just didn't see Lin Shu.

But just when there was only a line left at the entrance, and everyone thought that no one would come out, suddenly a figure rushed out from the gap at lightning speed.

"Lin Mu!" Seeing this familiar figure, Xu Mei also jumped up excitedly.

When Wanting and the others saw that Lin Mu finally rushed out at the last moment, they also breathed a sigh of relief for Lin Mu.


However, before Lin Mu's footsteps could stand still, there were already people on the other side who couldn't wait to kill Lin Mu.

Lin Mu had already prepared for all this. Whether it was the people from the Blood Tower who killed him, or the people from the Eastern Emperor Sect, or the people from the Southern Emperor Sect, the forces behind these people would not let it go.

It can be seen from the momentum of this attack that the cultivation of the person who made the attack is at least above the tribulation realm.

Lin Mu also knew that he was no match for these people, but Lin Mu didn't intend to fight to the death.

Facing the opponent's attack, Lin Mu dodged directly and hid in the teleportation array leading to the Yaoyuan's teleportation array.


Seeing Lin Shu hiding in the teleportation array, the person who was ordered to attack also quickly changed direction and blasted the palm into the empty space.

The Medicine Academy is very important to the entire East Xuanzhou, and the teleportation array is the only way to get to the Medicine Academy.If he ruins it, let alone one self, even a hundred or a thousand selves will be torn to pieces.

A palm hit the empty space next to it, and immediately collapsed a hill, making the whole scene filled with dust.

"Dare to ask the senior who is attacking me, what mistake did this junior make? Senior wants to bombard and kill this junior when he comes out." Standing in the teleportation formation, Lin Mu asked loudly, without any trace of fear.

"You killed my Emperor Sect disciple, shouldn't you die!" A voice resounded in the audience, as if announcing Lin Mu's death.

Hearing this voice, Xu Mei was also anxious, and quickly asked her master for help, saying: "Master, please save my husband!"

The head of the Tiannv Sect looked at Lin Mu with a calm face, and admired Lin Mu's courage very much, but she was not optimistic about Lin Mu, and she was able to escape this time.

"It's not the Southern Emperor Sect's move, Master, I really don't want to intervene!" The lord of the Tiannv Sect also said with a sigh.

When Xu Mei heard her master's words, she also showed determination on her face, and said, "Okay! Since the master is not easy to make a move, then I will live and die with my husband!"

After Xu Mei finished speaking, she was about to fly in the direction of the teleportation array.

But just as she was about to fly away, she found that her body was restrained again.

Xu Mei stared at her master, resolutely said: "Master, it is useless for you to do this, even if you can restrain me this time. But if my husband dies, I will definitely not steal my life!"

Hearing Xu Mei's words, the head of the Tiannv Sect finally sighed, and said, "I promise you that when your husband is in a critical situation, I will save his life."

Before Xu Mei could speak, the head of the Tiannv Sect continued: "The only thing you can do as a teacher is to save his life. As for more, you can't do it as a teacher. This involves many agreements between Emperor Sects. There is no way for the teacher to destroy it."


"Haha! I deserve to die if I kill the disciples of the Emperor Sect, and I should be killed by the disciples of the Emperor Sect. There is such a reason in this world, do you really think that in this cultivation world, only your Emperor Sect can cover the sky with one hand!" Lin Mu stood On the teleportation array, said arrogantly.

Lin Mu's voice was like thunder, and everyone present could hear it clearly.

Lin Mu's words can be said to have spoken out the hearts of these small sects.But in this case, if it were them, they would definitely not have the courage to say it.

"Don't talk nonsense with him. Killing a disciple of the Eastern Emperor Sect is already a capital crime, and he is allowed to argue! Kill him on the teleportation platform!" Another person suddenly said.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "If you think you have the ability to kill me, then you can come. I guarantee that before I die, I will definitely be on this teleportation platform, and I will bring some of you bastards with me to be buried with me!"


Just as Lin Mu was yelling and cursing, a gust of evil wind suddenly blew up behind Lin Mu, and then Lin Mu didn't react at all, and was directly blasted away from the teleportation array.


This was so sudden that Lin Mu didn't realize it at all, and coughed up blood directly, and his face became extremely pale in an instant.

Lin Mu turned his head and saw where he was standing just now, an old man wearing a robe, whose face could not be seen clearly, and whose whole body seemed to be shrouded in blood, stood in his place.

"Blood building!" Looking at the old man, Lin Mu gritted his teeth and said these two words.

"Go to hell!" Seeing Lin Mu being blown away from the teleportation array, the two masters of the Eastern Emperor Sect also reacted instantly and attacked Lin Mu at the same time.

"Haha! If you want to kill me, then let's take you to die together!" Lin Mu laughed frantically three times, and then directly raised his aura violently, causing the catastrophe in an instant.


The ferocity and speed of the catastrophe completely exceeded everyone's expectations.

The two masters of the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect who took the initiative to attack the forest were already given a grand ceremony by the Heavenly Tribulation before they had time to withdraw.

In fact, all of this was planned by Lin Mu long ago. Lin Mu already knew that it was impossible for him to leave the medicine academy completely this time without fighting his own blood.

And your own cultivation base at this time, judging from the experts present, apart from detonating the catastrophe, and shocking everyone with your perverted cataclysm, I am afraid that there is no possibility of yourself surviving.

Originally, everything was in Lin Mu's plan, but the silent sneak attack of Xuelou, an old killer, completely exceeded Lin Mu's expectations.


The first wave of catastrophe fell, but this first wave of catastrophe shocked everyone.

"Eighteen Heavenly Tribulations! The first wave will be eighteen Heavenly Tribulations!"

"What kind of monster is this!"

In fact, it was not them who suffered the most, but the two monks of the Eastern Emperor Sect who accompanied Lin Mu through the tribulation.

Lin Mu's Heavenly Tribulation is abnormal, which means that their Heavenly Tribulation is also abnormal.

Not ready to cross the catastrophe at all, but passively crossing the catastrophe, the result is naturally conceivable.


It was just the first round of Heavenly Tribulation, and the two of them were already coughing up blood.

Because of his injury, Lin Mu also coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood under the first round of catastrophe.

However, the flawless body possessed by Lin Mu played a role at this time, and began to continuously absorb the lightning to repair himself.

"Flawless body!" Someone recognized Lin Shu's physique and exclaimed involuntarily.

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to everyone's shock, but directly took out Tianlongkong, and then pulled out the Tianlong bow under Jieyun, aiming at the residence of the Eastern Emperor Sect: "Since you want my life, everyone Let's die together!"

(End of this chapter)

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