Supreme Chef

Chapter 720 The Madman

Chapter 720 The Madman
The catastrophe is still going on, and there is no sign of interruption.

But at this moment, it was no longer Lin Mu who was going through the tribulation alone, but hundreds of people, accompanying Lin Mu to go through the tribulation together.

Moreover, these people are also the most powerful disciples and elders of Emperor Zong.

Such a scene is definitely enough to be recorded in the history books.

Hundreds of people crossing the catastrophe together, such a magnificent scene.Everyone who will be present is stunned.

As for the heads of the Eastern Emperor's Sect and the Southern Emperor's Sect, they both wanted to destroy Lin Shu's bones and ashes.

They have lived for so long and have seen shameless ones, but this is the first time they have seen such shameless Lin Mu.

"Emperor Zong nemesis!"

"The absolute nemesis of Emperor Zong!"

People quickly decided on the new name of Linshu.



The robbery clouds rolled, and soon the third wave of robbery thunder came down.

The cataclysm of forest trees became more perverted one after another.

Obviously, the Heavenly Tribulation in Transforming God Realm is just an ordinary Thirty-nine Heavenly Tribulation, but the power of Lin Mu's Heavenly Tribulation, even the Heavenly Tribulation in Transcendence Tribulation Realm, is not as strong.

That is Lin Shu's flawless body, otherwise it would have been transformed into another person, his body would have collapsed long ago.

The suzerain of the Tiannv sect looked at Lin Shu who was struggling to resist the catastrophe.Finally, I know why Wanting admires Lin Mu so much.

Lin Mu's catastrophe is indeed abnormal enough, but the more heaven-defying cataclysm, it proves that Lin Mu's future achievements will be more limitless.

"It seems that even those Xuezang disciples of the Emperor Sect can't compare with him. If this child grows up, he will definitely be the top master in the entire cultivation world!" The lord of the Tiannv Sect looked at Lin Mu and thought Silently shocked.

Glancing at Xu Mei who was already beside her with tears streaming down her face, the head of the Heavenly Girl Sect, said: "Xu Mei, it is for your own good to do this as a teacher. As a teacher, I promise you that as long as Lin Mu can survive this catastrophe, I will do it for you." Master will never prevent the two of you from being together."

Lin Mu's incomparably huge potential forced her to change her previous judgment.But at the same time, she is not optimistic about whether Lin Mu can survive this catastrophe.

Even if Lin Mu has survived the catastrophe, so what, a mere cultivator in the state of transformation, the elders among these Emperor Sects, can take out any one of them to eat Lin Mu.

When Xu Mei heard her master's words, she was also taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Master, what you said is true!"

The head of the Tiannv Sect nodded and said: "As a teacher, it is naturally true. As long as he can survive this calamity, as a teacher, he will never hinder you again."

Xu Mei said with firm eyes: "I believe in Lin Mu, and he can definitely survive this disaster."

Xu Mei has an almost blind confidence in Lin Mu. In Xu Mei's view, there is nothing Lin Mu can't do in this world.

Even in the face of the siege of the two emperor sects, Xu Mei still believed that Lin Mu could definitely escape.

For a full day, the catastrophe of Lin Shu still showed no signs of ending.

And the disciples and elders of the emperor's sect also accompanied Lin Mu through the catastrophe for a whole day.

The disciples of Emperor Zong are much stronger than those in Xijizhou.

Back then when Lin Mu led them through the catastrophe, most of them were killed or injured in just an instant.

But one day passed, and not a single person from Emperor Zong fell, and most of them were seriously injured.

This is the gap, this is the gap in the foundation of the sect.



With the No.20 seven waves of catastrophe falling, Lin Shu's catastrophe finally came to an end.

At this time, all the masters of Emperor Zong had already sharpened their knives, waiting for Lin Mu to survive the catastrophe, and they were ready to attack and kill Lin Mu together.


The last thunder fell, and Lin Mu forcibly carried it down with his flawless body.


The moment Lin Mu carried the Heavenly Tribulation down, Lin Mu's long-suppressed cultivation also broke through in response.

The cultivation base began to increase crazily, and in an instant, he had already rushed to the peak of the first layer of Huashen.

At this time, everyone in the Emperor Sect was also ready to attack.

"His catastrophe is not over yet, look at the catastrophe cloud in the sky, it hasn't dissipated yet!" Someone pointed at the top of his head and shouted loudly.

Everyone followed his voice, and they saw that Jieyun did not disperse, but tended to become more dignified.

"Could it be that another species of catastrophe has fallen, this forest is really going against the sky!" Someone made such an astonishing judgment.

In fact, if they knew that when Lin Mu passed through the Nirvana Small Heavenly Tribulation, a different kind of Heavenly Tribulation had already fallen, they wouldn't be surprised.

However, Lin Mu was somewhat surprised when another alien catastrophe came down.

Alien Heaven Tribulation, even many monster-level disciples, only landed once in their lifetime.

According to Lin Mu's knowledge, even many immortal emperor-level powerhouses in the fairy world have only experienced a different kind of catastrophe in their lifetime.

I really haven't heard of anyone. In this catastrophe, there will be alien catastrophes landing.

But the first time was over, and Lin Mu didn't care about the second time.And with the cover of the alien catastrophe, it was easier for Lin Mu to escape.

"Fire Sea Tribulation!"

Seeing the robbery clouds in the sky turn into billowing red, the entire sky looked as if it was on fire.

"Sure enough, it's a heterogeneous catastrophe!" The lord of the Tiannv Sect stared at the catastrophe cloud in the sky, and his face became a little more serious again.

Anyone who can fall into the catastrophe of a different species has already demonstrated his talent and how monstrous he is.

Lin Mu's previous performance had already made her change her mind, and now she has fallen into a different kind of catastrophe again, which made the suzerain of the Tiannv Sect have to reconsider.

With Lin Mu's monstrous performance, if Lin Mu really escaped this catastrophe, then Lin Mu's achievements in the future will be beyond her imagination.

At that time, if Lin Mu really rises strongly all the way, then the sky of Dongxuanzhou may really change.

"Behind the mountain of knives is a sea of ​​flames. Could it be that I have to cook oil in the future!" Looking at the bright red sky, Lin Mu couldn't help but think of it.

But regardless of whether the trees were depressed or not, the Fire Sea Tribulation had already slowly fallen.

This is a sea of ​​fire completely inspired by Heavenly Tribulation. In this sea of ​​fire, it has the characteristics of Heavenly Tribulation and at the same time has the power of Heavenly Fire.

It is so powerful, even if someone from the Transcending Tribulation Realm comes in, it is impossible to get half of the benefits.

However, compared to the mountain of swords, Lin Mu is more confident to survive the sea of ​​fire.

After all, there are two sky fires in Lin Mu's body.

No matter how powerful the fire sea is, it cannot be stronger than the sky fire.

"In this case, I will use fire to control fire!" Facing the sea of ​​fire, Lin Shu also burst out with strong self-confidence.


Lin Shu punched out directly, and waves of flames rolled out.

"Level [-] Skyfire!"

"Heaven Fire Cultivation Technique!"

People outside couldn't help but be shocked again when they saw the flame waves blasted by the trees in the sea of ​​flames.

In just one day of catastrophe, Lin Shu probably shocked them more than their entire life.

But Lin Mu didn't feel anything about all of this.Fighting the sea of ​​fire with sky fire is not only a way out of trouble for Lin Mu, but also a great opportunity to practice flame waves.

Yanlang only has three levels now, and the third level has not yet fully unfolded.

According to Lin Mu's own deduction at the time, this flame wave can definitely reach the ninth level of flame wave.

If the nine-fold flame wave is combined with the ninth-level sky fire, Lin Mu reckons that even if the sky is burned into a hole, it is not impossible.


The flame wave and the sea of ​​fire collided fiercely, and a powerful explosion occurred, and the flying flames almost melted the space.

Although the power of the sky fire is powerful, the flame wave is not complete.Moreover, the capacity of the sea of ​​fire is so large that it far exceeds that of the sky fire.

The quality is not good, but Huohai is better than the quantity.

The triple flame wave failed to break through the sea of ​​fire, but was swallowed by the sea of ​​fire instead.

But Lin Mu didn't panic either, instead he punched out the flame wave again.

This is an excellent place to practice moves, but Lin Mu doesn't want to miss it easily.

Seeing Lin Mu punching again and again, everyone finally understood what Lin Mu was doing.

Lin Mu is practicing his moves.

"Madman! This is definitely a lunatic! Under the alien catastrophe, there is still a mood to refine moves!" This is the only thought in everyone's mind at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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