Supreme Chef

Chapter 721 Disappeared under the nose

Chapter 721 Disappeared under the nose

But no matter what others think, Lin Mu's plan of practicing moves has not changed in the slightest.

The waves of flame spread out heavily, and then were slowly engulfed by the sea of ​​flames.

Then Lin Mu punched again, and then looked at Yan Lang again, being swallowed by the sea of ​​flames again.

Lin Shu just punched tirelessly like this, and every time he punched, it would bring waves of fire all over the sky, and the space would become more and more unstable.

Seeing Lin Mu rushing forward in the sea of ​​flames alone, everyone held their breath, not even daring to take a breath.

Finally, after throwing out countless punches, Lin Mu's third flame wave spread out in an instant, and at the same time, the embryonic form of the fourth flame wave suddenly appeared.

The power of the fourth layer of flame waves is indeed much greater than the power of the first three layers.But this is just a prototype, and there is still a long way to go when it really unfolds.

But when the fourth wave of flames unfolded, the sea of ​​fire calamity also came to an end.

Seeing the sea of ​​flames slowly dissipating, everyone was staring at the trees closely.

But they stared at the trees, not to see how the trees escaped from the flames.Instead, he wanted to see how Lin Mu and others escaped from Emperor Zong's grasp.

Lin Mu's potential has already been shown. For such a monster, if they were the head of the Emperor Sect, they would not let Lin Mu leave.

Letting such a monster like Lin Mu leave, they would be tantamount to digging their own grave.

With Lin Shu's strong potential, when Lin Shu grows up, it may be the end of the Emperor Sect.

All the masters of the Eastern Emperor Sect and the Southern Emperor Sect stared at Lin Shu nervously.

As long as the last sea of ​​flames dissipated, they would strike with thunder and completely kill the trees in their cradles.

"The sea of ​​fire dissipated!"

The last spark disappeared, and everyone stared nervously at the tree.

But the trees are also in front of everyone's eyes, slowly becoming illusory, and finally disappearing.

"It's gone!"

The trees suddenly disappeared, which made everyone panic.

Under the eyes of everyone, it just disappeared.

You must know that the people present here are the heads of the five emperor sects.

The five heads watched Lin Shu disappear, and they were all stunned.

For Lin Mu, the evildoer, the five of them have been staring closely.

But they stared like this, and the trees disappeared under their noses like this.

"What's going on!" The Eastern Emperor Sect and the Southern Emperor Sect said almost in unison.


"Space rules!"

These masters unleashed their divine senses, carefully explored all the spaces, and blurted out again in shock.

Lin Mu actually mastered the rules of space and could use teleportation, which completely exceeded their expectations.

But this also strengthened their determination to kill Lin Shu.

A person who has mastered the rules of space in the realm of transforming gods will grow up in the future. In this realm of comprehension, who else can control him.

"Find it for me!"

The head of the Eastern Emperor Sect also roared angrily.

This is simply a shame and humiliation. Under his nose, Lin Shu escaped like this.

Regardless of whether Lin Mu masters the spatial rules or not, the fact that Lin Mu escaped cannot be changed.

But he was angry, he wanted to find Lin Shu, and it was fine if he could find it.

Just now, Lin Mu used flame waves to attack the sea of ​​fire, which already made the area where the sea of ​​fire was located completely unstable.

These unstable spatial fluctuations have already offset the spatial fluctuations generated when Lin Shu escaped.

Even if they want to find trees now, they must first have trees, which escaped from that space fluctuation.

And they don't even know when Lin Mu escaped, and where Lin Mu is now, they don't know these things.


After three consecutive teleportations, Lin Mu finally found a safe place.

Spent his last bit of catastrophe.

After the catastrophe was over, the auspicious clouds descended.

The area of ​​the auspicious cloud this time is larger than the previous one, which of course means that it contains more essence of heaven.

Lin Shu absorbed everything in the auspicious clouds to his heart's content, and at the same time enjoyed the pleasure brought by his cultivation base.

Lin Shu's cultivation soared all the way, as if he was riding a rocket.

A level of transformation!
The pinnacle of the first layer of transformation!
The second floor of Huashen!

The pinnacle of the second floor of Huashen!

Three layers of God Transformation!

The pinnacle of the third level of God Transformation!

Just when Lin Mu thought that he could only triple jump at most this time, the last bit of auspicious cloud suddenly poured into Lin Mu's veins.


There was a crisp sound from Lin Shu's tendons, and then Lin Shu's cultivation base also smoothly entered the fourth layer of Huashen!

After jumping four levels in a row, Lin Mu once again broke the limit of the cultivation world.

Every time you cross a large level, continuous upgrades become more and more difficult.But this theorem seems to have completely lost its effect in front of Lin Mu.

Every time the trees crossed a large level, their cultivation improved even more rapidly.

Of course, the reason why he was able to jump four levels in a row this time was entirely due to Lin Mu's previous suppression and his closeness with Chaos Qinglian.

Chaos Qinglian has incorporated a lot of guidelines into Lin Mu's cultivation base. These guide fragments, let alone Lin Mu is just a monk in the realm of transforming gods, even immortals will be jealous when they see them.

After carefully sorting out his cultivation, Lin Mu also began to observe his current position.

The unstable space just now caused a lot of trouble for the trees' teleportation.

Of course, if this trouble is on weekdays, Lin Mu will definitely try his best to avoid it.But now, these troubles have become the best helpers for Lin Shu to escape.

Because of the instability of the space, Lin Mu doesn't know where he is and how far he is from the medicine hospital.


In the pharmacy, Lin Mu's disappearance has become a foregone conclusion.

However, the discussion about trees did not stop because of the disappearance of trees.

Everyone is discussing where the forest will be now.

Of course, among these people, there must be people with ulterior motives.

Whether it is Skyfire, or the Skyfire combat skills and space rules mastered by Lin Mu, they are all things that these people are jealous of.

There is no one in the world of comprehension, because you have not offended him, he will not covet your things.

In the cultivation world, everyone believes that the strong are not respected. As for how your strength comes from, no one will care.

"Find it for me! Even if I turn Dongxuanzhou over, I still have to find the whereabouts of Lin Shu!" The head of the Eastern Emperor Sect roared angrily.

The elders below looked at the unstoppable anger of the headmaster, and they had forgotten how long it had been since they hadn't seen the headmaster so emotionally agitated.

In fact, the loss of the Eastern Emperor Sect this time is not great, but their face has become a joke in front of their colleagues in the world.

Maybe everyone dare not say anything publicly, but behind the scenes, they don't know.

Originally, the head of the Eastern Emperor Sect thought that he would be the last to kill Lin Mu.He could still save some face for his sect, but what about the final result?
In the end, it turned out that Lin Mu slipped away just like that under his nose.But now, he couldn't even determine the location of the forest.

"Contact the people in the Blood Building and tell them that no matter how much you pay, I will know the whereabouts of Lin Shu!" The people of the Eastern Emperor Sect roared angrily again.

The same thing happened in the sect of the Southern Emperor Sect.

The Southern Emperor Sect suffered the greatest loss this time, not only did they all fall, but even a single elixir was not brought out.

"At all costs, I want to know the whereabouts of Lin Mu. Anyone who can bring back Lin Mu's head will be rewarded with a ninth-grade spiritual weapon!" The head of the Southern Emperor Sect also roared angrily.

After a pause, the head of the Southern Emperor Sect said with a cold expression: "Send someone to the Tiannvzong to propose a marriage. I want to get that woman from Lin Mu named Xu Mei into my Southern Emperor Sect. He rolled himself to die in front of me!"

"Yes! Sect Leader! Disciple will do it now!"

(End of this chapter)

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