Supreme Chef

Chapter 722 The Whereabouts of Jiangnan Ye Family

Chapter 722 The Whereabouts of Jiangnan Ye Family

The Southern Emperor Sect's move to propose a marriage can be said to be a drudgery from the bottom of the pot. If it succeeds, Lin Mu may have to obediently submit to his death.

Just when everyone thought that big waves were about to break out.The Southern Emperor Sect's plan to propose marriage to the genius disciple Hua Tian also spread like wildfire.

Although most people don't know the relationship between Xu Mei and Lin Mu.But at such a sensitive time, the Southern Emperor Sect suddenly proposed a blind date, so the deep meaning in it is self-evident.

"Presumptuous! Does your Southern Emperor Sect think that there is no one in our Tiannv Sect? First you murdered my disciples, and then you obviously dare to come up to propose marriage! Are you trying to provoke a war between the Emperor Sect!" The lord of the Tiannv Sect looked at these The people who came to propose marriage were also furious.

Not to mention that Lin Mu's potential is unlimited, she doesn't want to offend, even what the Southern Emperor Sect did is clearly bullying others.

In the face of this beautiful head who had never made a move in the cultivation world, the marriage proposal team of the Southern Emperor Sect also kept silent.

"Why is the head of Luo so angry? Since the Southern Emperor Sect doesn't have enough weight, how about marrying your talented disciple to the first genius of my Eastern Emperor, Wang Lang?" The head of the Eastern Emperor Sect, I don't know When did he come to the camp of the Tiannvzong.

"Senior Brother Yun, why is my Southern Emperor Sect's weight not enough? Hua Tian, ​​a disciple of my Southern Emperor Sect, is known as the first formation genius after I sent the Great Emperor Southern Emperor, and his cultivation is even more unparalleled. Isn't it worthy of being a disciple of the Tiannv Sect? Is it?" The head of the Southern Emperor Sect also rushed over.

Yun Tianhua, the head of the Eastern Emperor Sect, smiled slightly, and said: "Brother Dongfang, you let your disciples attack the disciples of Junior Sister Luo. If it were me, I would not marry your disciples to your disciples."

The head of the Southern Emperor Sect, Dongfang Aohu, snorted coldly, and said: "Those are all one-sided words of Lin Mu, my disciples just want to cooperate with the disciples of Luo Shimei's disciples, why is there such an attack!"

"You really think my Tiannv sect is easy to bully, you don't need me to tell you what kind of things your disciples use to deal with my disciples, you should know it!" Luo Guanyue, the head of the Tiannv sect, said coldly.

Dongfang Aohu didn't see any strangeness at all, and said calmly: "Junior Sister Luo, I will explain that matter to you alone. It was a complete misunderstanding, but I am willing to compensate for the misunderstanding caused to you. And Junior Sister Luo, Our emperor will solemnly marry Xu Mei in accordance with the etiquette of marrying a saint."

Yun Tianhua sneered, and said: "My East Emperor Sect will also announce to the world to marry Xu Mei according to the etiquette of marrying a saint. At the same time, no matter how much dowry you South Emperor Sect offers, our East Emperor Sect is willing to take it." Pay double."

"Yun Tianhua, we people don't talk dark words. You and I are planning the same thing. The secrets of Lin Mu are of great benefit to us. The disciples under my sect were wiped out this time, and there is nothing to gain. No matter how you say, all the trees should be handled by my Southern Emperor Sect." Dongfang Aohu also said.

"Hehe! Brother Dongfang, I can't understand what you said. I proposed marriage for my disciple Wang Lang. It's just because my disciple admires Fairy Xu Mei's talent, what does it have to do with Lin Mu!" Yun Tianhua said lightly. Said.

"You..." Dongfang Aohu turned pale when he heard Yun Tianhua's words.

Dongfang Aohu may not be regarded as a formation master, but his personality is the same as the "tiger" in his name, very violent.

"Hmph! Where do you two think of my Heavenly Girl Sect? Is it the place where you two bargain and make deals? Xu Mei is my direct disciple, and she is even more likely to inherit the position of my Heavenly Girl Sect's suzerain in the future. You bully my Heavenly Girl Is there no one here?" Seeing the two of them haggling in front of her, completely ignoring herself, Luo Guanyue was also furious.

"Junior Sister Luo, you don't have to get angry, what do you think of this? Since brother Dongfang and I both intend to marry your disciple, why don't we come to a martial arts competition to recruit relatives, how about respecting the strong?" Yun Tianhua said again.

"In my opinion, in this industry, the realm of comprehension is based on strength." Dongfang Aohu also responded immediately.

Before Luo Guanyue could speak, Yun Tianhua said: "Junior Sister Luo, we will take you to inform the world at this time, I think you have no reason to refuse, Junior Sister Luo, right?"

Yun Tianhua is the most scheming person among all the heads of the Emperor Sect.Even Luo Guanyue, who is as careful as silk, can't calculate Yun Tianhua.

Yun Tianhua is now using the entire East Xuanzhou to suppress him.

Lin Mu's potential and what he has made everyone jealous.At that time, no matter whether I agree or disagree, the final result will come true under the booing of everyone.

And if you disagree, you will offend everyone.

In the end, Luo Guanyue also sighed, facing the general situation, she could only compromise.

Seeing Luo Guanyue's silence, Yun Tianhua also smiled slightly, and said: "Since Junior Sister Luo has no objection, then I will announce the matter to the world on behalf of Junior Sister Luo later, how about three days from now?"

Luo Guanyue said forcefully: "I agree with the matter, but the time is not three days later, but half a year later, wait for Xu Mei to break through the Golden Core Realm."

This time Luo Guaiyue also learned the lesson, and said: "If the two of you disagree, I will announce this matter myself later."

"Okay! Just half a year later!" Facing Luo Guanyue, the two had to agree.

"Lin Mu, I can only help you here!" Luo Guanyue also sighed secretly in her heart.


Lin Mu looked at the strange things around him, and urgently needed to ask someone to find out what this place was.How far away is the distance.


With a slight movement of Lin Mu's consciousness, he immediately noticed that someone was coming.

Sure enough, a moment later, a group of people flew over.

Seeing this group of people flying over, Lin Mu hastily put his cultivation under the God Transformation Realm, and at the same time changed his original face.

This group of people wore uniform clothing, and the cuffs were all embroidered with the word "Li" in golden cicada silk.

Golden cicada silk is the best material for making defensive magic weapons, and top-level golden cicada silk is an indispensable material for making top-level defensive magic weapons.

This group of people just embroidered the name of their own faction on the cuffs with golden cicada silk, which shows that the opponent's background is definitely not small.

And seeing the word 'leaf', Lin Mu couldn't help but frown.

Because of the word 'leaf', Lin Mu thought of the Li family in the south of the Yangtze River on earth.

"Take it down!" A group of people saw the tree, and without a word, they were about to take it down.

"Huh?" Seeing that the opponent turned around and wanted to take him down without saying a word, Lin Mu also lost his temper.

"Boom!" But when he saw the people surrounding him, Lin Mu was not polite, and just punched out.


Lin Mu punched and the opponent punched hard, and immediately sent that person flying backwards for a hundred feet.


Seeing Lin Mu blowing his men away with a punch, the person who gave the order also frowned slightly.

In fact, Lin Mu was also a little surprised. Although he didn't use all his strength, his punch should not be something that ordinary people can resist. The opponent was just blown away.

"It seems that I underestimated you. I didn't expect you to be a body refiner!" The leader looked at Lin Mu and said in a little surprise.

"What are you?" Lin Mu also asked in a cold voice.

"This is the territory of my Jiangnan Ye family. You appeared in the forbidden area of ​​my Jiangnan Li family and asked who we are here?" The leader said with a sneer.

"Jiangnan Ye Family!" This address made Lin Mu's heart skip a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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