Supreme Chef

Chapter 723

Chapter 723
In fact, Lin Mu had expected it just now, that the Ye family who came here is very likely to be related to the Ye family on Earth.

On the earth, the surname Ye is not a small surname, but in the cultivation world, the surname Ye is not a common surname, on the contrary, the surname Ye is considered a relatively small surname.

After Lin Mu arrived in Dongxuanzhou, he also inquired about some news about the Ye family in the south of the Yangtze River, but he didn't gain much.

Even Lin Mu once thought that the Jiangnan Ye family on earth was just a bluff.Even this branch of the cultivation world may have disappeared.

But now it seems that his estimation seems to be wrong.The Ye family in this cultivation world is also an absolutely extraordinary existence, and it is even very likely to be a very powerful hidden family, or even an ancient family.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't speak, the person on the opposite side said: "Why do you know that you are afraid now? If you know that you are afraid, leave your ring and exercises, and we will let you go!"

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "I'm not afraid, I've never heard of the existence of your Jiangnan Ye family. Small ants dare to block the road and rob, I think you really don't know what to do!"

The leader of the opponent is only a powerhouse at the fifth level of Huashen, Lin Mu is completely confident that he will wipe them all out without causing any movement.

"Looking for death! My Jiangnan Ye family is an ancient family, even the Emperor Zong dare not cross the border. If you dare to insult my Jiangnan Ye family, you will surely die!" The leader roared with murderous intent, and took the lead to charge forest.

Although the leader is only at the fifth level of the God Transformation Realm, Lin Mu can feel that even ordinary monks at the seventh level of the God Transformation Realm may not be his opponent.

The strength of the aristocratic family that can survive from ancient times is absolutely beyond doubt, and the background cannot be guessed.


Lin Mu stepped forward, choosing the other side to fight head-on.

The two fists clashed, producing huge energy fluctuations, which immediately shattered the ground under their feet, and terrifying ravines appeared under their feet, and the deep ravines several feet wide spread terrifyingly.



As soon as the two touched each other, they both took two steps back.

But in the end, it was Lin Mu's flawless body that had some advantages, and Lin Mu took two steps back without even shaking his body.However, the man from the Li family stepped back two steps, but his body was shaken.

The expression in the eyes of the man looking at Lin Muye's family was also changing.

"You have cultivated into a flawless body!" The man from the Ye family said with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

In fact, Lin Mu was even more surprised. He already had a flawless physique. In the cultivation world, only a competition of physique was required, and there were only a handful of people who could compete with him.

However, a doorkeeper who came out of the Ye family randomly was physically as strong as himself. If there were really masters from the Ye family, they would not be able to hold him down physically.

Of course, what shocked Lin Mu the most was not his body training, but the skills he practiced.

Because Lin Mu discovered that the Ye family in the south of the Yangtze River actually entered Taoism through martial arts.

Lin Mu didn't find it strange that the first person who confronted him before was a martial artist.Although most people in the cultivation world enter the Tao through the law, it is not the case that there are people who enter the Tao through the martial arts.

However, after confronting this person, Lin Mu discovered that this person also entered Taoism through martial arts, which made Lin Mu have to suspect that the entire Jiangnan Ye family had entered Taoism through martial arts.

Although it is said that all roads lead to the same goal, it is much easier to enter the Tao with the law than with the martial arts.

Of course, if you enter the Tao with martial arts, your strength will be stronger than if you enter the Tao with the law.

Entering the Tao with martial arts is somewhat similar to a body-refining cultivator, but there are some differences.

A body-refining cultivator relies entirely on tempering his own body, using his body as a magic weapon to fuse with the Dao.

But to enter the Tao with martial arts, in addition to emphasizing the tyranny of the body, they rely more on martial arts or more directly, relying on various movements in martial arts to figure out the way.

The Dao is invisible, and it is not easy to figure out the invisible Dao with the martial arts.

But if it is really figured out and the invisible Tao is transformed into a shape, then the power can be imagined.

"Who are you?" The man from the Ye family asked vigilantly as he looked at Lin Mu and didn't speak.

Lin Mu said: "Who am I? It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you. I'm leaving now. If you don't want to die, you can get out of the way. If you miss, you can continue to block the way."

"Looking for death!" Although he was a little afraid of Lin Shu's flawless body, the majesty of the ancient aristocratic family could not be violated.


The other party suddenly punched out a heavy punch, which immediately brought up the sky full of aura, and at the same time, Lin Mu felt a kind of flow of Taoism.

"Turning form with Tao!" Lin Mu's eyes tightened as he watched the Ye family man's punch.

Although the opponent's Tao is not the complete Tao, but just a small detail of the Tao, it is already amazing enough.

You must know that the Great Dao has no form, and it cannot evolve at all. Even if it only evolves a small detail, it is already very amazing.

The fist resonated with the world, as if it wasn't a punch, but the opponent brought a piece of the world and smashed towards the trees.

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu also fought fist to fist, and the Wuhuang fist blasted out instantly.

The killing domain is also formed immediately.


Shayu collided with the opponent's fist and made a piercing crushing sound, like the sound of fingers sliding across the glass, which made people feel very uncomfortable.

But in the end, Lin Mu's Wuhuang Fist was even better, and the killing domain directly crushed the opponent's Dao Principle.

In fact, in the final analysis, the other party's Tao is just the incarnation of the small Tao. Although it looks powerful, its power is not as powerful as it seems.

Of course, it was only because of the trees, they were too powerful.


Sha Yu crushed Dao Ze without stopping, but continued to smash the arm of the Ye family's disciple into pieces.


The arms flew like catkins, which made the Ye family's disciple scream again and again.

With one punch, the opponent's arm was strangled to pieces, and Lin Mu stepped forward in one step, and then he punched, directly smashing the opponent's dantian.

The leaders were all dead, and the rest of them naturally saw the strength of Lin Shu.They all want to escape and report back.

However, Lin Shu has never been a person who cuts grass without rooting out its roots.Unless Lin Mu does not do anything, if Lin Mu does, it will definitely be a thunderous attack, and will not leave any trouble for himself.



Lin Mu caught up with the fleeing man, fully revealing his cultivation of the fourth level of Huashen, and at the same time showing the strength of the flawless body to the fullest.

Bombing and killing all the way, after half an hour, there is no one living here except for the trees.

After erasing all the traces, Lin Mu directly sacrificed the Space Spirit Treasure and left here quickly.

This is the territory of the Ye family, and it is still a forbidden place.True or not, it cannot stay here for long.

(End of this chapter)

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