Supreme Chef

Chapter 724 Ghost City Ghost City

Chapter 724 Ghost City Ghost City
Lin Mu drove all the way, and his flying Lingbao galloped.I have to say that the eighth-rank flying spirit treasure given to him by the great elder Qidu really helped him a lot.

After Lin Shu flew hundreds of thousands of miles all the way, he finally saw the outline of a city.

Seeing the city, Lin Mu also found a hidden place and put away his flying spirit treasure.

The eighth-rank flying spirit treasure is really eye-catching.

After putting away the flying spirit treasure, Lin Shu also slowly flew towards the city not far away.

"Senior, have you ever heard of the Ye family in Jiangnan?" Lin Mu asked Taoist Guang while flying.

Guang Dao said humanely: "The ancient families are as numerous as the stars. Even in ancient times, there are many families that are hidden from the world. Only some families that are extremely powerful can be known by everyone."

After a pause, Daoist Guang continued, "However, this Jiangnan Ye family was able to escape the catastrophe of the ancient times and has survived until now. It should not be an unknown person. It should be a powerful hidden family in ancient times."

Lin Mudao: "In the ancient times, senior, were there many aristocratic families who used martial arts to enter Taoism?"

Guang Dao said: "The difference between the ancient times and the present is not as great as imagined, but the rules of heaven and earth are different. Most people use the law to enter the Tao, and of course some use martial arts to enter the Tao. And some of them are extremely powerful. The presence.

Among the ancient overlords I know, there is a strong man with a mysterious origin who entered the Tao with martial arts.It's just that his origin is too mysterious, and no one has seen his true face in Mount Lu, so no one knows what happened. "

Lin Mu nodded, and suddenly felt that he seemed to have missed something when he was on Earth.

But no matter what Lin Mu thinks, he can't remember what he missed.

Half a day later, Lin Shu flew to the entrance of the city.

Seeing the appearance of this city, Lin Mu was also a little surprised.

Because there are very few in the world of comprehension, there are such dilapidated cities, old and almost weathered walls.The city gate, which was almost blown to pieces by the wind, is completely an image of an old man who has entered his twilight years.

However, in sharp contrast to this, it is the bustling streets and endless crowds in the city.

Lin Shu never thought that so many people would stop in such a decaying city.

"Pay the city fee!" Just as Lin Mu was about to walk in, the two people stopped him suddenly.

Lin Mu looked at such a dilapidated city, and thought that no one was in charge, until he was about to go in, when two people popped out suddenly to charge.

"How many spirit stones?" Lin Mu asked.

The two looked up, and Lin Mu said, "You are new here, right? The sign says how much you need to pay."

After hearing his words, Lin Mu noticed that there was a dilapidated wooden sign on the ground.

"It costs [-] high-grade spirit stones to enter the city!" Lin Mu managed to make out these few words from the blurred handwriting.

"It takes [-] high-grade spirit stones to enter the city, why don't you grab them!" Such a price made Lin Mu quite tongue-tied.

One of them gave Lin Mu a disdainful look, and said, "New here, haven't you heard the name of the ghost city? The ghost city will open soon, and you think it's too expensive now. Wait a few days, [-] high-grade spirit stones, you Don't even think about coming in."

Lin Mu calmed down when he heard the man's words: "Is this a ghost town?" Lin Mu asked.

"What else do you think is this place?" Another person asked back.

After confirming that this is a ghost town, Lin Mu directly took out [-] high-grade spirit stones and handed them over without further ado.

I have heard of Lin Mu, the famous ghost town, but Lin Mu has never been there, or to be precise, Lin Mu doesn't know the location of the ghost town at all.

In Dongxuan Continent, apart from the transcendent cities like Soul City and Qidu, there are also several very strange cities that are also not under the control of Emperor Zong.

Ghost Town is one of them.

The reason why the ghost city is called a ghost city is because this city is not even seen by a single person on weekdays.

And whenever the ghost city is opened, the ghost city will be crowded with people from all walks of life, making the ghost city unprecedentedly lively.

However, not everyone knows the location of the ghost town. Only some special people, or those who are invited by the ghost town, will know the exact location of the ghost town every year.

That's right, the ghost city is a city that can be moved, and the location that appears every year is completely different.

The ghost city is the most famous among the ghost towns.

The ghost market is different from ordinary auctions. Ordinary auctions are held by some chambers of commerce. They are all formal auctions, and the origin of the items is almost well documented.

But the ghost market is completely different.

No one can tell the origins of the people who sell things in the ghost market. The origins of these people are very mysterious, and the origins of the things they sell are even more mysterious.And these things are almost completely invisible in the cultivation world.

And there is a rule in the ghost market that no matter who buys something, you are not allowed to ask the other party about the origin of the item.Of course, if someone dares to ask, then the consequences can only be borne by themselves.

Because although the origins of the people who sell things in the ghost market are mysterious, their cultivation base is not mysterious. Everyone is a very terrifying master of cultivation base.

If they kill you, no one will stop them.

But you don't have to worry about buying fake things in the ghost market, because the person who dares to buy fake things in the ghost market has not yet been born.

This time Lin Mu met by chance, since he met him, he would definitely not miss it.

The things in the ghost market are extremely rare.Whether it's for himself or for Xu Mei and the others, Lin Mu must collect some rare resources as soon as possible.

In fact, the ghost city is actually not different from other cities in the cultivation world except that it is a little dilapidated.

Lin Mu still found a teahouse, so he asked about his location first.

"Guest officer, it's a coincidence that you came here. We have a new ghost hand tea. I wonder if the guest officer is interested in trying it!" As soon as Lin Mu sat down, the waiter came up to greet him enthusiastically.

"Ghost hand tea!" Lin Mu was also shocked when he heard Xiao Er's words.

Ghost hand tea is known as one of the three rare teas in the world of comprehension.

The place of origin and origin of ghost hand tea is unknown, and it can only be drunk before the opening of the ghost market. In the cultivation world, it is a rare tea that is absolutely priceless.

Of course, if the strange tea is just because it is rare, it cannot be a strange tea.The ghost hand tea is packed like a human hand, and the brewed tea contains extreme yin properties, and after drinking, it can produce negative yang, which can help practitioners best understand the yin and yang of the world.

"Just a pot of ghost hand tea." Lin Mu had never drank it before, so he wanted to try it.

"Okay! Guest officer later!" Xiao Er agreed, then turned around and went to serve Lin Mu tea.

Soon a pot of hot tea was served.

"Guest officer, there are a total of [-] high-grade spirit stones!" Xiao Er said.

Hearing Xiao Er's words, Lin Mu clicked his tongue again. Such a pot of tea cost [-] top-grade spirit stones, which is no different from stealing money, but he ordered everything by himself, so he had to pay.

"Little brother, I can't give you this money. This tea is fake!" Just as Lin Mu was about to pay, an old beggar in shabby clothes opposite Lin Mu suddenly said.

(End of this chapter)

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