Supreme Chef

Chapter 725

Chapter 725
When Xiaoer and Lin Mu heard the old beggar's words, they were stunned for a moment.

But Xiaoer quickly realized, and said with a vicious look on his face: "What are you talking about, old man? Our teahouse in the ghost town is innocent, and the ghost hand tea sold is definitely the best in the whole city. You old man I don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense, be careful that you won’t have a place to redress your grievances if you are beaten to death!”

The ghost market is about to open. At this time, if people say that you are buying fake goods, it will not only affect your business. At that time, your own life and whether the teahouse can exist will be a problem.

Don't look at the fact that this ghost town is only lively once a year, but it's just the income from this time.It is enough to make many people envious for a year, so everyone seizes this rare opportunity. If fake products are revealed at this time, the loss will be too great.

"Young man, what are you in a hurry for? I just said that your tea is fake, but I didn't say that your tea is fake!" The old beggar said with a chuckle.

"What's the difference? Don't you still say that what we bought is fake? Old man, if you can't say one, two, three today, you will never leave today!" Everyone recruited them, and surrounded the old beggar tightly, without giving him a chance to escape.

The old beggar didn't seem to notice all this at all, he smiled and said: "Is there any need to deal with an old man like this? I can't run away."

Xiao Er snorted coldly, and said, "Don't change the subject with me, old man, tell me one, two, three. If you can't tell, next year today will be your death day."

A mistress in the Nirvana Realm is so powerful, it is obvious that the behind-the-scenes boss of this teahouse is a person of extraordinary background.

Looking at Lin Mu, he said, "Little friend, don't you mind giving the old man a cup of tea made from ten thousand high-grade spirit stones?"

Lin Mu couldn't see the depth of the old beggar at all, but the old beggar didn't seem to have any malice towards him.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Senior, if you need it, just take it."

The old beggar smiled and said: "Don't worry, I, the old man, will not give you this pot of tea for nothing. Later, someone will replace the old man and pay you a pot of the best ghost hand tea."

After speaking, the old beggar poured himself a drink.

After taking a sip of tea, the old beggar smacked his lips and said, "Although this tea is fake, it's not bad, it's because you put your heart into it."

Xiaoer saw that the old beggar didn't say there was something wrong with his tea, but started drinking it by himself, and began to comment on himself.

Xiaoer also lost his temper, and said: "Old man, you drank the tea too, you should tell me, there is something fake about our tea!"

The old beggar smiled and said, "You said you used last year's tea to fool this newcomer, do you think this tea is fake?"

"Last year's tea?" Lin Mu also frowned.

The old beggar said: "The ghost hand tea can only be effective if it was picked that year. Although the taste of last year's tea is exactly the same, the efficacy is worse. Most people can't tell the difference, especially for newcomers like you, little brother. I couldn't tell any more.

Of course, this store is kind to you, a newcomer. Although the tea is from last year, the water is from this year. "

Lin Mu has heard that ghost hand tea must be used. It is a very magical spring water. As for the name, Lin Mu does not know.

Xiao Er also blushed when he heard the old beggar's words.

This tea is indeed what the old beggar said, last year's tea is this year's water.

Originally, according to Xiaoer's expectation, such a match, let alone Lin Mu, a newcomer, should not be able to distinguish it from the old man at all.

But the old beggar didn't even drink the tea, and he already discovered the trickiness in the tea just by smelling it.

Although last year's tea tastes the same as this year's tea, it's just less effective.But it is this almost effect that makes their prices very different.

This year's ghost hand tea can buy [-] high-grade spirit stones, but last year's ghost hand tea can't even buy five thousand.

"Senior said that this tea is indeed last year's tea. This is my housekeeper's negligence. This little friend, all the consumption in this shop today is counted as a fault. This is a pot of high-quality ghost hand tea. The two have been compensated." After the old beggar finished analyzing, a middle-aged man came down from upstairs.Holding a white jade teapot in his own hand, he came to Lin Mu and said sincerely.

"Boss, I..." Seeing the middle-aged man coming down, the second child also blushed.

"Needless to say, leave the ghost town immediately, and you will not be allowed to step into the ghost town again from now on!" The boss said decisively and bluntly.

"Yes!" After hearing what the boss said, Xiaoer didn't even dare to say a word of rebuttal, so he turned his head and left the teahouse, and quickly left the ghost town.

Lin Mu also understood at this time, all this was obviously because the little girl wanted to earn the difference in the price because he was a foreigner, but he was discovered by the old beggar unexpectedly.

"This little friend is really incapable of discipline, and this happened. I am here, and I apologize to you, little friend!" After the boss finished speaking, he really bowed to Lin Mu.

This is also a person who Lin Mu can't see his cultivation at all, and the matter has been resolved, Lin Mu didn't intend to hold on to it, and he also replied: "Senior, you are polite."

"Senior, thank you for discovering the problem for our store. This junior can't repay you, why not..."

Before the boss finished speaking, the old beggar said, "You don't need to thank me, I've thanked you by drinking your old pot of tea."

Looking at the old beggar's attitude, the boss obviously understood that the old beggar was not a person who cared about material things, so he didn't say much.

"In that case, the two of you, please take it easy. If you have any orders, you can call me anytime!" Seeing that the old beggar started to drink tea happily again, the boss said very wittily.

"Thank you, senior!" Lin Mu said in return.

After the boss left, the old beggar looked at Lin Mu and said, "You must drink this new tea while it's hot. This tea will help your cultivation, so you should have a good taste."

After talking about the old beggar, he closed his eyes.

When Lin Mu heard the old beggar's words, he also poured himself a cup of tea, and then tasted it carefully.

The ghost hand tea is extremely cold at the entrance, but as soon as it touches the tip of the tongue, it immediately turns into a scorching warm current.

Between one cold and one hot, it just interprets the principle of heaven and earth that the cathode and yang are born.

The truth in this world is sometimes not so complicated.Sometimes it's just a cup of tea.

"Yeah!" Lin Mu couldn't help but take a deep breath for the instant transformation, and a picture of the transformation of yin and yang appeared in his mind.

And as soon as this scene came out, it also drove the dantian of the forest, and the Taiji Yinyang Pill slowly rotated.

The Tai Chi Yin-Yang Pill in Lin Mu's body, except that it will actively upgrade when Lin Mu's cultivation level breaks through, will also actively rotate at other times.

The Tai Chi Yin-Yang Pill slowly rotated once, and immediately transformed one-fifth of the aura in Lin Mu's body into Yin-Yang Qi, which was stored in the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Pill.

One-fifth of the spiritual energy in his body disappeared, instead of feeling the emptiness in his body, Lin Mu felt that his cultivation had become more and more solid.

"This ghost hand tea is indeed one of the three rare teas!" After Lin Mu opened his eyes, he couldn't help sighing.

After the old beggar heard this, he laughed and said, "Young man, this tea will work best for you. It may not have the same effect for other people!"

"En!" Hearing what the old beggar said, Lin Mu couldn't help but tighten his brows, and at the same time his expression became highly alert.

Before the old beggar asked him to drink it while it was hot, Lin Mu thought it was just kindness, but this is obviously not the case now, the old man obviously saw that his cultivation method is different.

(End of this chapter)

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