Supreme Chef

Chapter 727

Chapter 727
The old beggar suddenly changed color, and Lin Mu couldn't help but tighten his expression.

But when Lin Mu guessed what the old beggar was going to do.The old beggar suddenly became unreal in front of his eyes, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The old beggar disappeared very naturally, without causing any fluctuations, not even the people in the teahouse were alarmed.

"What's the background of this old beggar?" Seeing the old beggar disappear, Xue Linglong couldn't help asking through voice transmission.

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "I don't know, but this old beggar is definitely one of the few strongest people I have ever seen."

Ignoring the old beggar, Lin Mu asked Taoist Guang through sound transmission, "Is there anything strange about that ancient book, senior? Could it be that there is really an unworldly cultivation technique hidden in it?"

Guang Dao said: "What's strange is not the records on the book, I guess the things on the book should be his own graffiti. The real precious thing is the book itself.

The material of this book is not ordinary paper, but pulp made of wood, and then made of paper. "

"In the legend of Jianmu, it is a sacred tree that can climb to the sky in one step. Isn't Jianmu a legend, but a real existence?" Xue Linglong shouted in shock after hearing Taoist Guang's words.

Guang Dao said humanely: "Jianmu did exist, but it was broken and destroyed in the ancient years. I never thought that today, I could see books made of Jianmu as pulp."

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu also remained silent for a long time.

Lin Mu also heard about the legend of Jianmu. It is said that in the ancient times and even further back, there was a big tree that reached the sky in the center of the world. Only by practicing can human beings start to cultivate.

If this is not a legend, but a real existence.That Jianmu can be said to be the first enlightenment teacher of mankind.Because without it, the ancestors of the ancient times would not be able to step on the highest avenue of listening, and there would be no current various exercises.

"But even if it is made of Jianmu tree pulp, it has become a book now, so what's the use? Can we still use it to reach the sky in one step?" Xue Linglong read this ancient book from the same place. The excitement just now returned.

Guang Dao said humanely: "Jianmu is accompanied by Dao every day. Even if you can't reach the sky in one step, as long as you hold it when you practice, the speed of cultivation can be increased several times. Moreover, Jianmu is the strongest material in the world. If you can use it to practice Make a defensive magic weapon to wear next to your body. In addition to speeding up your cultivation, it can also save your life at critical moments."

"This is good! This is good! Refining a small vest for me, I want to wear it to practice!" Xue Linglong said with bright eyes.

"You are not allowed to pay attention to it. I have other uses for this book. If I find out that you have touched it, you will know the consequences yourself!" The excitement of the blood spirit dragon was exchanged for Lin Mu's blow.


Just when Lin Mu was thinking about how to make good use of this precious book, Lin Mu frowned tightly.

Immediately afterwards, everyone in the city heard it, and a blast that resounded through the sky came from the sky above the ghost town.

"Someone dared to attack the ghost city before it opened!" Everyone in the city hurried out of the room when they heard the explosion and looked up.

They all wanted to know who it was, who had the guts to attack the ghost city at such a sensitive time.

Lin Mu followed the crowd and left the tea house, looking up.

"It's him!"

Lin Mu looked up and saw the old beggar standing on top of the ghost town with a serious face.

At this time, the old beggar swept away the deceitful image just now. Although he was still sloppy, his aura had completely changed.

The old beggar at this time seemed to be the patron saint of the ghost town.Standing alone on the high sky, the aura enveloped the entire ghost town, making everyone afraid to look directly at it.

"Sure enough, it's hidden!" Lin Mu looked at the old beggar, and was quite shocked in his heart.

The old beggar is definitely one of the strongest people Lin Shu has ever met in Ascension Realm.To be able to temper the cultivation base of the Ascension Realm to this state, I am afraid that even some immortals cannot do it.

Of course, Lin Mu was not the only one who recognized the old beggar. Many people who were in the same teahouse with Lin Mu also recognized the old beggar. At this time, everyone was the boss with open mouths.

At the same time, they have already begun to regret it, if they had known that the old beggar was such an unfathomable master.Even if you were cheated out of money by an old beggar, it would be fine if you could leave a good impression.

But Lin Mu didn't think so. In Lin Mu's view, the old beggar was just a coward.Such a master, playing deception every day, either has too much time or psychological distortion.

The old beggar didn't know how Lin Mu slandered him. If the old beggar knew, he would definitely vomit three liters of blood.

Lin Mu looked at the person who was against the old beggar outside the city, and found that this person had something to do with him.

A dazzling word 'leaf' on the cuff already explained where the other party came from.

"You actually chased him here?" Seeing the people from the Ye family chasing after him, Lin Mu couldn't help but tighten his brows. At the same time, he was more careful, hiding his aura.

Although this is a ghost town, the Ye family is a hidden family in ancient times, and no one can guarantee what they will do.

"Little Yezi, you've come to my ghost city with great enthusiasm, maybe you've figured it out. You're going to bring your Ye family's treasures to my ghost city to sell!" The old beggar laughed dryly.

The member of the Ye family, known as Xiao Yezi, snorted heavily, and said: "Old beggar, I didn't come here today to have fun with you. Someone killed my disciple. I suspect that he has fled to the ghost city. I'm going into town to find this man."

Although the old beggar called the other Ye Zi, but in the eyes of everyone, the old Ye Zi who called Ye's family looked young.

The old beggar laughed dryly twice, and said, "Little Ye Zi, you don't need me, an old beggar, to tell you the rules of the ghost town."

"Hmph! Don't tell me about your broken rules. People who kill my Ye family will have to pay the price!" Old Ye Zi snorted coldly.

The old beggar said: "The person who killed your Ye family must pay a price, but you are not sure whether that person has arrived in the ghost city, so you have to lead people in to search with great fanfare. Where did you put my ghost city? If my ghost city Who is responsible for compensation if something is lost?"

"Old beggar, don't stay here and talk nonsense with me. Today, if you ask me to look for someone, I will look for it, and if you don't let me look for it, I will look for it." Old Ye Zi also said angrily.

The old beggar's expression also sank, and he said: "The ghost market is about to open, anyone who dares to cause trouble will be punished! This is the rule set by my ghost city for millions of years. If you want to try it, I welcome it anytime! "

(End of this chapter)

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