Supreme Chef

Chapter 728 Ghost Market Opens

Chapter 728 Ghost Market Opens

Old Ye Zi looked at the old beggar, obviously also very afraid of the old beggar's strength.

Old Ye Zi looked at the old beggar for a long time, and finally said coldly: "The disciples of the Ye family obeyed the order, surrounded the ghost city, and interrogated everyone who left the city."


"Little Yezi, what are you doing? Are you trying to seal off my ghost city? My ghost city is about to open, and you are closing the city like this. Are you afraid that the sound of my ghost city is too good?" The old beggar also said in a cold voice.

"My Ye family did not enter your ghost town, but surrounded it outside. Does this count as breaking the rules of your ghost town?" The old man also responded without giving in.

The old beggar said: "If I go around outside your Ye's house and interrogate everyone who comes out of your Ye's house, what do you think?"

"How dare you!" Old Ye Zi became angry when he heard the old beggar's words.

The old beggar snorted coldly and said, "Then what are you doing now?"

"I just want to find the murderer who killed my Ye family." The old man said loudly.

The old beggar said: "In order to find the murderer of your Ye family, I also went to your Ye family to find the murderer of people in my ghost city. Is there anything wrong with that?"

Old Ye Zi said angrily: "When did my Ye family kill the people in your ghost town?"

The old beggar said: "Then how can you be sure that the person who killed your Ye family is in my ghost town?"

"You..." Old Ye Zi was speechless in anger at the old beggar's words, and his face was extremely livid.


"I heard that this time the ghost town appeared in the nearest place to the Ye family, which has already aroused the Ye family's covetousness. This time, the Ye family is probably looking for an excuse to enter the ghost town." The two people above , verbal war, the people below are also unwilling to be lonely, all kinds of rumors began to emerge endlessly.

"What the Ye family covets the ghost city is because the Ye family is worried that the ancient secret realm will be opened in two days, and the ghost city will get a share. As far as I know, the Ye family has artificially set it up within a million miles of the Ye family. Ye Family's forbidden area. Anyone who appears in the forbidden area will be ruthlessly killed by Ye Family!"

"Why is the Ye family so domineering! It's his Ye family's forbidden land for millions of miles! Does his Ye family really think he is the overlord of the cultivation world?" Someone said angrily.

"Hey! The Ye family is an aristocratic family inherited from ancient times, and its strength is not weaker than the Emperor's. Even when the Emperor sees the Ye family, he has to be courteous. What if a million miles is a forbidden area?" Some people were helpless. said with a sigh.

"I've also heard about the opening of the ancient secret realm this time. It is said that the opening of the ancient secret realm this time is quite different from the past. This time it seems that for some reason, the time has been extended from one day to one month. No wonder the Ye family is so angry. nervous."

"In this way, the ghost town obviously didn't suddenly appear near Ye's house this year. It should have been premeditated!"


Listening to the endless news, Lin Mu understood why the Ye family was so nervous when they saw him.

Originally, Lin Mu thought that the Ye family came after him after he discovered his auspicious cloud, but it turned out that it was because of an ancient secret realm.

At the same time, Lin Mu looked at the old beggar above the sky, and also felt that the old beggar was obviously planning to trick Ye's family, otherwise, it was really impossible to say that the ghost town appeared here by coincidence.


"Xiao Yezi, the ghost market is about to open. If you delay everyone's business, I don't think even your Ye family will feel better. I won't stop you if you want to find a murderer, but if you delay the ghost market Don’t blame me for being rude!” the old beggar said with a smile.

"Let's go!" Old Ye Zi looked at the old beggar for a long time, and finally snorted angrily, and led them away.

Seeing the members of the Ye family retreating, Lin Mu also heaved a sigh of relief, and turned around to leave.

But as soon as Lin Mu turned around, he saw the old beggar standing in front of him.

"Boy, I see that you have changed your appearance. You must be the murderer who killed the disciples of the Ye family. As long as you return the book to me, I will help you get rid of the Ye family." The old beggar looked like he was determined to eat the trees Said.

Lin Mu already knew the magic of this book, no matter what the old beggar said, Lin Mu would not be moved.

Lin Mudao: "So what if I was the one who killed the disciple of the Ye family? I didn't break the rules of the ghost town, can you still drive me out of the city? Even if you drive me out of the city, if I can run once, I can Run twice. And if I run away, I will tell the whole world of comprehension that you drove me out of the city. Let everyone see what a ghost town really is."

"Boy, you..." The old beggar gritted his teeth when he heard Lin Mu's words. Lin Mu was such a bachelor that the old beggar didn't know where to start.

Lin Mu said: "Senior, if you are okay, this junior will leave first."

"Wait!" The old beggar stopped Lin Mu again, and said, "Give me back the book, and I can send you to the ancient secret realm. This time, the ancient secret realm has been opened for a month, and you can do it with your ability." Enter the second floor or the third floor for trials. There are definitely good things in the second and third floors that are beyond your expectations.

And the trial environment inside will definitely allow you to raise your cultivation to a higher level in the shortest possible time.The things there are much more valuable than this broken book of mine! "

Hearing what the old beggar said, Lin Mu was really moved.

Although the books made by Jianmu are good, they are not complete Jianmu, but just the pulp of Jianmu.

Jianmu and Dao are companions, and Chaos Qinglian is also companions with Dao, the two can be said to be comparable.

As for its defense ability, Lin Mu has the Medicine King Cauldron, so he didn't have to worry about defense.

But if the ancient secret realm is really as good as the old beggar said, it doesn't matter if you return the book to him.However, Lin Mu finally found such a book, and returned it to him at such a cheap price, Lin Mu must not be reconciled.

Lin Mu rolled his eyes a few times, and then said: "Get me the quota first, and then we can talk about returning the books."

After talking about Lin Mu, he gave the old beggar the back of his head, and left leisurely humming a ditty.

The old beggar looked at the back of Lin Mu's head, wishing he could slap Lin Mu to death.

Seeing that Lin Mu was gone, the other people also wanted to approach the old beggar to make friends with him.But when everyone came forward, the old beggar disappeared without a trace again.

Time passed quickly, and because the ghost city was approaching, more and more people of all kinds gathered in the city, and the ghost city became more lively.

Of course, Lin Mu was also among these people, and found many people from the Ye family.

But he didn't care about these trees, and he didn't leave any traces.Moreover, Lin Mu is also very confident in his concealment skills, even if they are standing face to face, the Ye family will never recognize him.


Finally, after a gong sounded at midnight, the ghost market officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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