Supreme Chef

Chapter 729

Chapter 729

Ghost city, ghost city.

Naturally, it will be opened when ghosts are haunted.

As night fell completely, fog rose from nowhere in the ghost town.

These fogs are very thick, making this dilapidated ghost town more like Senluo Hell.

But no one paid attention to these things, the ghost market opened, and there were many things that could not be seen in the world of comprehension.They will all be sold out, and everyone is robbing things, so some people will pay attention to the environment here.

Lin Mu followed the crowd and also entered the ghost city.

People who sell things in the ghost market are all wearing thick cloaks.The cloak can completely shield the consciousness, making people unable to see their appearance at all.

The reason why these people are like this is because many of these people are engaged in road robbery, and their things are all stolen, so naturally they cannot show their true colors to others.

Of course, in addition to roadblockers and robbers, there are also some people who specialize in digging up ancestral graves.

No matter on the earth or in the world of comprehension, digging people's graves is the karma of immortality, so these people's faces cannot be shown to others.

But in the ghost market, no one will care how you got this thing.As long as your stuff is useful to me, we will pay for it and deliver it. Most of the people will never see each other again after tonight.

Lin Mu walked around the ghost market, and he really saw a lot of good things that are rare in the cultivation world.

However, the spirit stones in Lin Mu's hands are already limited, and it is not enough to buy all these things.

"Selling Wordless Books!" Just as Lin Mu was about to go shopping again and pick out a few things he needed to buy, the cries behind him attracted Lin Mu's attention.

In the ghost market, there was no one hawking at all, and the sudden extra hawking immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lin Mu also followed the sound to look over, but Lin Mu just took a look, then turned his head and walked away.

Because Lin Mu has already recognized it, the one who sells the wordless bible is none other than that deceitful old beggar.

Lin Mu really couldn't understand what the old beggar was thinking.With such a high level of cultivation, he has been doing tricks all day long.

The second time Lin Shu walked very slowly, he would stop for a while in front of almost every booth.

"Your thing is a fake. You are selling fakes in the ghost market. Are you looking for death?" Just as the trees were halfway there, a sharp voice broke the silence of the entire ghost market.

The sale of fake products is strictly prohibited in the ghost market. For all those who dare to sell fake products in the ghost market, there is only one word, 'Kill! '.

And it is killing without mercy.

Hearing that someone dared to sell fake goods in the ghost market, many people immediately surrounded them.

This is a small booth, although the booth is not big.

But from elixir, elixirs, ores, to spirit treasures, this booth has everything that one expects to find.

And it can be seen that the age of these things is very far away.Obviously, these things should not have been robbed, if not, then such a long-standing thing, probably came out of the tomb.

Tomb robbing is illegal on earth, but in the world of comprehension, tomb robbing is just disgraceful.

Lin Mu didn't have any special views on them, and Lin Mu himself didn't shy away from the things taken out of the ancient tomb.

At this time, in front of the booth, a person who was holding a small piece, which fell from some magic weapon, shouted emotionally: "Just such an incomplete thing, you dare to say that it is comparable to the ninth grade!" Lingbao, you have made it clear that you are selling fake products to deceive people."

Hearing the responsibility of the other party, the seller was not moved at all.

"I sell my things, and what you don't like is what you don't like. As for the fakes you said, your eyes saw that there are fake things on my booth. It's what you hold in your hand. The things are all genuine. If you think it is not worth the price, you can put it down. But if you say that what I sell is fake, then don’t blame me for being rude to you.” said Later, the stall owner's tone also changed from polite to threatening.

The person who bought the goods obviously had some background, sneered, and said, "You are a fake seller, and you dare to be rude to me. I am standing here today to see how rude you are to me."


Before he could change his clothes, the buyer suddenly slammed out his palm, which instantly shattered the buyer into pieces.


Seeing this seller, he was merciless in his actions, and he would kill him when he came up.This made many people stunned.

"Everyone, the person who said that I sold fake products just now has been banned by me. You can buy with confidence now. If you find the same fake product in front of my booth, I am willing to stand still and let everyone take me down. palm to death.

And I don't hide it from you, these things do come out of the soil.But I can assure you that these things are all treasures among the real ones.

It is inconvenient for me to disclose the identity of the owner of the tomb, but I can tell you that the identity of the owner of the tomb is by no means as ordinary as you may have guessed. "The stall owner also cupped his hands and said.

Hearing the stall owner's words, many people stopped and started picking things in front of his stall.

Lin Mu also sneered inwardly as he watched the stall owner's hard-working performance.

I have seen too many sales promotions on TV in Earth Forest, and all kinds of methods. It can be said that Lin Shu has seen them all.

The method used by the stall owner is just more realistic than the method on earth.

"I want what he has in his hand!" Just as Lin Mu was about to leave, Tianlong Bow sent out a thought.

Lin Mu heard the thoughts of Tianlong Bow, and also looked at the things in the stall owner's hand.

The stall owner took a piece in his hand, the material was completely invisible, and it was a black and white piece.This seems to be a fragment of some kind of magic weapon, but it's just too small, and it's impossible to tell what kind of magic weapon it is.

But since the Heavenly Dragon Bow opened its mouth, it is basically certain that the forest tree is that this fragment should come from the broken Heavenly Dragon Bow.

After Lin Mu and the onlookers left, they stepped forward and said, "Boss, I want what you have."

Seeing another customer coming to the door, the stall owner also warmly greeted: "Little brother is indeed a person who knows the goods. Although this fragment of the magic weapon is already damaged, it is also polluted by something, but I can assure you that this piece of magic weapon has an extraordinary origin. Just from its indestructible body, we can conclude..."

Listening to the stall owner's long-winded introduction for half an hour, Lin Mu felt more and more like returning to the earth and watching TV shopping.

Lin Mu was worried that the stall owner would not be able to finish talking for another three days and three nights, so he interrupted him and said, "Just tell me how much it is."

"It's not expensive! It's not expensive! This is the last thing I have, and it's not easy to meet someone as knowledgeable as you, brother, so I'll sell it to you for 880 high-grade spirit stones!" The stall owner said with a smile.

When Lin Mu heard the quotation, he became more and more skeptical whether this person had ever done TV shopping on Earth, even the price quoted was so similar.

However, all the spiritual stones on Lin Mu's body at this time would only add up to tens of millions, so it was impossible to give them all.

Lin Mudao: "I saw the cooperation between you and that man just now, the stall owner. If you give me this thing at a cheaper price, I can pretend that I don't know anything."

"What cooperation?" Faced with Lin Mu's trump card, the stall owner continued to play dumb.

Lin Mu sneered, and said: "Although that man's performance just now was realistic, as long as you pay close attention, you can tell that what exploded in the end was just a substitute. But he also cooperated, and he still really endured that slap. Understand."

Hearing that Lin Mu had already said this, the stall owner didn't dare to let Lin Mu continue talking.

If Lin Mu is allowed to continue talking, then this matter will really be exposed.

"Okay bro, I met an expert today. If you like this piece, just take the 88 high-grade spirit stones away, and I'll make a fortune too!" The stall owner was straightforward.

Lin Mu didn't even bargain with him, he just threw 88 high-grade spirit stones and turned around to leave.

"Brother! Brother, don't go away! I'm done shopping, let's find a place to have a drink or two, and I have some business by the way, I want to talk to you, brother!" Seeing that Lin Mu was about to leave, the stall owner tidied himself up quickly. things, and chased after them.

(End of this chapter)

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