Supreme Chef

Chapter 730 Cooperation Tomb Raider

Chapter 730 Cooperation Tomb Raider
Seeing the stall owner catching up to him, Lin Mu also said, "We don't seem to have any business to do?"

The stall owner said very enthusiastically: "Brother, you didn't listen, how did you know that there is no business to do? Let's go! I invite you to drink, let's talk while drinking."

The stall owner is very familiar with himself and doesn't regard Lin Mu as an outsider at all.

Lin Mu was enthusiastically brought to a restaurant by the stall owner, and then the stall owner generously called a private room and invited Lin Mu inside.

Lin Mu is not afraid of what the stall owner will do to him, after all, this is a ghost town, and it is the day when the ghost market is open, so there are really no people who dare to make trouble at this time.

After the stall owner entered the private room, he also took off his long gown, revealing his rather funny face.

The owner of the stall was very muscular, with a full face and eyes the size of sesame seeds. It looked as if two black sesame seeds had been stuck on top of a big pancake.

However, the stall owner's smiling face seems to be very easy to make people feel good.

"Wu De hasn't asked my brother's name yet?" The stall owner volunteered his name.

Hearing the stall owner's name, Lin Mu also felt amused.

A tomb robber, named Wu De, is really very appropriate.

"Go down to Lin Mu." Lin Mu also announced his name.

Wu De smiled honestly, and said, "Brother Lin, let's have some wine first."

Lin Mu blocked it with his hand, and said: "Brother Wu, if we have anything to do, it's better to talk about it first, as for drinking, we can talk about it after we finish talking."

Wu De laughed and said, "That's fine, if we don't explain things clearly, we won't have a good time drinking."

After a pause, Wu De said: "Brother Lin, you can see my little tricks. I think Brother Lin is also a fellow. I have a good deal now, and I want to do it with you, Brother Lin. I wonder if you are interested, Brother Lin?"

Lin Mudao: "Brother Wu, you may have misunderstood. We are not the same people. I have never done something like tomb robbery."

Wu De was stunned for a moment, and said: "Brother Lin is not a fellow, but it is fate that we met, Brother Lin. My deal is definitely a good deal. Brother Lin, why don't you listen first."

Lin Mu stood up and said, "If it's a tomb robbery, I'm not interested. Although I don't mind things from the cemetery, I'm not interested in tomb robbery myself."

Lin Mu is not pretending, but Lin Mu really has no interest.Although Lin Mu doesn't despise tomb robbers, Lin Mu absolutely can't do it if he asks himself to do it.

Seeing that Lin Mu was about to leave, Wu De hurriedly got up to stop him, saying: "Brother Lin, don't you rush to leave? I haven't finished my sentence yet? My business this time is just to get along with the tomb robbers. And this time I Brother Lin, you will definitely be interested in the place you are going to, the ancient secret realm."

Lin Mu also stopped when he heard Wu De's words.

Seeing Lin Mu stop, Wu De became more enthusiastic. He pulled Lin Mu to sit down again and said, "Brother Lin, come, let's drink and talk."

After Lin Mu sat down, he still didn't touch the wine glass on the table, and said, "What's the deal?"

Wu De also put down his wine glass, and said, "Brother Lin, do you know why the Ye family paid so much attention to the opening of the ancient secret realm this time?"

Knowing that Wu De was trying to trick him, Lin Mu didn't rush to answer.

Seeing that Lin Mu didn't answer the conversation at all, Wu De also made fun of himself and said: "This time the opening of the ancient secret realm is different from the past, not to mention the opening time. And for some reasons, people can also lead to higher secret realms.

Not just staying on the first floor, but according to the information I got, the reason why the Ye family attaches so much importance to it.It was because on the third floor of the secret realm, there was a large tomb left by an ancestor of the Ye family.It is very likely that there is the supreme martial arts of the Ye family, as well as the treasures left by the ancestors of the Ye family. "

After hearing Wu De's words, Lin Mu was also very interested.Because Lin Mu had never heard of this matter before. In fact, Lin Mu didn't stay in Dongxuanzhou for a long time, and most of the time he was in retreat, so he didn't know many things.

Take the ancient secret realm this time as an example, the trees in this ancient secret realm are not clear, let alone what is inside.

Although Lin Mu is interested, it doesn't mean that Lin Mu will be dazzled by these things.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said, "Since you know such details, you can go in by yourself. Why do you need to cooperate with me?"

Wu De chuckled, and said: "You know, our kind of work is completely shady. And this time the Ye family paid a lot of money, so I definitely can't get in in my capacity, so I have to Find a trusted partner and take me in with you."

When Wu De said this, Lin Mu thought it was reasonable, but Lin Mu still had a question, and said, "Then how can you be sure that I can definitely go in?"

Wu Dedao: "I already know about you and that old beggar."

Lin Mu nodded, not surprised.

Lin Mu said: "But how can you be sure that I will be able to take you in?"

Wu Dedao: "I'm not sure, but I believe in fate. It's fate that you and I met. And I won't let you take me in for nothing. As long as I rob that tomb, no matter what is in it, I am willing." It will be shared equally with you. You just need to take me in, and you don’t need to make any effort.”

Lin Mu thought for a while, and felt that the deal was a good deal, and said, "Okay, I promise you. But what can I do to bring you in."

Wu De couldn't help being overjoyed when Lin Mu agreed to himself, and then he took out a bottle and said, "This is a treasure I found in an ancient curtain. I can hide in this bottle for an hour, as long as you stay there for an hour. Within, just enter the ancient secret realm."

Looking at the bottle in Wu De's hand, Lin Mu was quite shocked.

In the world of comprehension, there is almost no magic weapon that can pretend to be a living person. Even in the chaotic world of trees, no one can pretend to be a living person except himself.

But the bottle in Wu De's hand can hold a living person, and it can hold it for an hour. This Wu De's identity is really not simple.

Lin Mu looked at the bottle and said, "Are you not afraid that I will refine this bottle with you?"

Wu Dedao: "I believe that my vision is not wrong."

Lin Mu grimaced in his heart, of course he would not believe Wu De's nonsense.In the realm of comprehension, there is no one who would willingly entrust his life in the hands of others.This Wu De must have something behind him to leave the bottle, but Lin Mu knew that even if he asked Wu De, he would not say it.

Lin Mu said: "Okay, since you believe me, let's make an agreement. But whether I can enter the ancient secret realm is another question. If I can't enter myself, then there is no way."

Wu De smiled and said, "Of course I understand that."

After a pause, Wu De took the initiative to raise his glass and said, "Cheers to our happy cooperation!"

Lin Mu did not refuse this time, and took the initiative to clink glasses with Wu De.

After drinking a glass of wine, Lin Mu said goodbye and left.

Leaving the restaurant and returning to his residence, Guang Daoren said: "This Wu De is not simple. His cultivation seems to be only at the Transcendence Tribulation Realm, but I believe his strength will definitely not be weaker than any Ascension Realm expert."

Lin Mu said: "I know. If he is just an ordinary strong man in the Tribulation Realm, he would have the guts to steal the curtain of the ancient family. However, his proposal is not harmful to us. We will definitely If you offend the Ye family, you don't care about offending him again."

After speaking, Lin Mu took out the Tianlong Bow that he asked him to buy, and began to watch it carefully.

This is a broken and unremarkable fragment, and it is not known to be polluted by something, so it can't see the original appearance at all.

"It should be dao blood!" Daoist Guang said, looking at the things above.

(End of this chapter)

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