Supreme Chef

Chapter 732

Chapter 732

After discussing with the old beggar, Lin Mu began to wait for the old beggar to bring him news.

Although Lin Mu didn't know what the status of the old beggar was in the city.But Lin Mu knew that the status of the old beggar in the city would definitely not be low.

The ghost city does not have a city lord's mansion, but this does not mean that no one guards the ghost city.

If there is really no one to guard it, then the ghost city may have ceased to exist long ago.

The ancient secret realm of the Ye family was opened seven days after the end of the ghost market. On the night of the sixth day, the old beggar found Lin Mu again and told Lin Mu that the quota was settled.Lin Mu was also very straightforward, returning the book to the old beggar.

The old beggar was also very happy to see that his treasure book was lost and recovered.

Lin Mu looked at the happy old beggar, and said, "Senior, do you still have one thing for me? You shouldn't forget it, right?"

The old beggar said angrily, "I will never forget it."

Lin Mu smiled slightly, and said: "Since the senior has not forgotten, the junior will not give it away."

As soon as the old beggar left, fat Wu De came to the door very punctually.

Seeing Lin Mu, Wu De said, "How is it? Has the quota issue been settled?"

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said, "Brother Wu is well-informed? You have already got the news as soon as senior left. Those who don't know think you are lying in a corner?"

Wu De didn't care about Lin Mu's sarcasm at all, and said, "Did the old beggar come to tell you that he has settled the quota issue?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "It's true that the matter of the quota has been settled."

Wu De rubbed his hands very excitedly when he heard that the quota issue was settled, and said, "Great! Great! I, Wu De, have come to the Ye family's big tomb."

Lin Mu looked at Wu De's excited look, and said, "Don't be too happy, we are going to enter the secret realm from the Ye family this time. The Ye family will definitely check everyone who enters, and if you are discovered by then, Then it has nothing to do with me."

Wu Dedao: "Don't worry, I have a way to avoid their interrogation. You just need to take me with you when the time comes."

After finishing speaking, Wu De said: "I still have some things to prepare, and I will come to you again before I leave tomorrow morning."

After Wu De finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Wait!" Lin Mu also stopped Wu De.

"Brother Lin, is there anything else?" Wu De stopped, looked at Lin Mu and asked.

Lin Mudao: "I don't think it's the first time for you to come to the ghost town, brother Wu?"

Wu De nodded and said, "It's not the first time I've come here."

Lin Mudao: "Brother Wu, do you know the identity of that old beggar senior?"

It is absolutely impossible to say that Lin Mu is not curious about the identity of the old beggar.But Lin Mu also knew that if he asked him, the old beggar would never tell him.

Wu De was taken aback when Lin Mu asked about the old beggar's identity, but he still said, "Actually, I don't know the specific identity of that old beggar. But almost every year when I come here, he will appear in the ghost town. Some newcomers. When I first came here, I was almost cheated by that old scammer with his precious book..."

Wu De is a person who can't stop talking, so in order not to listen to his long speech, Lin Mu can only interrupt Wu De and say, "Let's just get to the point. I'm not interested in your past glorious history."

Wu Dedao: "You should know that ghost towns don't have city owners, right?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I know."

Wu Dedao: "You should also know that there are four guardians in the ghost city. These four people will take turns to protect the safety of the ghost city, right?"

Lin Mu nodded again, expressing that he also knew about it.

"You mean, that old beggar is one of the four guardians?"

Wu De shook his head, and said: "I was so suspicious before. But the more times I come here, the more I know. I have seen all the four guardians, and there is no old beggar. But I found something What's a little strange is that the four guardians don't care what the old beggar is doing in the city.

But if there is something that cannot be solved by the four great protectors, the old beggar will definitely appear as soon as possible.And the old beggar is absolutely not allowed to destroy the ghost town.In addition, the four guardians will appear in the ghost town in turn, but the old beggar seems to have never left the ghost town. "

After listening to Wu De's analysis, Lin Mu said, "Just tell me the result. I'm not interested in your analysis."

Wu De said with a serious face: "According to my analysis, it's not that the ghost town doesn't have a castellan. It's that the castellan of the ghost town is too low-key, and never admits that he is the castellan."

After listening to Wu De's words, Lin Mu also understood what Wu De wanted to express, and said, "You mean the old beggar, most likely the low-key city lord of the ghost town!"

Wu Dedao: "It's not very possible. I feel that the old beggar is the city owner. And I think there must be many other secrets in this old beggar. This old beggar is definitely not simple."

After a pause, Wu De approached the forest and said mysteriously: "And I also found something strange. I found that this ghost town does not seem to be a city, but a magic weapon manipulated by humans."

"What!" Lin Mu was indeed taken aback when he heard Wu De's earth-shattering deduction.

Although the ghost town is a bit dilapidated, it is exactly the same as other large cities in terms of size and other factors.

But if things are really as Wu De deduced, and the whole ghost town is a magic weapon, then how big is this magic weapon.

Streets, city walls, shops, etc... everything.

If this is true, then this magic weapon is definitely against the sky.

But if you think about it again, Wu De's deduction is not unfounded.First of all, the fact that ghost towns can move is an unsolved mystery.

But if the ghost town is a magic weapon, then this is not an unsolved mystery, because the magic weapon can be collected and taken away at any time.As for when it will appear and where it will appear, that can be completely decided by the owner of the magic weapon.

"Don't be too surprised. My statement is just an inference. I don't know exactly what it is. But there is definitely an amazing secret in that old beggar. If I can't beat him, I will absolutely He pressed on the ground, and asked him what secrets are hidden in him." Wu De said fiercely.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, imagining the scene of Wu De's strong body pushing the ragged old beggar to the ground, and immediately felt a little shuddering.

"By the way, I have one more thing to ask you?" Lin Mu suddenly thought of something and said.

Wu Dedao: "Brother Lin, if you have any questions, just ask them?"

Lin Mu said: "Where did you get that magic weapon fragment you sold me?"

Wu De tried his best to recall it, and said: "I accidentally discovered this fragment of the magic weapon when I was robbing the tomb. And in the entire ancient tomb, there is only this one piece, and there will be no more. But if you are interested, Brother Lin , when I work in the future, I can help you pay attention."

Lin Mu said: "Then I'll have to thank Brother Wu."

Wu De waved his hand generously, and said, "You're welcome with me. Is there anything else, Brother Lin? If not, I'll leave first!"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Brother Wu, please do what you want."

After Wu De left, Lin Mu also began to adjust his breath.

Although Lin Mu got answers to Wu De's two questions, such answers didn't mean much to Lin Mu.So Lin Mu didn't want to waste his brain cells thinking about it, so he might as well think about it, and enter the ancient secret realm tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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