Supreme Chef

Chapter 733 Murder without source

Chapter 733 Murder without source

The next day came quickly, and fat Wu De also rushed over on time.

Fatty Wu De handed the bottle to Lin Mu, and said solemnly: "This bottle can only last for an hour at most, so you must hurry up and enter the ancient secret realm."

Lin Mudao: "Don't worry, as long as the Ye family opens the secret realm, I will be the first to rush in, but you also have to remember the agreement you and I made before."

Wu Dedao: "You can also rest assured about this, I will definitely do what I say. Half of you is absolutely indispensable."

Lin Mu said: "Okay, you can put it in the bottle."

Wu De nodded, and then went straight into the bottle.

Lin Mu held the bottle, and added a seal on the mouth of the bottle to isolate his consciousness and sight.

Wu De did not raise any doubts about Lin Mu's actions.This made Lin Mu even more certain that Wu De must have a backup.

After Lin Mu put away the jade bottle, the old beggar also came to pick up Lin Mu.

After Lin Mu joined the other nine people, the old beggar led the team in the direction of Ye's house.

Lin Mu didn't know the nine people who came out of the ghost town.However, the cultivation bases of the nine people are not low, they are all above the Tribulation Transcending Realm, and Lin Shu is the lowest one here.

From this, Lin Mu guessed that the Ye family's ancient secret realm must be at most only useful to monks in the Tribulation Realm, and should be of little use to monks in the Ascension Realm.

The nine people didn't show any surprise at the appearance of Lin Mu, a person of the fourth level of transformation.

The old beggar didn't say a word, he was controlling the flying spirit treasure in front, while Lin Mu and ten people were introducing themselves to each other.

Although the ten people didn't know each other before, they are about to enter the ancient secret realm of the Ye family. Now that they know each other, they can be regarded as finding an ally in advance.

Through the mutual introduction of the other nine people, Lin Mu knew that among the nine people, four were the places occupied by the ghost city itself, and four were the direct disciples of the four guardians of the ghost city.

As for the other five people, they all have a lot of background.They are all sects and families, and they have spent a huge price to obtain such a place.

But the person who interested Lin Mu the most was a person from the Northern Emperor Emperor Sect.

This person always treats everyone with a kind face, even to Lin Mu, he treats Lin Mu with courtesy, treats Lin Mu as the same level, and does not look down on Lin Mu because of his low cultivation level.

However, Lin Mu knew Emperor Zong too well. If Emperor Zong could have such a disciple, it would be too strange. Everything this person is showing now is obviously pretending.

"Brother Du, I heard that the Tiannu Sect seems to be having a martial arts contest to recruit relatives. I wonder if we have the chance to participate?" A disciple who also came from an ancient family asked politely to Du Chun, a disciple of the Northern Emperor Sect.

Du Chun smiled and said: "Brother Yu, I also want to have a chance, but our cultivation has exceeded the requirements. This time, the martial arts contest is aimed at potential monks who are under the Tribulation Transcending Realm in the entire East Xuanzhou. If you and I break through later, there may still be a chance."

The person called Brother Yu also shook his head and smiled, and said: "However, I heard that the disciple of the Tiannvzong who recruited relatives in the martial arts competition this time is extremely beautiful, and he is not inferior to the saintess of the Tiannvzong. Such a thing?"

Du Chun said: "That female disciple of the Heavenly Girl Sect is indeed a rare beauty, and she is also born with a charming body."

"It turned out to be a natural beauty, so whoever can successfully marry her will be blessed..." Before Brother Yu finished speaking, he felt a killing intent that made him shudder. spread among the spaceship.

Everyone felt this killing intent, but when everyone went to look for it, the killing intent suddenly dissipated without a trace.

The killing intent dissipated very suddenly, and disappeared without any warning at all, so that everyone could not find the source.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know what was going on.

Only Lin Mu secretly glanced at the old beggar, and silently thanked the old beggar in his heart.

The murderous aura just now was indeed inspired by Lin Shu, but it was shaken away by the old beggar in just an instant, and the shock was so invisible that no one could find the source at all.

Lin Mu knew that this was the old beggar protecting him, otherwise if someone found out the source of the murderous intent, his identity would be exposed.

"What happened just now?" Brother Yu was the first to break the silence.

Du Chun looked around and said, "I don't know, it must be that we flew over the territory of a powerful spirit beast."

Although everyone disagreed with Du Chun's conjecture, they did not investigate it carefully.

Lin Mu suppressed the killing intent in his heart, and said, "Brother Du, what's the name of the female disciple of the Heavenly Nv Sect you mentioned?"

Du Chun glanced at Lin Mu, and said with a smile: "Third brother, I forgot about you. We have no chance. But third brother, you still have a chance. Make good use of this opportunity in the secret realm, and try to break through as soon as possible. It's time to shine on the ring, so that you can embrace the beauty."

Lin Mu resisted the urge to interrupt Du Chun and let Du Chun finish all the nonsense.

After talking nonsense, Du Chun thought about it confidently, and said: "I remember that female disciple, she seems to be called Xu Mei. I have never seen it before, but I have only seen a portrait. Let me draw it for everyone."

After speaking, Du Chun drew Xu Mei's portrait out of thin air.

Seeing that it was indeed Xu Mei, Lin Mu's fingernails were deeply dug into his flesh, but he still had to put on a calm look on his face.

"Sure enough, she is a rare beauty. If the three brothers really stand out, you will definitely be blessed!" Brother Yu also booed.

Although Lin Mu had a cooperative smile on his face, his heart was already bleeding.

Lin Mu didn't know why there was such a change, but Lin Mu knew that all of this must have something to do with him.

"Brother Du, I don't know when will this contest to recruit relatives be scheduled?" Lin Mu asked.

Du Chun said: "After half a year, it will be held in Tiannvzong."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "Thank you Brother Du!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Mu stopped talking.

After half a year, I still have time.

"Whoever Xu Mei dares to touch a hair of yours, I will destroy his entire clan, just wait for me to pick you up!" Lin Mu said silently in his heart.

Because there are still several days to arrive at Ye's house, so in the next few days, everyone will go to practice separately.

Lin Mu's cultivation at this time is crazier than everyone else's, because Lin Mu must improve his cultivation in a short period of time.

Because of his low cultivation level, he can't even protect his beloved, such a thing is absolutely intolerable to Lin Mu.


But just when Lin Mu was about to start practicing with all his strength, the old beggar suddenly patted himself on the shoulder, interrupting Lin Mu's training that was about to start.

"Follow me!" The old beggar said to Lin Mu through voice transmission.

After hearing the old beggar's voice transmission, Lin Mu got up and followed the old beggar to the front of the spaceship.

The two left without carrying other people behind their backs, so when everyone saw Lin Mu being taken away by the old beggar, they were a little surprised.

As for the identity of the old beggar, everyone had some guesses, so everyone was also very interested in what the old beggar would say to Lin Mu.

But no matter how hard they try, they can't break through the previous prohibition, so they can only give up.


"This is not a place for you to practice. If you want to practice, wait until you enter the secret realm." The old beggar said to Lin Mu calmly while controlling the spaceship.

Lin Mu knew that he was overwhelmed by anger and was about to make another mistake, so he quickly cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for reminding me, senior."

The old beggar said: "Is that girl very important to you?"

Lin Mu nodded heavily and said, "She is my lover."

After a pause, Lin Mu said, "Senior and junior have something to ask for now."

The old beggar said, "I can help you rescue her from the Tiannvzong."

Lin Mu shook his head and said, "No! Senior! This junior will rescue his lover with his own hands. I will not allow anyone to hurt her!"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the old beggar was a little confused, and said, "Then what do you want me to do?"

Lin Mudao: "The junior hopes that after half a year, the senior can go to the Tiannv Sect and give the junior a chance to take the lead."

The old beggar looked at Lin Mu with an extremely serious expression, nodded, and said, "Okay! I promise you."

After a pause, the old beggar said: "After entering the secret realm, be careful with that Du Chun, don't get too close to him."

Lin Mu said: "Thank you senior for reminding me, this junior will pay attention."

After finishing speaking, the old beggar stopped talking, and just controlled the spaceship to head towards the Ye family.

If it is said that Lin Mu still had a dispensable attitude towards the Ye family's ancient secret realm before, then now Lin Mu is determined to win the Ye family's ancient secret realm.

Because if you want to improve your cultivation in a short period of time, only this kind of secret realm can do it.

(End of this chapter)

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