Supreme Chef

Chapter 738 The Enemy's Enemy Is The Enemy

Chapter 738 The Enemy's Enemy Is The Enemy

Du Chun corroded the trees, looked at the trees and said, "It's enough to make you proud to be able to shake me from attacking me."

"Fart!" Lin Mu endured the pain of breaking his arm, and then exploded angrily, followed by a wave of flames blasted out.

The fire waves from the trees can already blast out three completely, and their power is even more incomparable to the past.


Du Chun didn't dare to fight recklessly when he saw Lin Mu's heavy waves of flames attacking him, and flew to avoid it.

Du Chun dodged, Lin Mu didn't hesitate, turned around and fled.

There is something weird about Du Chun that he doesn't know about.If you stay here by yourself, you will definitely suffer.

Seeing Lin Mutou running away without looking back, Du Chun also sneered, and then directly chased after him.

But soon Du Chun discovered a problem, Lin Mu's speed was no slower than him, and even faster than him.

I am a full level higher than Lin Shu, but my speed is not as fast as Lin Shu.

Du Chun looked at the trees running faster and faster, and laughed loudly: "This is the ancient secret realm of the Ye family, no matter how fast you run, you won't be able to escape if the time is up."

Lin Mu didn't pay attention to what Du Chun said at all, but kept speeding up, widening the distance between him and Du Chun.

Seeing Lin Shu running faster and faster, Du Chun frowned involuntarily, and at the same time, a trace of worry appeared in his heart.

Looking at the trees that were getting farther and farther away from him, Du Chun also accelerated to follow.

While flying in front of him, Lin Mu performed body training exercises to repair his broken arm.After a round of kung fu, Lin Shu's severed arm was connected intact.

At the same time, he was also thinking about Du Chun, how he managed to break his arm with one punch.

Lin Mu didn't believe that Du Chun was also a body trainer.And even if Du Chun's cultivation level is higher than his own, it is impossible to break his arm.

"Brother Lin, you will never run away, so don't waste your efforts in vain." Du Chun said with a smile on his face.

Seeing that Du Chun was getting closer to him, Lin Mu didn't say a word, and directly activated the speed rule, and opened the distance with Du Chun again.

Seeing Lin Shu was another instant, and the distance between him and himself was opened, Du Chun's eyes couldn't help but brighten up again.

But the more Lin Mu's performance surprised him, the more determined he was to win Lin Mu.

The area of ​​the Ye family's secret realm is huge, and it is completely an independent small world.Lin Mu flew for more than two hours, but he couldn't see the boundary between the first floor and the second floor.

However, Lin Shu didn't stop there, and continued to speed up and fly forward.Whenever Du Chun was about to overtake him, he would use the speed rule to widen the distance between him and Du Chun.

Finally, two hours later, Lin Mu saw a light gate made up of light circles.Then he jumped in without hesitation.

Passing through the aperture, the world suddenly became darker.At the same time, there were many high-level ferocious beasts in the mountains and rivers here, and the pressure around him also increased several times in an instant.

This is the second layer of the Ye family's secret realm, and it is the place where monks in the tribulation realm use to practice.

"You can't run away!" After Lin Mu jumped in here, Du Chun followed Lin Mu and rushed in.

"You grandson, just follow grandpa and eat ashes." Lin Mu left a sentence, and the speed increased again.

Hearing Lin Mu's scolding, Du Chun was still not angry, and continued to fly forward quickly.

Although the pressure here is several times higher than that of the first floor, it doesn't hinder the trees in any way. With the flawless body of the trees, these pressures can be completely ignored.

Lin Mu continued to speed up, and Du Chun followed closely behind.

The area of ​​the second floor is much smaller than that of the third floor.In just two hours, Lin Shu had already flown to the end.

Seeing the aperture in front of him, Lin Mu drilled in again without hesitation.

When Du Chun saw Lin Mu running forward like a headless chicken, he also sneered in his heart.

Lin Mu obviously didn't know the situation of the Ye family's secret realm, the Ye family's secret realm only had four floors.And the fourth floor is not open at all, that is to say, the third floor is already the end.

"Run! Let's see where you can go!" Du Chun sneered and said to himself.

After Lin Mu rushed to the third floor, he directly crushed the communication jade slip that Wu De gave him.

The reason why Lin Mu ran away all the way was to look for Wu De.

He is not Du Chun's opponent, but Lin Mu believes it.Wu De must be Du Chun's opponent.Moreover, Wu De's strength is definitely stronger than Du Chun's.

After Lin Mu crushed the jade slip, he soon got a response from Wu De.

After receiving Wu De's response, Lin Mu immediately changed direction and rushed towards Wu De's direction.

After Lin Mu flew for half an hour, he saw Wu De's figure.

But before Lin Mu could be happy, he saw Wu De jumping three feet high, swearing and rushing towards Lin Mu.

Seeing the group of people following Wu De, Lin Mu couldn't help cursing.

At this moment, Lin Mu finally understood why Wu De responded so quickly.

"Brother Lin, it's great that you're here!" Wu De also shouted loudly when he saw Lin Mu.

"Grass! I don't know you!" Seeing Wu De, Lin Mu turned around and ran away.

"Brother Lin, how can you be so disrespectful?" Wu De also yelled loudly when he saw Lin Mu turn around and run away.

Seeing Wu De following him, Lin Mu really wanted to slap himself hard.

Knowing that Wu De is unreliable, Lin Mu still came to look for him, isn't he uncomfortable.

Although Lin Mu tried his best to get rid of Wu De, Wu De's speed was much faster than Du Chun's.If you don't use the speed rule, you really can't get rid of Wu De.

Looking at Wu De's obese body, he twisted and twisted to narrow the distance with himself.Lin Mu knew that Wu De's strength was definitely not as simple as he thought.

But with so many people following behind him, if the speed rule is activated at this time, it is very likely that he will be exposed.

Seeing that he couldn't get rid of Wu De, Lin Mu simply let Wu De follow him.

"Brother Lin, you are still loyal enough to bear the burden with me." Wu De also said wheezingly after catching up with Lin Mu.

Lin Mu said angrily, "What are you doing that is outrageous? So many people are chasing you."

Wu De chuckled and said, "I didn't do anything. I just dug up their Ye family's ancestral grave."

"Have you found the Ye family's ancestral grave?" Lin Mu asked with a bright eye.

Wu De spat, and said: "Fart's ancestral grave, that is a tomb of clothes, there is nothing in it except a few rags."

Lin Mu said: "Cloth tomb?"

Wu De cursed and said: "That's right. Not only did he run away for nothing, but he was also discovered by the Ye family."

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, completely disbelieving what Wu De said.

Wu De looked at Lin Mu's appearance and said, "Why don't you believe me, why don't you look through it. If you find anything, I'll give it to you."

Although Wu De swears, Lin Mu still doesn't believe what Wu De said.

"You still don't believe it, right? I'll take you to find the real tomb of the Ye family later, and you should believe it then?" Wu De assured.

Lin Mu said: "Do you know the location of the real ancient tomb?"

Wu De nodded and said, "I see, there is a detailed location inside the Clothes Tomb."

Only now did Lin Mu finally understand why Wu De was hunted down.

Wu De looked at Du Chun and said, "What's the matter with that bastard?"

Lin Mudao: "That bastard was sent by the Northern Emperor Sect to chase and kill me."

Wu De rolled his eyeballs, and suddenly gave a sly smile, saying: "The enemy of the enemy is the enemy of each other."

Lin Mu looked at Wu De's treacherous smile and said, "Do you have a solution?"

Wu De smirked twice, and said, "Look at me?"

Wu De took out a piece of jade slip that he didn't know what it was, and threw it directly in front of Du Chun, saying: "Everyone from the Ye family has been chased after me, and the people from the Northern Emperor Sect asked me to do that thing." Yes, now I'm returning the map to him, you can chase him if you want, I won't play with you guys anymore."

After Wu De finished speaking, he turned around and ran, "Run!"

Lin Mu looked at Du Chun who was vaguely surrounded by people from the Ye family, and also began to mourn for Du Chun.

(End of this chapter)

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