Supreme Chef

Chapter 739

Chapter 739
Wu De's move is absolutely black-bellied.

However, this move also liberated both Lin Mu and Wu De.

Du Chun watched helplessly as he was surrounded, but there was nothing he could do.Holding the jade slip thrown by Wu De in his hand, even if he was reluctant to throw it, he was also reluctant to send it out.

Du Chun really wants to use his spiritual sense to see what is in this jade slip, but he knows that as long as he reads it by himself, it will definitely be the Ye family's stormy attack.

"Brothers of the Ye family, you may have misunderstood. I don't know that fat man just now. I return this jade slip to you." In the end, Du Chun decided to hand over the jade slip to chase Lin Mu.Compared with this uncertain jade slip, Du Chun felt that the value of trees seemed to be greater.

"Even if you don't know the fat man from before, you came here together, so there must be a lot of relationship. This is my Ye family's secret realm, and outsiders like you shouldn't be allowed to enter." The people of the Ye family took the jade slip After getting up, he didn't intend to let Du Chun leave.

"Brothers of the Ye family, I have a personal enmity with that kid in front of me. I just came after him. I'm not interested in what the ancestors of the Ye family left behind." Du Chun tried his best to explain.

However, in the eyes of the Ye family, Du Chun's explanation was just an excuse, and the Ye family didn't believe it at all.

"Offended!" Seeing that the people from the Ye family did not let him go, Du Chun suddenly got into trouble and punched heavily.


With a punch, the place where Du Chun was was completely shattered.

The smoke and dust rose everywhere, immediately fascinated everyone's sight, and Du Chun also took advantage of this effort to jump out of the encirclement, speed up and go after the trees.

Lin Mu and Wu De ran around for a long time, and finally came back and hid where they came from.

"That kid's fist is weird!" Wu De frowned as he watched Du Chun punch and force everyone in the Ye family back.

Lin Mu had long suspected that Du Chun's fist was weird, but Lin Mu couldn't see anything weird about it.

Wu De frowned and pondered for a long time, then said: "It doesn't seem to be that kid's power, it should be sealed in his arm, the beast soul of a powerful spirit beast!"

"A beast soul is sealed in the arm?" Lin Mu was a little surprised after hearing Wu De's analysis.

Lin Mu is also a person who has been in the fairy world and the cultivation world, but he has never heard of someone who can seal the soul of a beast in his body.

Even the sect that is extremely proficient in beast control has never heard of anyone who seals a spirit beast in their arms.

Wu De nodded, and said: "This should be an ancient secret method, and not many people know it now. However, this secret method is not without its shortcomings. That is, it must be fed with a large amount of blood every year. , otherwise it will cause the backlash of the beast soul."

After Wu De finished speaking, Taoist Guang also transmitted the sound to Lin Mu, and added: "In ancient times, there was indeed such a method, but this method was not used by many people in ancient times. This method will not only consume the people who raise animal souls. Essence and blood also violate the harmony of heaven and hinder the reincarnation of heaven and earth. Therefore, few people use such tricks.

But the kid on the opposite side probably didn't know about these things.It is very possible that he was fooled by someone and used such a trick. "

Lin Mu looked at Du Chun after listening to Taoist Guang's words, and felt that although Du Chun was not stupid, he was a little pitiful.Although such a method can temporarily gain powerful power, there are only two final results, either the blood essence is exhausted, or he dies under the catastrophe.

Instead of looking at Du Chun, Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said, "How do you know so much?"

Wu De chuckled and said, "I have robbed a lot of tombs, and I have read a lot of ancient books. It happens to have records about this matter."

Lin Mu now maintains a highly skeptical attitude towards Wu De's every word.

Wu De is obviously used to this attitude towards Lin Mu.

"After they all left, we went to dig his Ye family's ancestral grave. I checked the terrain here, and the Ye family's ancestral tomb is probably buried on the ground. If we are lucky, it is very likely that In the ancestral tomb of his Ye family, he found the essence of the earth for thousands of years." Wu De said to Lin Mu bewitchingly.

Although Lin Mu knew that this was Wu De's trick to confuse him, but after hearing Wu De's words, Lin Mu was still moved.

"Are you sure that the tombs of the ancestors of the Ye family contain the essence of the earth for thousands of years!" Lin Mu asked.

Wu Dedao: "I'm not completely sure, but I'm [-]% sure. Our tomb robbers test their eyesight. When I came in, I had already observed the direction of the earth veins here. I'm sure that the earth veins below the third floor, Although it has not become a spirit to leave, it has become a climate. If no one enters here, the soul of the ten thousand years must still be there."

Lin Mu had nothing to argue with Wu De on tomb robbery. Wu De was definitely an expert on this point, but Lin Mu didn't believe that Wu De would be so kind as to reveal such things to himself.

"Surely you can't manage that tomb by yourself?" Lin Mu asked.

Wu De did not deny it, nodded and said: "I really can't handle it alone, I must have someone cooperate with me."

Lin Mu said: "It should be dangerous to cooperate with you, right?"

Wu De tried his best, and said: "This is not dangerous at all, as long as you help me watch out, and let me know when someone comes."

"It's that simple?" Lin Mu asked uncertainly.

"It's that simple!" Wu De said firmly.

Lin Mu said: "Okay then, help me watch out, I'll steal this tomb."

As soon as Wu De heard that Lin Mu wanted to do something, he quickly said, "I'm a professional in tomb robbery, let me do it, you just need to help me out."

Lin Mu squinted at Wu De and said, "Although I'm not a professional, one or two formations are not a problem to me. If you help me catch the wind, I can still break through the formations there."

Wu Dedao: "Tomb robbery is not as simple as you think. You just need to break two formations. There are many things involved in it. Let me do it."

Lin Mudao: "If you agree, I will go with you. If you don't agree, I will drag you. For the sake of an uncertain ten thousand-year-old soul, I don't need to take that risk."

Wu De rolled his eyes for a long time, and finally said: "Okay. I will break the formation for you, but you must pay attention to the time, you must break the formation within an hour, otherwise the Ye family will be destroyed." People are attracted. By then we won’t even be able to run.”

Lin Mu sneered and said, "It's hard to escape if you're the guard."

Wu De blushed, but he still tried his best to argue: "It's hard for both of us to escape."

Lin Mu knew what Wu De was thinking a long time ago, if it was so easy to control the wind, Wu De would never give it to him.

"They're all gone, let's take action too, take me to the location of the grave." Lin Mu also said to Wu De when he saw that the members of the Ye family and Du Chun had left.

(End of this chapter)

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