Supreme Chef

Chapter 745 My sister is very gentle

Chapter 745 My sister is very gentle

The blood entered the air and immediately turned into blood mist.However, the blood mist condensed but did not disperse, covering the entire cave with a strange blood color.


The cave suddenly trembled violently, as if the whole cave was about to collapse.

"Bang Dang! Bang Dang!" Under the call of the blood mist, the coffin lid also violently bumped, as if the things inside were about to rush out.

"Use my blood to summon the souls of our ancestors!" Ye Tianhen suddenly roared loudly.

"Ye family's taboo secret method!" Sun Shuang looked at Ye Tianhen, and his face changed suddenly.

"He is summoning the ancient heroic souls of the ancestors of the Ye family. We cannot let him succeed, or we will all be finished!" Taoist Guang also said to Lin Mu in a solemn tone.

Needless to say, Taoist Guang, Lin Mu had already pointed the Tianlong Bow at Ye Tianhen, ready to attack at any time.

"Protect Senior Brother Ye!" The remaining eight people, seeing Lin Mu aiming the Tianlong bow at Ye Tianhen, also spontaneously blocked Ye Tianhen, protecting Ye Tianhen in the middle.

"Damn! A dead ghost still wants to return to the light, please be honest with me!" Wu De, who was breaking the formation, was also affected by this fluctuation, and was almost bitten by the formation.

After swearing, Wu De took out a talisman from somewhere, and stuck it heavily on the coffin lid.

The talisman was pasted on the coffin lid, and a burst of dazzling light suddenly burst out, and then the coffin lid stopped shaking strangely.

"Soul-locking talisman!" Daoist Guang said in shock, staring at the thing on the coffin lid.

Lin Mu had also heard of the soul-locking talisman, which was a legendary talisman in ancient times.According to legend, this talisman belongs to the underworld and is used to suppress the evil spirits of the treacherous and evil people.There is absolutely no such thing in the world, only in the underworld.

However, the talisman that Wu De took out was a real soul-locking talisman, definitely not a fake.


The heroic soul of the ancestors was locked by the talisman, and Ye Tianhen failed to summon, but was immediately backlashed, spewing out a big mouthful of blood.

"Death to me!"

Lin Mu also saw the opportunity, pulled the Tianlong bow almost to the full moon, and then let go of the bowstring.


The light arrow shot out wildly, the speed far exceeded everyone's expectations.

The Light Arrow moves forward relentlessly, and anyone who stands in front of it will be crushed and crushed mercilessly by it!

Four powerhouses at the God Transformation Realm and four masters at the first level of the Transcendence Tribulation Realm were blasted off in a row, and they joined forces to strike together, trying to block the arrow of light.


However, Lin Mu didn't intend to give them a chance to fight at all, and directly detonated the light arrow.


The light arrow exploded, setting off another huge explosion storm, and immediately countless stalagmites disappeared in the explosion.

As for the four strong men in the Transcending Tribulation Realm, although they had already deployed layers of defenses, they still failed to block the power of the explosion in the end.The physical body disintegrated quickly, leaving only Nascent Souls one by one.

When Sun Shuang saw the four naked Nascent Souls, he didn't show any mercy at all, and shot out with his flying sword, which shattered the Nascent Souls of the four of them with one blow.

The flying sword didn't stop, and after finishing the Nascent Soul of the four people, it went straight to Ye Tianhen's neck.

Ye Tianhen was backlashed before, and then injured by the aftermath of the light arrow explosion. At this time, even when he saw the flying sword attacking, he was already powerless to resist.


Feijian circled around Ye Tianhen's neck, Ye Tianhen's head fell to the ground with a sound, and his consciousness was completely extinguished.

Ye Tianhen didn't figure it out until he died, since he was sure to win, how could it end like this.

After completing a series of fights, both Lin Mu and Sun Shuang were exhausted.

"I'll protect you, you recover first!" Sun Shuang said to Lin Mu.

"Okay!" Lin Mu nodded without being polite.

After half an hour, Lin Mu had recovered [-]% of his strength, so he stopped immediately.

"It's your turn!" Lin Mu opened his eyes and said to Sun Shuang.

Sun Shuang nodded and began to recover cross-legged.

Sun Shuang also recovered [-]% of his strength and stopped practicing.

The reason why the two chose to recover [-]% was because the remaining [-]% ​​needed the most time.The two of them haven't trusted each other enough to hand over their wealth and life to each other.

Sun Shuang woke up, looked at Lin Mu with a seductive smile, and said, "I didn't expect you to hide so deeply, and the power of that bow is so powerful, I'm afraid I can't stop it."

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "Why are you so modest? You didn't use your full strength at all. If you did, my bow might not be able to kill you."

Sun Shuang looked at Lin Mu and said with a smile: "Didn't you not do your best? I don't believe that the Divine Consciousness technique and that bow are all your strength. You really surprised me. Originally, I thought that only Emperor Zong Among them, there are such evildoers who can threaten people who have crossed the tribulation list when they are in the state of transformation. I didn't expect that among the casual cultivators, there would be such evildoers like you."

Lin Mudao: "You're welcome. Aren't you also an evildoer among casual cultivators? And I'm not so conceited that I can challenge the people in the Tianbang at the stage of transforming gods. I can stand out from hundreds of thousands of strong people in the realm of transcending tribulations , to become a celebrity on the list, they must not be mortals, and everyone must have a very terrifying backhand."

Sun Shuang smiled and threw Ye Tianhen's ring to Lin Mu, saying: "He is also on the top of the list, and his ranking is higher than mine. Didn't he also die in your hands?"

Lin Mu was not polite to Sun Shuang, and directly accepted Ye Tianhen's ring, saying: "Ye Tianhen was just too careless, he didn't think that my bow could threaten him, and he didn't think that the fat man would have a soul-locking talisman." Not to mention that your cultivation has already broken through, and your strength has even surpassed him."

In fact, what Lin Mu said was right, if it wasn't for all kinds of accidents, Ye Tianhen might not have lost so quickly.According to Lin Mu's previous prediction, it would be the best result to be able to lose both sides.

However, there were too many accidents, all of which were beyond Ye Tianhen's expectations, so it was difficult for Ye Tianhen to not die.

Sun Shuang's big eyes flickered, looked at Lin Mu and said in surprise: "You can see that my cultivation base has broken through, I thought I had hidden it well."

But before Lin Mu could answer, Sun Shuang said to himself, "Your cultivation of spiritual consciousness is very perverted. It's not a strange thing to find out that I've made a breakthrough."

After talking to himself, Sun Shuang stared at Lin Mu and said, "I really want to have a big fight with you, to see how many cards you still have, and to see which of us is stronger."

Hearing Sun Shuang's words, Lin Mu's head grew dizzy, he quickly shook his head, and begged for forgiveness: "I am not your opponent, the female Goddess of War is unparalleled in battle, I am willing to lose."

Wu Dedu told Lin Mu some stories about the Goddess of War.Although the Goddess of War is kind to Lin Shu, she is even a little bit charming and mischievous sometimes.

But deep down, this Goddess of War is a real fighting madman.Anyone who is targeted by her will end up miserable in the end.

The Goddess of War looked at Lin Mu's frightened look, smiled coquettishly, and said, "Don't listen to other people's nonsense, in fact, my sister is very gentle, and my sister is not violent at all."

Hearing Sun Shuang's words, Lin Mu couldn't help trembling.

Not to mention anything else, just from Sun Shuang's two words just now, Lin Mu didn't believe how gentle Sun Shuang could be.

"You two have been flirted with, come and help!" Wu De suddenly shouted.

Sun Shuang glanced at Lin Mu and said, "I don't know how to form a formation, so go and help me, I'll watch it for you two!"

(End of this chapter)

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