Supreme Chef

Chapter 746

Chapter 746

Being able to get rid of Sun Shuang, Lin Mu also heaved a sigh of relief, and went to see what happened to Wu De.

"What's the matter?" Lin Mu came to Wu De's side and asked Wu De who was still in a stalemate.

Wu De said with a solemn expression: "This old dead ghost is not restless after death, and he will play tricks on me after death. This is a child-mother formation. What I deciphered is the mother formation, and I have not found the sub-formation below. Now I have almost cracked the mother array, but I have no way to crack the sub-array. Now you help me crack the sub-array, and I will try to slow down the rhythm as much as possible. The two of us must crack at the same time."

After listening to Wu De's words, Lin Mu also looked at the formation that Wu De was breaking.

This is indeed a mother-child formation, and the ancestors of the Ye family are indeed insidious enough.

Although the formation arranged by the ancestor of the Ye family is not difficult, the descendants of the Ye family can completely break it, but this formation completely prevents outsiders from cracking it.

The mother-child formation of the ancestor of the Ye family is very delicately arranged, and it cannot be found at all when cracking it, and it can only be discovered at the end of the cracking.

But at this time, I realized that it was too late to stop.If you can't find a master of the same formation to help you crack it together, you will have to wait to die.

But apart from people from the Ye family, it was already very difficult for outsiders to come in, and it was almost impossible for two formation masters to come in at the same time.

But Lin Mu and Wu De happened to be two formation masters, and this could only be blamed for the Ye family's fate.

After Lin Mu studied the formation for a long time, he also started to help Wu De break the formation together.

Lin Mu's attainments in formation techniques are not much worse than Wu De's.Only after cracking one layer, Lin Mu found the pattern, and the speed also increased accordingly.

Wu De intentionally suppressed the speed, while Lin Mu's speed was getting faster and faster.

A day passed, and Lin Mu's progress had completely caught up with Wu De.At this time, the two also accelerated at the same time, trying their best to break the last remaining formation.

If the ancestor of the Ye family who was lying in the coffin knew that the formation that he designed so hard was broken by Lin Mu and Wu De, he might be able to jump straight out of the coffin.

Another day passed, and both of them had cracked to the end of the formation.

"I'll count one, two, three, let's do it together!" Wu De took a deep breath and said to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu nodded and also took a deep breath.





Lin Mu and Wu De acted at the same time, and the final formation was instantly deciphered.

After the formation was broken, Sun Shuang rushed over immediately.

Sun Shuangsu copied it with his hand, and took in his hand a piece of jade slip carved with something that was lying peacefully in the middle of the formation.

"This is a bone book, and it can only be opened with the blood essence of a Ye family disciple." Wu De glanced at the bone book in Sun's hands and said.

Sun Shuang shook two drops of the heart essence in front of Wu De's eyes, and said, "Is it okay to exchange two drops of the heart essence for two drops of blood essence from the disciples of the Ye family?"

Wu De looked at Sun Shuang and gritted his teeth with hatred, but he still took out a small bottle, handed it to Sun Shuang and said, "Here!"

Sun Shuang took the blood essence and returned the heart essence to Wu De.

After Wu De got the heart essence, he immediately put it away.

After Sun Shuang took the blood essence, he immediately dripped two drops on the bone book.

A burst of red light flashed, and a pair of boxing scores were reflected in the midair.

Looking at this boxing score with only one picture, the three of them were instantly fascinated.

There is only one picture in the whole boxing book, and a person in the picture punched mediocrely, without any power at all.

But if you look carefully, under this punch, you seem to see the rise and fall of the universe and the birth, aging, sickness and death of all things, and everything seems to coincide with the principles of heaven.

This is the complete Daoquan, although it is only one punch, but it coincides with the truth of the world's Dao.There are countless changes hidden in the fist, and as the fist strikes, it seems to see the birth and death of the universe.

Compared with the real Daoquan, Lin Mu felt that the power of the Daoquan used by those members of the Ye family he met was not even a billionth of this.

If the disciples of the Ye family can realize even one-tenth of the subtlety of this boxing technique, they will be able to rule the world of self-cultivation.

Such an exquisite punch has completely surpassed the scope of martial arts, and it is completely another way to show people.

The three of them are working hard at this time, branding this punch into their sea of ​​consciousness.

But how could a punch that contained Dao be copied so easily.Even if its shape is copied, it is completely impossible to copy its Tao.

When the three of them looked at it, it was a full ten days.

For ten days, the three of them were completely immersed in boxing.Completely unable to extricate themselves, in the sea of ​​consciousness of the three of them, they are imitating the essence of this boxing technique over and over again.


Suddenly, Lin Mu's "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" was driven by his boxing skills, and started to work on his own.

And after the previous breakthrough, the cultivation technique of transforming the gods that did not appear, unexpectedly circulated naturally at this time.

Although Lin Mu broke through the realm of extinction before, he did not derive the next level of skills.

Before, Lin Mu thought it was because he was disturbed when he crossed the catastrophe, and the exercises were not fully deduced.

Seeing such a scene now, Lin Mu knew it.It's not because I was disturbed by others, but because my accumulation is still not enough, and my understanding of everything in the world is still insufficient.

"Taishang Yin-Yang Jue" cultivates pure Yin-Yang Qi, and Taiji Yin-Yang Pill is also completely composed of pure Yin-Yang Qi.

The two qi of yin and yang are the origin of all things, but only qi is not enough to make all things, there must be a soul.

And this thing that constitutes the soul is the Tao between heaven and earth.

There is no soul without Tao, and the same is true of the exercises deduced by Lin Mu through "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue".

Qi alone is not enough, you must have an understanding of everything in the world to support the entire practice.

After understanding all this, Lin Mu also knew the horror of the real "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue".

A breakthrough through the understanding of Tao is something that only top-level immortals need to consider.And "Tai Shang Yin Yang Jue" has already begun to lay the foundation for Lin Shu in the realm of transforming gods.Lin Shu is already walking the path of a top immortal when he is in the realm of transforming gods.

This kind of promotion may be more difficult, but the power after the promotion is absolutely invincible at the same level.

The change in Lin Mu's body also alarmed Wu De and Sun Shuang who were enlightening.

The two of them looked at Lin Mu's body, the condensed yin and yang qi, and the condensed Dao rhyme, and there was a touch of shock in their eyes.


Half an hour later, the exercises were completely deduced. What surprised Lin Mu was that he had completely drawn the diagram of Daoquan. Although he still can't understand it now, as long as he observes it every day, he will be able to understand it sooner or later.

Of course, the surprises are not the only ones, Lin Shu's cultivation has also risen with the tide, and he has been directly promoted to the perfection of the sixth level of the God Transformation, and he can enter the later stage of the God Transformation Realm at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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