Supreme Chef

Chapter 747 Dry Seal

Chapter 747 Dry Seal
Under the influence of Lin Mu, both Wu De and Sun Shuang had to stop, but Lin Mu was still in the process of enlightenment.

A day passed, and Lin Shu also opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, a gleam flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Lin Mu's temperament looked very different, and his whole body was full of a feeling that made people inexplicable.

"Congratulations Brother Lin for another breakthrough!" Sun Shuang also congratulated with a coquettish smile.

Wu De also cupped his hands hypocritically, and said, "Congratulations Brother Lin! Brother Lin, I remember you have a precious bow, I wonder if you can take it out, let me open my eyes."

Seeing Wu De's humble face, Lin Mu said simply: "No!"

"I'll just take a look." Wu De still didn't give up, and continued to beg.

"No!" It was still two words that returned to Wu De.

"It's really stingy!" Seeing Lin Mu's determination, Wu De muttered in a low voice.

"It's almost time, and the secret realm will be closed in a few days, so let's get out of here quickly," Sun Shuang said.

Looking at the many treasures left in the cave, Wu De was also very unwilling, but he had to leave when the time came.

The three of them came out from the entrance of the cave, Wu De found an excuse, and left with Lin Mu first.

"It's almost time, I have to keep hiding in the bottle, and I have to trouble Brother Lin to take me out." Wu De said.

"Okay! I can take you with me, but do you want to do me a favor?" Lin Mu said.

"What's the matter?" Wu De asked.

Lin Mudao: "Follow me to deal with Du Chun, and I will take you out."

I can't run away here, and Du Chun can't run away either. If I can't get rid of Du Chun here, then after I go out, it will definitely be another big marriage with a confidant.

Wu Dedao: "Don't you have a bow? Just shoot him with your bow. He will definitely not be able to escape."

Lin Mu didn't bother to talk nonsense with Wu De, and said directly: "Will you help me? If you don't help me, I will find someone to take you out."

"I'll help!" Asking Wu De to find someone else, Wu De was really worried, and killing Du Chun was just a matter of little effort for him.

Although the entire secret realm is large, Lin Mu believes that Du Chun must be on the third floor, looking for him everywhere.

Rather than looking for Du Chun by himself, it is better to let Du Chun come to find him, so as to avoid missing it.Lin Mu sat cross-legged on the ground, waiting for Du Chun to come to him while practicing.

As time passed day by day, Lin Mu also completely stabilized his cultivation base at the perfection of the sixth level of Huashen.

There are still three days before the closure of the Ye family's ancient secret realm.Just when Lin Mu felt that he might miss meeting Du Chun, and was about to get up and go to the exit, a burst of smug smiles suddenly came: "I didn't expect you to be quite courageous, and you still stayed on the third floor without escaping." .”

Seeing Du Chun approaching, Lin Mu couldn't help being overjoyed, but he didn't express anything on the surface, and said, "I didn't expect that you really linger."

Du Chun glanced around and said, "Where's that fat guy with you? You two shouldn't be together? Could it be that you let him hide and secretly attack me?"

"You fat grandpa, I'm here now. I don't need to sneak attack you fat grandpa against Xiaoxiao like you!" Wu De said arrogantly as he turned from behind a hill behind Lin Mu.

Du Chun looked at Wu De and Lin Mu, and said, "You two go up together, it will save me trouble."

Du Chun was very conceited, he didn't pay attention to Wu De and Lin Mu at all.

"Damn, you are so mad at your fat grandpa. Your fat grandpa hates being stared at like this. If you don't hit your fat grandpa today, you will kneel down and beg for mercy. Your fat grandpa has the same surname as you!" Chun's contempt also made Wu De furious.

"That depends on your ability!" After Du Chun finished speaking, he suddenly punched the ground.


Du Chun slammed his fist on the ground, and the whole earth made a muffled sound.Then a huge earth wave spread rapidly along the impact point under Du Chun's fist.

The dirt waves piled up very fast, and soon turned from dirt waves into huge dirt walls.

Then the earth wall turned into an earth mountain again.

Seeing that in the blink of an eye it turned into a continuous mountain of dirt, pressing towards him and Wu De, Lin Mu also had a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"The power of the beast soul is so terrifying, how many levels of spirit beasts are sealed in his arms?" Lin Mu also had such a question in his heart.


As soon as Wu De raised his hand, a large seal with one corner missing appeared in Wu De's hand.

When the big seal was released, it became bigger in an instant, and then directly hit the earth mountain, which immediately collapsed the earth mountain.

"The dry seal among the three ancient seals!" Taoist Guang looked at the magic weapon Wu De sacrificed, and his tone suddenly tightened.

The three major Indian magic weapons in ancient legends are still known, Fantian Yin, Gan Yin and Kun Yin.

Fantian Yin is the originator of all Indian magic weapons, and it is also the prototype that all Indian magic weapons imitate now.

However, many people don't know that in ancient times, except for the Fantian Seal, the Qiankun Seal existed side by side with the Fantian Seal.

The Qiankun seal is actually two big seals, the dry seal represents the sky, and the Kun seal represents the land.

Separately, the two great seals are both in the forefront of the ancient magic weapons, and when combined, their power soars several times in an instant.

The seal of turning the sky can turn the sky upside down, while the seal of the universe is the unity of the universe, turning the universe upside down, and even subverting one world.The power can be imagined.

However, the three major seals have long been damaged or disappeared in ancient times.It is rumored that the Fantian Seal has long been broken, and as for the Qiankun Seal, no one knows their whereabouts, and they did not expect to be in Wu De's hands.

And it can be clearly seen that the dry seal in Wu De's hand is definitely not an imitation, but an authentic one with a corner broken.

Although the dry seal is incomplete, it has greatly affected its quality and power.But after all, this is a magic weapon with a great reputation in ancient times. Even if a corner is broken, the power is still great. At least in the cultivation world, there are few that can match it.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, and felt that Wu De had more secrets than himself.It is completely unimaginable that he can own such an ancient relic.

Seeing that Wu De's dry seal easily defeated his own mound, Du Chun's eyes tightened slightly.

"Rampant with your fat grandpa, playing power with your fat grandpa, today your fat grandpa will show you what it means to drop ten times with one force!" After Wu De finished speaking, he directly controlled his dry seal to press on Du Chun.

The dry seal grew in the air against the wind, and soon covered a square of heaven and earth, pressing down on Du Chun.


Seeing that the dry seal was pressed down, Du Chun also punched out, resisting the dry seal.

"The little beast soul also wants to stand up to my dry seal, kneel down!" Wu De suddenly shouted, and then the hand formula changed, and the dry seal suddenly became back into Mount Tai.


The dry seal, which suddenly became several times heavier, directly pressed Du Chun to his knees.


Du Chun fell to his knees, and the ground trembled.

"Still insisting with Fat Lord, break it for me!" Seeing that Du Chun was still gritting his teeth and insisting, Wu De also became ruthless, and pressed down the dry seal a little more.


When the dry seal fell, Du Chun's sleeve was directly crushed, and at the same time, his arm was dripping with blood, and the broken hand bone also pierced out of the skin, which looked extremely terrifying.

"Ah!" Du Chun also let out a scream, and his face was instantly as white as a jam.

(End of this chapter)

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