Supreme Chef

Chapter 748

Chapter 748

Seeing this, Wu De still didn't intend to let Du Chun go, and pressed down fiercely with both hands.There was a sound of explosion, and Du Chun's entire arm was blown to pieces.


Du Chun's arm was shattered, and a vague beast soul rushed out of Du Chun's arm, trying to escape the crush of the dry seal.

"The body is gone, and I still want to run!" Wu De manipulated the beast soul to crush it downward, and the beast soul had no possibility of escaping at all.

The beast soul was finally crushed by the dry seal and dissipated in the air.

"Okay! You can take care of the rest yourself." After finishing the beast soul, Wu De also put away his dry seal.

Lin Mu glanced at Wu De, and walked towards Du Chun step by step.

Du Chun watched Lin Mu approaching him step by step, and there was a trace of panic in his eyes, and said: "I am the core disciple of the Emperor Sect, if you kill me, you will offend the three Emperor Sects at the same time. Got a foothold."

Lin Mu looked at Du Chun and smiled slightly, then bent down and whispered a few words in Du Chun's ear.

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Du Chun's eyes changed from panic to shock, and finally turned to ashes, and Lin Mu was also completely rude, directly taking Du Chun's dog's life.

After putting away Du Chun's ring, Lin Mu returned to Wu De's side.

Wu De looked at Lin Mu and said, "What did you tell him just now, his expression is so wonderful?"

Lin Mu looked sideways at Wu De, and said, "Tell me where your dry seal came from, and I'll tell you, what did I tell it?"

"What dry seal? Why didn't I know?" Wu De started to play dumb at this moment.

Lin Mu didn't bother to argue with people like Wu De. Wu De didn't want to say anything, even if he forced him, he wouldn't say anything.

There were still three days left, and Lin Mu hadn't practiced yet.

"Where are you planning to go after you go out? I think you have such potential. Come with me to do two more business deals?" Wu De encouraged Lin Mu to say.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said, "Doing business with you is too dangerous."

Wu Dedao: "Didn't you realize that I am actually very simple and honest? You are only dangerous when you are with that lunatic, and it is the safest to be with me."

Lin Mu said: "If I had to choose, I'd rather be with that lunatic, at least it's more eye-catching than being with a fat man like you."

Lin Mu paused, and said: "After I leave, I plan to find a place to establish a sect. Are you interested in going with me? I can give you an elder."

If Lin Mu wants to establish a sect, he must have masters from all walks of life in charge, and it is far from enough to only have two little eagles and Cao Yi.

Wu De looked at Lin Mu's eyes and said, "Establish a sect? Why do you want to establish a sect?"

Lin Mudao: "You are alone, and I have many friends who need my protection. If you don't establish a sect, you can't protect them."

Wu De nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said: "But it seems that there is no fun in establishing a sect. I'd better carry out my great career of tomb robbery."

After a pause, Wu De looked at Lin Mu, and said: "And I seriously doubt how long your sect can exist. You have offended the Blood House and the three emperor sects at the same time. If they find out that you have established a sect, they will I'm sure the masters will try their best to directly crush you."

Lin Mu said: "You don't need to worry about this, someone will come forward to mediate this matter."

Wu De nodded, and said: "You have the treasure soul of Qidu, and Qidu will definitely stand by your side in the future. With Qidu behind you, no one will be able to move you in a short time."

Wu De was not surprised to see that his Tianlong bow came from Qidu.Wu De's knowledge is almost the same as Taoist Guang's.If it wasn't for sure that Wu De didn't seize the house, Lin Mu would have wondered if there was an ancient antique hidden in Wu De's body.

Lin Mu looked at Wu De and said, "Since you don't want to come, forget it. Originally, I wanted to go with you to find the hidden treasure of the first concubine Liu Wuqing after the establishment of the mountain gate. Since you don't want to, then forget it."

"What! You know that Liu Wuqing, the first concubine of the ages, cultivated her cave!" Hearing Lin Mu's words, Wu De immediately regained his energy.

Lin Mudao: "I accidentally got a map, which leads to the place where Liu Wuqing practiced."

"Really?" Wu De asked back with bright eyes.

Lin Mu showed a surprised expression, and said: "Liu Wuqing is the first concubine of all ages, and she cultivates charm skills. Are you a man who is also interested in her cultivation skills?"

With bright eyes, Wu De said, "I'm not interested in her exercises, but the spirit stones, magic weapons, and elixir in her cave are all useful to everyone."

Lin Mu showed a embarrassed expression, and said: "But I keep those things for my sect disciples, and you are not my sect disciple, so..."

As soon as Wu De heard it, he knew that this was Lin Mu's attempt to deceive him, and wanted to let him join the sect he had not yet established.

However, facing the temptation of the treasure of the first concubine through the ages, Wu De really couldn't help it. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay! I promise to join your sect, but I promised in advance that if you cheat me, I will immediately Leave your sect."

Lin Mu smiled and put his arms around Wu De's shoulders and said, "It's impossible for me to win over the elders of my sect."

Looking at Lin Mu's piercing smile, Wu De said, "Why do I have the feeling of being taken on a pirate ship by you?"

Lin Mu laughed and said: "Why are you on a thief ship with me? From now on, you just wait for the emperor sect to tremble under your feet. Wait for all the emperor sects to obediently open the treasure house for you, and let you jump in it as you please. "

Wu De has no confidence in Lin Mu's vision.

Three days later, Lin Mu took Wu De's jade bottle and left the ancient secret realm with everyone.

When entering the ancient secret realm, there were more than 100 people in total, but when they came out, there were only more than 80 people left.

And except for one person who died normally, the rest of the deaths were all related to the trees.

The elders of the Ye family, seeing that so many masters had fallen on their side at once, immediately became furious, and pointed their finger at Lin Mu and the other nine people.

"Let you enter my Ye family's ancient secret realm, it's already cheap for you, you dare to commit murder in my Ye family's ancient secret realm, don't let any of you leave today!" The big hand clapped it down.

The old beggar looked at the big hand of real yuan falling, and just flicked his sleeves lightly, and easily dissolved the big hand of real yuan.

"Old Yezi, what do you mean? Life and death are what you said before, but now that your people are dead, you are going to pour dirty water on the people I brought." The old beggar looked at the ashen-faced Ye family. the owner asked.

"Although there are dangers in my Ye family's secret realm, it is more of a chance, and the possibility of falling is very small. My Ye family lost more than 20 elite disciples this time. It must be the ghosts of the people you brought!" The elder Ye family said angrily.

The old beggar smiled, and said, "You never said that before. And one person has also died on our side. How do you think this should be explained?"

"The ones who fell were due to the carelessness of your people, and there may even be internal strife among your people." The elder of the Ye family scolded loudly.

The old beggar said: "Then if you have to say so, I will admit it. However, the fall of your Ye family may be due to carelessness of your Ye family, or it may even be due to internal strife among your Ye family."

After a pause, the old beggar said: "Besides, it's not that the internal strife in your Ye family has never happened. I think internal strife is very possible."

"Huh!" The head of the Ye family suddenly snorted coldly, then slapped the chair heavily, and said coldly: "Old beggar, don't go too far, my Ye family's affairs can't allow outsiders to make irresponsible remarks. Today's matter, if you can't give me an explanation, none of you will leave my Ye family!"

"Close the mountain gate and call all the disciples!" After the head of the family finished speaking, the elder of the Ye family also ordered decisively.

(End of this chapter)

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