Supreme Chef

Chapter 749 1 push 234

Chapter 749 One Push Two Three Four
The old beggar looked at the head of the Ye family and sneered, "Old Ye Zi, do you think we really need to do this?"

The head of the Ye family snorted angrily, and said, "If you don't explain things clearly today, no one will leave."

The old beggar looked at the Patriarch of the Ye family and said, "Let's go! I'll explain the matter clearly today, and I won't leave!"

"This old beggar is my Ye family, not a place for you to mess around!" An elder of the Ye family pointed at the old beggar and said angrily.

"I'm talking to your lord, it's your turn to intervene!" The old beggar clapped his big hand and slapped him across the face.

Seeing the old beggar's slap, the elders of the Ye family hurriedly tried to block it with their hands.

However, although his reaction speed was fast enough, the old beggar's speed was even faster. Before he could react, he had already slapped him to the ground.

"Old beggar, I want to beat you, have you ever been able to hide!" The old beggar looked at the elder Ye's family who was knocked to the ground by himself, and spat and said.

When Lin Mu and the others saw the old beggar, they pushed an elder of the Ye family to the ground without raising their hands, and each of them had a new understanding of the old beggar's cultivation.

"You..." The elder of the Ye family, when he heard the old beggar's words, the face of the elder of the Ye family was ashen, and he jumped up and rushed to fight the old beggar.

"Why do you still want to fight the old beggar to your death? Come! Come! I will die the old beggar, and you will fight with the old beggar." The old beggar looked like a rascal.

"Old man, I will fight with you today!" The elder of the Ye family has never been humiliated like this before.

"Back off!" The head of the Ye family looked at the elder of the Ye family and said coldly.

The elders of the Ye family looked at the head of the Ye family, and in the end could only helplessly bow their hands, saying: "Yes!"

"This old beggar is my Ye family, not your ghost town. If you are in my Ye family, you must follow my Ye family's rules." The owner of the Ye family is obviously a little jealous of the old beggar.

The old beggar said: "Okay! Then I'll follow your Ye family's rules. We didn't go in, only they did. Let's talk face to face about what's going on."

The old beggar in the Ye family can't go too far.

"I asked you to ask first, and save you from saying that I am an old beggar who bullies you." The old beggar said to everyone in the Ye family.

The elders of the Ye family gave the old beggar a cold look, then looked at the people who came out of the Ye family alive, and said, "What's going on?"

After the Ye family's disciples entered, they dispersed and left without any contact with each other.

Moreover, Lin Mu's attack was very thorough, leaving no trouble at all.Therefore, the disciples of the Ye family who survived did not know what happened at all.

Looking at his disciples, they all shook their heads.The face of this elder of the Ye family turned ashen with anger.

"Trash! They're all a bunch of trash!" The elder of the Ye family was so angry that he almost went crazy.

Among the disciples who entered the secret realm this time, only Ye Chen and Ye Tianhen were the most potential disciples of the Ye family.But coincidentally, neither of these two most potential disciples came out.

The old beggar looked at the Ye family disciple who was furious, and said: "How are you done asking? Why don't you let me, old beggar, ask for you?"

"Hmph!" The elder of the Ye family snorted coldly, then looked directly at Lin Mu and the others, and said, "Tell me what's going on?"

The old beggar stretched out his hand to stop him, and said: "This is the person I brought, when will it be your Ye family's turn to ask?"

"You..." The elder of the Ye family was crushed by the old beggar's hands again and again, he really didn't know how he had offended him.

"Let him ask." The head of the Ye family stopped the elder and said.

The old beggar smiled, looked at Lin Mu and the others and said, "Tell the owner of the Ye family about what happened to you in the secret realm of the Ye family. You must tell the owner of the Ye family the truth, and don't hide anything. What. Of course, you don’t have to be afraid, and you don’t have to listen to some people’s threats. This is the way this world is, dogs that can bark don’t bite.”

"You..." The elder of the Ye family was going crazy, he didn't know why this old beggar was targeting him in everything.

The old beggar passed the faces of the nine people one by one, finally stopped on Lin Mu, and said, "Tell me, what did you see?"

Lin Mu clasped his hands and said, "Returning to the senior, the junior has been practicing since entering. I didn't see anything."

Lin Mu paused, and said, "But the junior heard something."

"What did you hear!" The elder of the Ye family stepped forward and asked loudly.

The old beggar raised his hand and said, "Why are you nervous, you scared my people again."

After finishing speaking, the old beggar said to Lin Mu with a pleasant face, "Tell me what you heard?"

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Yes!"

"After I entered, I overheard Du Chun, a disciple of the Northern Emperor Sect, discussing with a fat man about stealing the ancient tomb of the Ye family, but this junior doesn't know the truth. You dared to go too close, so you only heard a few words." Lin Mu clasped his hands and said.

Anyway, Du Chun was already dead, and Fatty Wu De and the others couldn't find out, so they simply pushed the matter to something else, which would save them trouble in the future.

"People from the Northern Emperor Sect actually wanted to steal my Ye family's ancient tomb, is this true?" The elder of the Ye family became excited again when he heard Lin Mu's words.

The old beggar looked at the man and said, "I said why are you so excited, I told you not to scare the people I brought, I will ask you clearly."

After finishing speaking, the old beggar continued to look at Lin Mu, and said, "Is the fat man you mentioned among these people?"

After Lin Mu looked around, he said, "No."

"No! How could there be no! This is the only entrance to my Ye family's secret realm, how could he not be among these people!" the elder asked excitedly again.

In fact, it's not that he wants to be excited, but he can't help but not be excited, because this time the opening of the ancient secret realm is fully in charge of him, and if there are any mistakes, he will bear all the responsibilities.

"Old Ye Zi, this little Ye Zi in your family is too impulsive. If someone else is arguing all the time, it will kill me." The old beggar complained to the owner of the Ye family.

The head of the Ye family also gave the elder a hard look, and the elder also quickly silenced, not daring to say more.

The old beggar glanced triumphantly at the elder Ye's family whose face was almost the same as the bottom of the pot, then turned to Lin Mu and said, "Are you sure that fat man is not in there?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I'm sure."

After listening to the old beggar, he also nodded, turned his head to the head of the Ye family, and said: "Okay, the matter is now clear. A fat man entered the secret realm of your Ye family through unknown means, and joined forces with the Northern Emperor Sect Core disciple Du Chun, plan the burial site of your Ye family ancestors together.

Then the members of your Ye family encountered the two of them. In the end, the members of your Ye family were killed by the two of them. The two of them may have died, or they may have escaped through other places. "

"That's the way it is, there's no need to analyze it anymore, I'm going to take my people back, so you don't have to send them away!"

"Slow!" It was the head of the Ye family who spoke this time.

(End of this chapter)

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