Supreme Chef

Chapter 750 The King of Pit Kings

Chapter 750 The King of Pit Kings
The old beggar stopped when he heard the words of the Ye Family Patriarch, and then turned to the Ye Family Patriarch and said, "Old Ye Zi, what advice do you have?"

The head of the Ye family said: "These are all your one-sided opinions. The specific situation needs to be verified by my Ye family. During this period, no one is allowed to leave my Ye family."

At this moment, everyone understood that the Ye family did not intend to let them go at all.

In other words, the Ye family never thought about letting them walk out of the Ye family's mountain gate from the very beginning.Even if there was no such thing, the Ye family would find excuses not to let them go.

The old beggar's eyes turned cold, and he said, "Old Ye Zi, do you think you can stop me?"

The head of the Ye family said: "Old beggar, you can go wherever you want, but before my Ye family investigates the matter clearly, these people will never even think about stepping out of the Ye family's mountain gate."

The old beggar's tone also turned cold, and he said, "So you are going to forcibly detain him?"

The head of the Ye family said: "You can understand it this way."

The old beggar looked at the Patriarch of the Ye family, stretched his muscles, and said, "It seems that I have to stretch my muscles and bones today, old beggar. Old Ye Zi, are you going to fight me one-on-one, or bring your Ye family members with you?" Go together."

The Patriarch of the Ye family looked at the old beggar and said, "Old beggar, I recognize your ability, but now your ghost city is only guarded by an elder. Do you think your ghost city can withstand the attack of the experts sent by my Ye family?"

The old beggar's expression changed when he heard the words of the Patriarch of the Ye family. He gritted his teeth and said, "You despicable villain, you actually took advantage of my absence to directly deal with my ghost city!"

The head of the Ye family finally said with some complacency: "How can we do business with you if we don't have some backup?"

The old beggar looked at the head of the Ye family gnashing his teeth, but there was nothing he could do.

"Patriarch!" Suddenly a hurried figure flew over and landed directly beside the Patriarch of the Ye Family, and then whispered something in the Patriarch of the Ye Family's ear, which immediately changed the face of the Patriarch of the Ye Family.

"Old beggar, you are playing tricks on me!" The head of the Ye family said angrily.

The old beggar thief laughed twice, and said: "As you said, do business with people like you. How can I not hold back. Who said that there is only one Dharma protector a year in my ghost town, and outsiders in those cities give me The rules of speculation. Why should I act according to your rules, the battle should be over now, and the people sent by your Ye family should have been taken down by the four guardians of my ghost city."

After a pause, the old beggar said complacently: "I feel that my acting skills have improved a lot, and I actually fooled myself this time."

Seeing the old beggar overjoyed with complacency, Patriarch Ye's face was as black as the bottom of a pot, his eyes almost burst into flames, and his hands creaked.

"Let the people of my Ye family go, and I will let you go!" The head of the Ye family finally chose to compromise.

The Ye family dispatched nearly one-third of the elite for this time, but what they didn't expect was that the old beggar broke the rules by himself and brought back all the four guardians.

The Ye family sent out one-third of the elite, and except for the old beggar, the rest of the elite in the ghost city were in the city, and the result was naturally predictable.

The members of the Ye family were completely captured by the four guardians of the ghost city.

The old beggar looked at the Patriarch of the Ye family and said, "You use one-third of the elite of your Ye family to replace me with someone who has nothing to do with my ghost town. Your plan is too good."

The Patriarch of the Ye Family gritted his teeth, and said: "Don't go too far, old beggar. You have already gained a lot of benefits from my Ye Family by entering the ancient secret realm of my Ye Family, so don't push yourself too far!"

The old beggar said: "It's funny what you said. They went in and they got benefits. It has something to do with me. They gave it to me, or I got some benefits. Besides, these nine people, and I The old beggar has nothing to do with half a penny, you want to get rid of me so easily, you really think that I am an old beggar who is going to commit crimes!"

Seeing the old beggar talking more and more vigorously, the head of the Ye family wanted to crush his joints.

But now he holds one-third of the elite of your family, even if he fights, he can't fight him at all.

And what the old beggar said was right, Lin Mu and the others really had nothing to do with the old beggar.

Although the head of the Ye family believed that Lin Mu and the others paid a lot of money to come in.

But the head of the Ye family also believed that the old beggar must have told the forces behind them a long time ago.The old beggar is only responsible for bringing people in, as for life and death, everyone lives in peace.Even if he killed Lin Mu and the others by himself, the final karma would not be counted on the old beggar, but only on his Ye family.

"Say! What exactly do you want to release him!" The Patriarch of the Ye family finally chose to compromise.

The old beggar said: "I don't want anything else. The ghost town has been short of spiritual energy lately. Every day it is full of ghost energy, which has caused our business to drop a lot. You can just give me a few high-grade spiritual veins."

Hearing what the old beggar said, Lin Mu and the others almost dropped their jaws in shock.

High-grade spiritual veins are already very scarce, and there are only a few open mouths. The old beggar really doesn't need money to become a high-grade spiritual vein.

"No!" The head of the Ye family refused without even thinking about it.

In fact, the old beggar thought it was normal when the Patriarch of the Ye family refused. If he didn't refuse, he would feel abnormal.

The old beggar didn't force it, and said: "If you don't have a spirit vein, you can compensate me with some spirit stones. My ghost city has dispatched four guardians, and the appearance fee is not cheap. Your people were captured by us, you You have to spend money to redeem it.

For the sake of you opening up the secret realm to my ghost town, I will count you 500 million top-grade spirit stones for each one in the Tribulation Realm, and 2000 million top-grade spirit stones for each one in the Ascension Realm.How many people have been captured, I don't need to settle with you, you must be very clear. "

Patriarch Ye's face was ashen, and his tone was full of killing intent: "Don't go too far, old beggar, the lion opened his mouth!"

The old beggar said: "Is that a lion's mouth? If you think the elite of your Ye family is not worth this price, then I'll be free. In short, the price is this price. If you agree, we will trade now. If you don't agree Then you can do whatever you want. Anyway, I will definitely run away, and you can deal with them as you like."

Lin Mu and the others were behind the old beggar, hearing that the old beggar didn't care about their lives at all, their hearts were also fluctuating.They were really worried that after the talks between the two sides collapsed, the old beggar would really leave them alone.

But fortunately, the Patriarch of the Ye family chose to give in in the end, because he couldn't afford to gamble, it was one-third of the elite of his Ye family.

Even if the Ye family still has a lot of background and backhands, but the loss of one-third of the elite is completely unbearable for him.

An hour later, someone came over with a storage ring and handed it to the Patriarch of the Ye family.

The Patriarch of Ye's eyes were full of murderous intent, he threw the ring to the old beggar, and said, "There are only so many spirit stones!"

The old beggar glanced at the spirit stone in the ring, but he didn't continue to pester him.The old beggar knows what to accept when he sees something good. If he keeps pestering him blindly, he will break up badly in the end, and he will get nothing.

The old beggar happily put away the ring, and said: "Since you are so happy, Old Ye Zi, I don't want the rest. After we arrive at the ghost town safely, I will release your people immediately."

After speaking, the old beggar took Lin Mu and the others and left Ye's house. This time, no one stopped Lin Mu and the others.

Coming out of the mountain gate of the Ye family, the old beggar said to the four Lin Mu, who were not from the ghost town, "You four run away quickly, the Ye family will not let you go. Can you go to your respective forces? Then it depends on your fortune."

Hearing what the old beggar said, the four of Lin Mu wanted to scold their mothers.

What the hell is going on, using the four of himself as bargaining chips for a long time.You have gained a lot of benefits, and in the end the four of us had to run on our own. There is really no worst pitfall, only more pitfalls.

The old beggar is definitely the king of cheating kings, not only cheating the other party, but also cheating his own people.

"Don't just stand and look at me stupidly, the people from the Ye family will chase them out soon, if you don't run away, it will be too late." The old beggar urged.

Hearing what the old beggar said, Lin Mu and the others looked at the old beggar with great resentment, and then fled in all directions.

"Boy Lin, after half a year, I will personally go to the Tiannvzong to sit in town for you. For the next six months, you must live well and don't die." Lin Mu had just run away, when he heard the rumor that the old beggar needed to be beaten. sound.

(End of this chapter)

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