Supreme Chef

Chapter 751 Refining Formation Foundation

Chapter 751 Refining Formation Foundation
Lin Mu didn't have time to take care of the old beggar at this time, and the people from the Ye family might have already sent someone to follow him.Moreover, he will obviously become the person most taken care of by the Ye family, so it is true that he should hurry up and escape now.

After Lin Mu ran for a day in one breath, he directly sacrificed the flying spirit treasure and continued to flee.

Wu De was also released early. Looking at Lin Shu's eighth-rank flying spirit treasure, Wu De's eyes were sharp again.

For good things, Wu De has a more fanatical love than Blood Spirit Dragon.

"Does this person have the blood of our dragon family?" Xue Linglong looked at the familiar fiery eyes in Wu De's eyes and said in confusion.

Taoist Guang looked at Wu De and didn't speak, but a deep thought glowed in the hollow skeleton.

The eighth-rank flying spirit treasure is extremely fast, and it only took half a day to break away from the Ye family's sphere of influence.

After leaving the Ye family's sphere of influence, Lin Mu and Wu De finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Lin Mu took out Mi Yan and gave him the jade slip that recorded the route of the cave.

Then he changed the direction and handed over the control of the Flying Lingbao to Wu De, while Lin Mu himself was going to refine the Luoshen Pill and improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

Although the ten-thousand-year heart essence also has the effect of improving the cultivation level, it is too wasteful to use the ten-thousand-year heart essence only to improve the cultivation level of the god-turning state.

"Are you still a half-immortal alchemist?" Seeing that Lin Mu took out the medicine cauldron to make alchemy, Wu De's eyes also flashed a flash of surprise.

Lin Mu was annoyed, and said, "You can rob graves, so can't I be an alchemist?"

Wu De looked at Lin Mu as if looking at a beautiful woman, and said: "Brother Lin, you really surprised me. You are so heaven-defying in your cultivation, and you are still a master of formations and a half-immortal alchemist. It seems that you and I are considered to be close friends." By the way, as long as you rise up successfully, I can really go to Emperor Zong's treasure house to take whatever I want."

Lin Mu directly chose to ignore Wu De's words, and then began to make alchemy.

Sacrifice his star core flame, which caused Wu De to drool for a while.

Seeing Wu De's drooling face, Lin Muzhen doubted that if he took out Liushuang Tianhuo, Wu De would come up and grab it directly.

Seventh-grade elixir is not a difficult task for Lin Mu, Luoshen elixir has been successfully released in just one day.

"They are all top-grade pills. Brother Lin, you really have the hope to become a ninth-rank alchemist!" Wu De looked at the top-grade Luoshen pill calmly in Lin Mu's hand, as if he was about to eat Lin Mu.

Seeing Wu De's nympho look, Lin Mu felt a little regretful and tricked Wu De over.

Lin Mu ate a Luoshen Pill in front of Wu De, and then directly asked Wu De to help him protect the law.

The elixir melted in the mouth, and immediately turned into billowing spiritual energy, which began to impact the limbs and skeletons of the trees.

The dominance of the special elixir is vividly reflected at this moment.The domineering aura crazily impacted on Lin Mu's body, and the cultivation base that had already been loosened did not stop at this moment, and was instantly broken through.

The Seventh Floor of Transformation God!

After breaking through the seventh level of the God Transformation, there are still a lot of spiritual energy remaining, but Lin Mu did not continue to use this spiritual energy to break through, but instead continuously compressed and condensed the spiritual energy to stabilize his cultivation base.

The matter of Daoquan made Lin Mu understand the importance of accumulating a lot to his own cultivation.So Lin Mu didn't rush to break through, but kept oppressing himself.


According to the route, Lin Mu and Wu De flew for almost half a month, and finally arrived at the location Mi Yan pointed out to him.

As Mi Yan said, this place is indeed not a treasured place of geomantic omen.The intensity of the aura is much weaker than other places in Dongxuanzhou.

But here is indeed a very suitable place to establish a sect, with a natural hidden formation.Although the location is in a depression, as long as it is used a little, it can be completely turned into a huge spirit gathering formation, attracting spiritual energy from all directions.Turn this place into a man-made paradise.

In the jade slips, Mi Yan also clearly described the distribution of power here.In this region, with a radius of one million miles, there are only two large-scale forces.

One is Qiucheng, a six-star city, and the other is Zhenyuanmen, a six-star sect.

The strongest of the two sects are all strong in the Transcending Tribulation Realm.Moreover, the two sects have not been around for a long time, and they don't have much background. Even if they establish a sect here, they don't have to worry about them coming back to make trouble.

"This is really a good place to establish a sect." Wu De also nodded his praise here.

For two formation masters, a natural hidden formation is nothing at all.

However, Lin Mu didn't forcefully destroy the formation here, but on the basis of this formation, slightly modified it, turning this place into a natural hidden formation that can be opened freely.

The power of natural formations is far beyond what artificial formations can match.This is a gift from heaven, of course Lin Mu will not refuse.

It took three days to transform the formation. Lin Mu refined two jade slips, threw one to Wu De, and said: "This is the jade slip that opened the formation here. I want to decorate it now. Help me Look outside."

Wu De put away the jade slips and said, "It's easy to say!"

After Lin Mu entered the formation, he immediately arranged another hidden formation, and then directly entered the chaotic world.

Although Lin Mu believes that Wu De's character is good, after all, the chaotic world has a lot to do with it, so Lin Mu should be careful.

After entering the chaotic world, Lin Mu also began to discuss with Taoist Guang how to arrange the place.

Guang Dao said humanely: "For a sect, the best formation is tantamount to an extremely powerful offensive and defensive formation.

After listening to Taoist Guang's words, Lin Mu also nodded, and said: "The sky is locked and the land is indeed the most suitable for setting up the sect. But if you want to completely set up the big formation, I'm afraid it won't work in less than a hundred years. And all We simply can't afford the materials we need. The most important thing is that this formation has long been lost, and I don't have a formation at all."

Guang Dao said: "I have the array, but it is not complete. As for the time and materials, we can arrange it in stages. There is no need to demand one-time molding."

After finishing speaking, Taoist Guang used his spiritual consciousness to draw a jade slip and handed it to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu took the jade slip and just glanced at it, before being dazed by the intricate patterns inside.

But no matter how mysterious this formation is, Lin Mu will not give up.This kind of formation that has been lost for a long time can be owned by himself, if he gives up again, it will be a waste of money.

Lin Mu wrote the jade slips in his hands, and said, "You two help me protect the law. I will go to the Tower of Time to study the formation and refine some basic formation foundations along the way."

In the time tower, the time passed rapidly, Lin Shu seemed to be unaware, and all his mind was immersed in the formation.

The Great Formation of Confining Heaven and Locking Earth is an existence that surpasses ordinary formations. The height and power of formations are completely determined by the strength of the formations.

If you are a formation master, then what you arrange is a seven or eight-level spiritual formation, but if you are an immortal formation master, then what you arrange is an immortal formation.If you can break through the limit and become a divine formation master, then the formations you arrange will become divine formations.

In short, no one knows exactly where the limit of the Heaven-Bounding Earth-Locking Formation lies.

Lin Mu sat in the Tower of Time for a year. During this year, Lin Mu put all his experiences in the jade slips, but even so, he only realized less than [-]% of it.

Even so, Lin Mu had to stop comprehending.After all, my time is limited, Xu Mei is still waiting for me, I don't have so much time here to comprehend the formation.

Lin Mu withdrew from comprehending the formation, and then began to refine the foundation of the formation.

Because this place is regarded as the real foothold by the trees, the materials for refining the formation base are all the top-level materials that I have now.

This time refining the array base, it can be said that all the savings of Lin Mu were emptied.Except for the piece of divine iron given to him by the murloc ancestors, all the remaining materials were used by Lin Mu.

Another year passed, and Lin Shu finally succeeded in refining 81 formation foundations.

When Lin Mu came out of the Time Tower, his face was also extremely pale. After all, years of uninterrupted comprehension and refining of formation foundations had consumed Lin Shu enormously.

After coming out of the time tower, Lin Mu did not continue to chat with Taoist Guang, but left the chaotic world directly.

Although the two years in the time tower were only [-] days outside, Lin Mu was still worried that Wu De would come in in a hurry.

However, Lin Mu really guessed it right. Just as he came out of the concealment formation he had set up, Wu De had rushed in.

"There was no sound for more than ten days. I thought you were dead?" Wu De joked when he saw Lin Shu standing here intact.

Lin Mu said calmly: "I just refined some formation bases, now I'm starting to arrange the formations, and you continue to help me protect the formations."

"You are so extravagant, using such top-notch materials to lay out the formation foundation. This is a whole piece of cold iron, and you smelted it like this! What a prodigal!" Wu De looked at the materials used by Lin Mu to refine the formation foundation, Distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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