Supreme Chef

Chapter 753 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Chapter 753 Kill the chicken to warn the monkey

Hearing that the people from the True Yuan Sect were coming, these casual cultivators subconsciously stepped aside.

Most of the casual cultivators practicing in this land know the True Yuan Gate.

Of course they also wanted to take refuge in the True Yuan Sect, but the True Yuan Sect treated casual cultivators like them.Not to mention that it cannot be reused, there is not even basic protection, and a lot of protection fees have to be paid every year.

So even if there is a True Yuan Sect, there are almost no casual cultivators to take refuge in.

As soon as the words fell, a proud young man who had completed the God Transformation Realm, brought a group of God Transformation Realm attendants and a bodyguard from the Tribulation Realm, and came in front of Lin Mu.

"This is the son of the head of the Zhenyuan Sect. He has cultivated to perfection in less than a thousand years. The talent is very amazing. It is said that he has been internally appointed by an emperor and accepted as a core disciple." The people below saw the person coming. , discussed in succession.

Lin Mu looked at the person, without any expression on his face.

"Is that the master?" The young man came to Lin Mu and his wife, and immediately had a follower, asking bossily.

Lin Mu smiled slightly and said, "I am the head of Fumanlou."

The attendant glanced at Lin Mu through his nostrils, and said: "Don't you know that this is the power of my True Yuan Sect, and your cave is also my True Yuan Sect's long-awaited?"

Lin Mu had expected that he would run into such a thing when he established a sect here.However, Lin Mu really didn't pay attention to the two six-star forces with no background.

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "I really don't know about that."

Master Zhenyuanmen glanced at Lin Mu, and said lightly: "You didn't know just now, but now you know. If you know, get out of here quickly, and give me the mountain gate here to Zhenyuanmen."

Lin Mu said: "I can go, but I have already arranged the mountain gate, who should compensate for this loss?"

Hearing that Lin Mu said he was going to leave, the casual cultivators who were watching all sighed.But they all expressed their understanding, after all, Lin Mu and the others were only two, and Wu De was only at the third level of tribulation, while the heads of Zhenyuanmen and Qiucheng were already strong at the sixth level of tribulation.

Arms can never twist thighs, it seems that this Fumanlou can only be a flash in the pan.

The young master of Zhenyuanmen was delighted to hear that Lin Mu was on the road like this, and said: "We will compensate you for your loss, but you have to give us the mountain gate first."

Lin Mu said: "If I don't see the compensation, I won't give up the mountain gate."

Seeing Lin Mu's stubbornness, the young master of the Zhenyuan Sect snorted coldly and said, "I am a six-star sect of the Zhenyuan Sect, how can I lose this little compensation from you, and I will give you three breaths to get out, otherwise If you don't, you don't have to go!"

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "I'm really worried about your True Yuan Sect, you won't be able to compensate me for the loss."

"It's just a mountain gate. I, Zhenyuanmen, can't afford to pay compensation. Don't blame me for taking your dog's life." The master of Zhenyuanmen said angrily.

Lin Mu took out the top materials he had left, and said, "Can you afford to pay for the materials I used to decorate the mountain gate?"

"Black gold essence, cold iron..." Everyone stared straight at the materials Lin Mu brought out.

The young master of Zhenyuanmen looked at what Lin Mu brought out with fiery eyes.

His Zhenyuan Sect was established for a very short time, and the foundation of the sect is very thin, and such top-level materials are not seen at all. If he brings these materials back to the sect, it will definitely greatly increase the foundation of the sect.

"These are all things in the mountain gate. You are within the sphere of influence of my Zhenyuanmen. Stealing my Zhenyuanmen's mines and asking my Zhenyuanmen to compensate is simply making trouble for no reason. I will punish you today!" The son of Yuanmen watched the murderous intent rise in Lin Mu's eyes.

The rogue cultivators around looked at Lin Mu and sighed again, lamenting that Lin Mu was inexperienced, how could such a thing be brought out, this is obviously a sheep in the mouth of a tiger.

Lin Mu looked at the young master of the Zhenyuan Sect, and sneered in his heart, and then said loudly: "The Zhenyuan Sect is bullying the weak, trying to occupy my top-level materials. You have all seen it with your own eyes. Today, I, Fumanlou, are forced to fight. Everyone, be a witness to prove that I, Fu Manlou, did not instigate this matter."

The son of Zhenyuanmen watched Lin Mu perform alone, with a sneer on his face, and said: "At this time, you still want to take advantage of justice and win sympathy. It's ridiculous. You think I will kill you, and someone will stand up for you speak?"

Lin Mu looked at the young master of the True Yuan Sect and didn't answer at all.

Lin Mu didn't do this for any righteousness at all, but his own Fumanlou had just been established.There is no need for Lin Mu to leave other forces with the tongue to attack him.If this is the case, then Lin Shu doesn't need to practice, and it's not enough to deal with them every day.

"Old Guo, help me keep an eye on that fat man, and I'll deal with this ignorant kid!" The young master of the True Yuan Sect turned around and said to an old man standing behind him, who was on the fifth floor of the Tribulation Realm.

The old man on the fifth floor of Tribulation Transcending Realm nodded and said, "Young Master, be careful, that kid might be weird."

The son of Zhenyuan Sect sneered, and said contemptuously: "Don't worry, Mr. Guo, I will do my best to deal with him, and absolutely won't leave any troubles behind."

Old Guo nodded, and then put all his strength on guard against Wu De.

Wu De looked at Old Guo with disdain and sarcasm in his eyes.In Wu De's opinion, although the idiot boy from the Zhenyuan Sect could become the core disciple of the Emperor Sect, he was not enough to look at in front of Lin Mu, a monster.It is simply not his turn to make a move.

Seeing Wu De's expression of indifference, Old Guo frowned involuntarily.

"Boy, I will give you another chance, hand over the mountain gate and everything on you, and I will let you leave, otherwise today will be your memorial day next year!" the son of Zhenyuanmen said coldly.

Lin Mu put away the materials he took out, and said slowly: "I hope your father and other sons can inherit the mantle, otherwise your Zhenyuan Sect will be extinct today."

"Haha! I've seen someone who is arrogant, but I've never seen someone who is as arrogant as you. I'll send you on your way today!" After the Master of Zhenyuanmen laughed twice, he suddenly became ruthless, and slapped Lin Mu heavily.

"The rudimentary form of the Great Hand of True Yuan is already in place. This young master of the True Yuan Sect is really talented!" Everyone sighed again as they looked at the young master of the True Yuan Sect who was able to use the Great Hand of True Yuan at the Transformation God Realm.

Lin Mu looked at this young master of the True Yuan Sect, and felt really sad for him.Lin Mu's True Yuan Dashou can also be used now, but in Lin Mu's view, the Zhenyuan Dashou is a completely pretentious move.Without the slightest actual combat prowess, he still wanted to pretend to be aggressive at this time, and Lin Mu couldn't do it if he didn't want to use him to show his prestige.

Lin Shu stomped heavily on the ground, and immediately rushed towards the Young Master of the True Yuan Sect.

Seeing Lin Mu rushing towards him like this, Master Zhenyuanmen looked even more disdainful in his eyes.

"Go to hell!" With a clap of his big hand, he was about to suppress Lin Mu.

However, Lin Mu didn't intend to dodge at all, and charged straight forward.

Seeing Lin Mu's movements, Mr. Guo frowned again, and couldn't help blurting out, "Young master, be careful!"


Lin Mu let out a cold snort, his body abruptly pierced through the big hands of the master of the Zhenyuan sect, and then appeared directly in front of him.

Under the terrified gaze of the young master of Zhenyuanmen, Lin Mu punched him in the chest.

Then everyone saw the body of Master Zhenyuanmen disintegrated like pieces of porcelain.

Everyone stared blankly at Lin Shu, and the young master of the Zhenyuan Sect who was smashed all over the ground, and didn't react for a long time.

This was completely different from what they had expected. The young master of the Zhenyuan Sect, who had been selected as the core disciple of the Emperor Sect, fell under Lin Mu's men without even being able to hold on for half a breath.This speed is really too fast.

From their point of view, this Young Master of the True Yuan Sect, even the most powerful leader of the first level of Transcending Tribulation Realm among them, might not be his opponent, but Lin Mu cut him off without even breathing.

"Chuzi is here to take his life!" Old Guo suddenly roared, his eyes were bloodshot, and he rushed towards the trees.

(End of this chapter)

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