Supreme Chef

Chapter 754 Congrats

Chapter 754 Congrats
Guo Lao suddenly broke out, the speed was completely beyond everyone's imagination, and everyone had no time to react.

In fact, even if the people present had time to react, they couldn't stop Mr. Guo.Mr. Guo is a strong man who crosses the fifth floor of the Tribulation Realm, and none of the people present are his opponents.

The fact that others didn't respond didn't mean Lin Shu didn't respond either.

In fact, as early as Guo Lao moved, Lin Shu had already moved.

Facing Guo Lao's fist, Lin Mu also punched out.


The fists of the two collided with each other, and there was a muffled sound. There were bursts of explosions in the air, and the hard boulders under their feet were shattered into pieces.


Lin Mu and Mr. Guo each took three steps back, and their actions were evenly divided.

"Hmm!" Mr. Guo didn't expect such a result at all, and his expression changed drastically.

And the onlookers didn't even think that the result would be like this.

Lin Mu, who is at the seventh level of the God Transformation, can face the strong man at the fifth level of Transcending Tribulation without losing the slightest bit of wind, which is simply unimaginable.

Even the genius disciples of the Emperor Sect probably wouldn't be able to do this.

"Mr. Guo probably didn't use his full strength, otherwise, he wouldn't be able to block it at all." Someone commented.

Another person said disdainfully: "Even if Mr. Guo doesn't use all his strength, go and block me for a try."

Hearing such sarcasm, the person who spoke just now fell silent.

Guo Lao is a strong man who crosses the fifth floor of the tribulation, even if he doesn't use all his strength, they can't stop him.

"This leader is not easy! Absolutely not easy!"

This is what everyone is thinking at this time.

Lin Mu looked at Mr. Guo with a calm expression on his face, and there was no change in his mood at all because he blocked Mr. Guo's attack just now.For Lin Mu, everything seems to be the same as what he usually does.

"You have hidden your cultivation!" Old Guo asked, frowning as he looked at Lin Mu.

Lin Mudao: "There is no need to hide our cultivation from you and me."

"Hmph!" Old Guo snorted angrily when he heard Lin Mu's words, but he didn't act immediately.Apparently, just now, Lin Mu received his blow, which shocked him quite a bit.At this time, he was unwilling to act rashly.

"If there is nothing else, please leave, I still have business to do!" Lin Mu looked at the old Guo and the others and said.

"You killed my young master, and you just wanted to end it like this, it's just whimsical!" Guo Laohan said in a voice.

Lin Mu said calmly: "If you don't want to end the matter like this, what else do you want? You provoked the matter, and I just passively responded. Everyone present can testify to me."

"Yes, we can all testify!" Immediately, people who wanted to join Fumanlou began to respond.

Public opinion is difficult.

His Zhenyuan Sect is only a six-star sect, not a transcendent existence like the Emperor Sect, who can completely ignore everyone's opinions.

And Dayi is now on Lin Mu's side, so he really has nothing to say.

Of course, the most important thing is Old Guo, who is very afraid of Lin Mu and Wu De.Although Mr. Guo is already on the fifth level of Transcendence Tribulation, he is still not sure that he will be able to eat Lin Mu and Wu De.

"Let's go!" Mr. Guo finally waved his hand and led the people away.

Seeing Mr. Guo leading people away, the people around immediately gathered around and began to congratulate Lin Mu.At the same time, he also expressed more strongly that he would join Fumanlou.

With such a monstrous leader, one doesn't need to think about it, the future after joining Fumanlou will be boundless.

Of course, some of them didn't come to join Fumanlou, but came here just for the Luoshen Pill in Lin Mu's hand.

In the end, all the remaining Luoshen Pills in Lin Mu's hands were sold out, and he bought a total of 2000 million high-grade spirit stones.

This was Lin Mu's intention to release water to make friends with everyone, otherwise the Luoshen Pill in that bottle would be at least above 5000 million high-grade spirit stones.

Seeing everyone staring at him eagerly, Lin Mu said, "Don't worry, my half-immortal alchemist in Fumanlou will refine and sell elixir starting tomorrow, so if you need it, you can make an appointment in advance."

"What! There is also a half-immortal alchemist sitting in Fumanlou!"

When everyone heard Lin Mu's words, they were shocked again.

Half Immortal Alchemist, what does that mean?
That means a steady stream of elixirs, and it means that countless masters come here admiringly.

Although there are many in Dongxuanzhou, but they can reach the existence of half-immortal alchemists, not to mention rare, but they are almost the same.

Ordinary half-immortal alchemists are all in the Nine Star Sect or the Emperor Sect, and they are not seen outside at all.

But how many Nine Star Sects and Emperor Sects are there? The total number is less than twenty.

So for these casual cultivators, it is their lifelong pursuit to join a sect that has a half-immortal alchemist.

"I want to join Fumanlou!"

"I want to join Fumanlou too!"

Hearing Lin Mu said that there is a half-immortal alchemist sitting in Fumanlou, those who were still vacillating all expressed their desire to join Fumanlou.

However, Lin Mu thanked each of them one by one, and Lin Mu would never accept it so easily.

After sending everyone away, it was already night.

Wu De came in front of Lin Mu and said: "It's better for your alchemist to come in quickly. It only takes one day, which is equivalent to several months' income."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "This is talent, you can't force it."

Wu Dedao: "That's Fat Master, I don't want to learn it. If Fatty Master is willing to learn it, I will become a half-immortal alchemist in minutes."

Lin Mu chuckled and refused to comment at all.

"The Lord of Qiucheng is visiting!" Just as Lin Mu and Wu De were about to return to the mountain gate, a loud voice came.

"Qiucheng also sent people here, are they also coming to our place to claim their sovereignty?" Wu De said playfully.

Lin Mu said, "Let's see."

Under the protection of a group of black cavalry guards, the city lord of Qiucheng, a white-faced and beardless middle-aged elder, came in front of Lin Mu and Wu De.

Although there was a sincere smile on the face of the city lord of Qiucheng, he looked uncomfortable.

"Qiu He, the lord of Qiucheng, has met the head of Fumanlou, Lin!" Qiu He took the initiative to greet Lin Mu.

Lin Mu also smiled slightly, and said back: "City Master Qiu, you are being polite. I don't know why City Lord Qiu visited late at night?"

Qiu He said: "It's nothing serious, I just heard that Sect Master Lin has opened a new mountain gate, so I'm here to congratulate you."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "So I came here to congratulate, I thought City Lord Qiu also came to my small temple to assert his sovereignty?"

Hearing Lin Shu's ridicule, Qiu He didn't have the slightest embarrassment on his face, he also smiled slightly, and said, "My Qiu City is not close to the mountain gate of Sect Master Lin, and my Qiu City can guard our one-acre three-point land well. Well, I didn't expect to stretch my hand so far."

Lin Muxin said: It's no wonder you haven't thought about it.

Qiu He raised his hand slightly, and there was an iron guard behind him, holding a box and sending it up.

"Master Lin, I got a piece of blood jade unintentionally, and I gave it to Master Lin as a congratulatory gift today." Qiu He opened the box and sent it in front of Lin Mu.

Blood jade!
Hearing the congratulatory gift from Qiu He, the hearts of Lin Mu and Wu De couldn't help but jump violently.

Blood jade is the top grade nine refining material, and the things refined by blood jade have neither attack power nor good defense power.But it has attributes that all spirit treasures do not have.It can help people and resolve demons.

But for all cultivators, the most feared thing is the inner demon.The inner demon will definitely affect the cultivation throughout his life.And when crossing the catastrophe, it would be difficult not to die if the inner demon broke out.

And the blood jade is indeed a rare thing in the world of comprehension that can resolve the demons in the heart.Therefore, it has become extremely precious. It can be said that blood jade is a top-level material with a price but no market in the entire cultivation world.As for the blood jade in Qiu He's hand, no matter in terms of color or texture, it was a top-notch blood jade.The value is immeasurable.

Qiu He was so generous that he gave the blood jade directly to himself, it must not be so simple.

Lin Mu didn't pick up Qiu He's things, but said: "Qiu City Lord Lin, I won't be rewarded for nothing, and besides such an expensive congratulatory gift, Lin really dare not accept it."

Qiu He smiled and said: "Master Lin, I sent this blood jade to ask for something. I want to meet the half-immortal alchemist of your sect."

(End of this chapter)

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