Supreme Chef

Chapter 755

Chapter 755
Lin Mu frowned when he heard Qiu He's request.

Seeing Lin Mu frowning, Qiu He quickly asked, "Is there anything wrong with Master Lin?"

Lin Mu said with some embarrassment: "There is nothing wrong with it, it's just that the alchemist is refining the elixir in seclusion, so it's really hard to interrupt."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Qiu He said relaxedly: "It turns out that the alchemist is refining the elixir, so I just have to wait for a few days."

Lin Mu looked at the orders in his hands and said with a wry smile: "If City Lord Qiu wants to wait, I'm afraid it will take a while. City Lord Qiu should see that I already have a lot of orders in my hand. In a short time, I'm afraid there will be no more orders. method completed."

My own alchemy is the thing that can summon masters in a short period of time, and if I let outsiders know that I am the mysterious half-immortal alchemist.Maybe it can attract more people, but it is also dangerous.

Although Qiu He seemed to be here to celebrate this time, in fact he was harboring evil intentions.He didn't just want to meet Lin Mu, he wanted to make sure if Fumanlou really had a half-immortal alchemist.

At the same time, make sure who this half-immortal alchemist is.As for the confirmation, there are many choices in the hills and valleys.

No one in this world would allow a powerful existence to exist by his side.

Looking at the order in Lin Mu's hand, Qiu He also smiled slightly, and said, "If that's the case, I can only visit again after a while."

Lin Mudao: "After everything is arranged properly, I will send alchemist with me to visit City Lord Qiu in Qiucheng. At the same time, I also thank City Lord Qiu for his kindness in congratulating you."

Seeing that Qiu He couldn't see the alchemist, he didn't mention the blood jade, and Lin Mu simply reminded Qiu He.

Hearing Lin Mu's reminder, Qiu He cursed inwardly, but he still had to smile and sent the blood jade up.

Of course, Lin Mu would not refuse the things delivered to his door.

"Master Lin, I heard that you Fumanlou and Zhenyuanmen have some conflicts. I don't know if I need to come forward to mediate. It is fate that the three of us can get together. If it is not a life-and-death enmity, it is still a big event It’s good to turn the little things into pieces.” Qiu He took the initiative to bring up what happened this morning.

Lin Mu said indifferently: "It's not a big deal, I just accidentally missed and killed the son of the Zhenyuan Sect."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Qiu He couldn't help frowning, and said, "Master Lin, this is no small matter. Master Chen of the Zhenyuan Sect loves his son the most. The Emperor Sect has been accepted as a core disciple.

With this son, Zhenyuan Sect became the sect directly under the Emperor Sect.Now Sect Leader Lin, if you kill Sect Leader Chen's son, Sect Leader Chen may not be kind to you anymore.It is even possible to invite the law enforcement team and Emperor Zong. "

"Damn it, scare me. I didn't get scared. I didn't spit out what I ate." Lin Mu cursed secretly in his heart, and said calmly: "The situation at that time, City Lord Qiu didn't I may not have known it at the scene. At that time, the Zhenyuan Sect took the initiative to provoke, and I have retreated repeatedly. It is true that I had to fight back when I was forced to."

Qiu He frowned, and said: "Although Sect Leader Lin said so, he is the core disciple of the Emperor Sect after all. Even if Sect Leader Lin is right, I'm afraid it's not good. I happen to be with the Zhenyuan Sect Sect Leader Chen has some friendship, why don't I help Sect Leader Lin and ask Sect Leader Chen out. When the time comes, we can sit together and chat, maybe we can turn hostility into friendship."

After all, Qiu He still sent the blood jade, but he regretted not being able to meet the alchemist, and wanted Lin Mu to accept his favor and return the blood jade to him.

However, it was not the first day for Lin Mu to walk in the realm of comprehension. This little trick couldn't be hidden from Lin Mu at all.

Besides, after killing his son of the head of the Zhenyuan Sect, it would be really strange if the head of his Zhenyuan Sect could turn the fight into friendship with him.

Lin Mudao: "I don't need City Master Qiu to worry about this matter, I have my own concerns. The mountain gate has just been opened, and there are still many trivial matters. If City Master Qiu has nothing else to do, I will go back with Elder Wu first."

Qiu He heard it, it was an order to chase away guests under the trees.

The master let you go, and Qiu He couldn't hold on anymore, so he cupped his hands and said, "In this way, we won't bother Sect Leader Lin."

Lin Mu said: "City Lord Qiu, walk slowly!"

After everyone in Qiuhe left, Lin Mu and Wu De also turned around and returned to the mountain gate.

After Qiu He led the people out for hundreds of miles, a man in black armor came to Qiu He's side and said in a low voice: "The city lord, we think it's for nothing this time, let alone the half-immortal alchemist, even the gate of the mountain, we all have it." Couldn't get in."

Qiu He also had a pale face at this time, he came this time to find out the truth, but Lin Mu insisted that he didn't even let him approach the mountain gate, and he even bought a piece of blood jade for nothing.

"City Master, what should we do next?" The black-armored iron guard continued to ask.

Qiu He said with deep eyes: "Fumanlou killed the future hope of the Zhenyuan Sect. That old fox will never let it go. Although he couldn't find out the depth of Fumanlou this time, let him kill the real yuan sect. Let's fight for the door and Fumanlou, we just sit back and watch the fire."

"But the city lord, it's okay if both sides lose. If either side wins, it doesn't matter whether Fumanlou wins or Zhenyuanmen wins. If we fail to stand in time, life will be even more difficult." The black-armored iron guard He also expressed his concerns.

His worry is not Qiu Gu's worry.

Originally, a genius disciple of the True Yuan Sect and the True Yuan Sect had already made Qiucheng very difficult.

Now that the future hope of Zhenyuan Sect has finally fallen, yet another tree of unknown depth has appeared.

Qiu He originally planned to test the depth of the forest tonight. If the strength and background of the forest were strong, he was going to get close to the tree directly.

If Lin Mu's background and strength are not strong enough, he will prepare to occupy the sect opened by Lin Mu before the Zhenyuan Gate.

The sect opened by Lin Mu really made him envious.If they can really occupy the mountain gate of the forest, then the hills and valleys will have the confidence to challenge the Zhenyuan gate.

But Lin Mu is much smarter than he thinks despite his young age.From the beginning to the end, he didn't reveal a little bit of the truth, let alone let him enter the mountain gate for half a step, and all the intentions of coming here were not fulfilled.

Qiu He hated, and the hatred in the True Yuan Sect was even more overwhelming.

"It's better to have a long-term plan for the head. The head of Fumanlou, Lin Mu, is very difficult. Even I am not completely sure of him. Although the fat man looks harmless, he should not be worse than Lin Mu. Weak. Besides, there is a half-immortal alchemist in Fumanlou, we..."

Before the elder who protected his son finished speaking, Chen Ting, the head of the Zhenyuan Sect, interrupted angrily: "It is my son who died, and you let me make a long-term plan. I don't care what background or background that tree has. , in short, I want him to die!"

The elder who was protecting did not dare to answer the words of the head of the sect.

"Grand Elder, bring people to surround me with his ruined building. If they are captured without a fight, they will be brought back. If they are not captured without a fight, they will be killed on the spot!" Chen Ting killed Said monstrously.

"Yes! Sect Master!"

After a pause, the Great Elder said: "But we don't even know the head of the house. How many people are there in Fumanlou? How many people should we send there?"

"Take away all the elites in the door, I want it to be full of happiness!" Chen Ting angrily slapped the table heavily.

Although the Great Elder felt that something was wrong, he didn't think that his newly established sect would be able to defy the sky if he had brought out the best of his True Yuan Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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