Supreme Chef

Chapter 756

Chapter 756
The Great Elder led the people, and pressed down on Fumanlou in a mighty manner.

As for Lin Mu and Wu De, they were still in the middle of the mountain gate, eating barbecue leisurely.

"Do you think people from the True Yuan Sect will come to you tonight?" Wu De said to Lin Mu, tearing a mouthful of the flesh of the ninth-level spirit beast.

Lin Mu also tore off a piece of meat and said, "If I kill your son, can you wait until tomorrow to settle the score with me?"

Wu De shook his head and said, "I don't have a son, I don't know."

Lin Mudao: "Then to change the analogy, what would you do if the ancient tomb you found was stolen first?"

Wu De wiped his oily mouth, jumped up, and said: "If that bastard dares to touch something that the Lord likes, I will kill him alive."

Lin Mu said: "That's it. I think Chen Ting is in the same mood now. He must want to kill us both."

After hearing what Lin Mu said, Wu De quickly blocked it with his hand, and said, "He wanted to kill you alive, but it has nothing to do with me. I didn't kill his son."

Lin Mudao: "You are the elder of my Fumanlou now, do you think Zhenyuanmen will let you go?"

Wu De sat down on the ground and said: "I am the elder of your True Yuan Sect. I only promised to come with you, but I never promised to help you. At worst, if the True Yuan Sect comes to you, I will just run away." .”

Lin Mu looked at Wu De, smiled sinisterly and said: "Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous. I have already prescribed the medicine for what you ate just now, and no one has the antidote except me."

When Wu De heard Lin Mu's words, he jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, retching vigorously.

However, after vomiting for a long time, Wu De looked at the unmoving trees and said, "You're kidding me, there is no poison in it at all. If there is poison, I can definitely eat it."

Lin Mu chuckled and said, "You shouldn't have forgotten that I am an alchemist, and also a half-immortal alchemist?"

"Although alchemy is my specialty, poisoning is also one of my specialties. If you can eat the poison I gave, do you think it's necessary for me to take it?"

Wu De looked at Lin Mu, pointed at Lin Mu, and said, " are really despicable, to use such indecent means to deal with me."

Lin Mu said with a smile: "I'm not doing this indiscriminately. I just don't want to hurt our friendship. Besides, the poison I poisoned is not violent, and it doesn't do any harm to your body. As long as there is an antidote, it's fine. No problem."

"You give me the antidote, and I promise to help you deal with the Zhenyuanmen!" Wu De said.

Lin Mu shook his head, and said: "Your guarantee is too unreliable, why don't we talk about the antidote after the Zhenyuan Gate is destroyed?"

"Why are you going to destroy the Zhenyuan Gate!" Wu De couldn't help being surprised when he heard Lin Mu's words.

No matter how bad the True Yuan Sect was, it was still a six-star sect, and with just the two of them, they wanted to destroy a six-star sect.This may be okay in West Jizhou, but it is simply an impossible task in Dongxuanzhou.

Lin Mudao: "How can you allow others to sleep under the couch, and I am the same as others. Qiucheng and Zhenyuanmen regard me as a thorn in their side, and I am the same. But I will not take the initiative to find fault, I will wait for them to come to the door. Of course If they want to live in peace with me, I will accept them very generously."

Wu De expressed strong doubts about Lin Mu's words.But Wu De is really treating a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. Lin Mu has never been a bloodthirsty person. If no one takes the initiative to provoke him, Lin Mu will definitely not take the initiative.

Wu Dedao: "But just relying on the two of us, it's a bit unrealistic for you to want to destroy a six-star sect. Even if the Zhenyuan sect has no background, but the four or five strong men in the sect who have crossed the tribulation realm , and hundreds of masters who have transformed into gods, it is not something the two of us can deal with."

"Besides, Zhenyuanmen has a heavily guarded mountain gate. Do you think it is realistic for the two of us to attack their mountain gate? This is completely to die by myself. Instead of going to die, I might as well be killed by this ninth-level spirit beast." Botox!"

After Wu De finished speaking, he took a few big mouthfuls.

Lin Mudao: "I didn't say that we would take the initiative to send them to the door. Chen Ting doesn't know how deep we are, and coupled with his anger, he will definitely show up. We just need to wait for our work and wait for them to come to the door."

After listening to Lin Mu's analysis, Wu De felt that this was the case, but Wu De still said: "Even if we wait for work, when people from the Zhenyuan Sect come to the door, just the two of us will be able to deal with thousands of other experts? Even if they It's a wheel battle, and it can consume the two of us alive."

Lin Mudao: "You think I've only been decorating the mountain gate in the past two months. I've saved so much leftover materials. If I don't prepare a big gift for the invading enemy, I'll be sorry for those materials."

When Wu De heard Lin Mu's words, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Have you already set up a trap outside?"

Lin Mu asked back, "What do you think?"

Wu De couldn't help being happy when he heard it, and said: "This time it's really a deal, and the deal is a good deal. The Zhenyuanmen came out in full force, and the rings on everyone's bodies are enough to keep me from doing it for decades. Live, I've done this job!"

"Where's the jade slip that controls the formation outside?" Wu De asked excitedly.

Lin Mu said: "What do you want that for?"

Wu Dedao: "Of course I took it out to pretend to be aggressive. I want everyone to see how their fat grandpa slapped all of them to death."

Lin Mu was really defeated by Wu De's idea, but since Wu De was willing to pretend to be forceful, Lin Mu handed the jade slip to Wu De.

After Wu De and Lin Mu ate half of the spirit beast, there were also arrogant shouts from outside.

"The gift giver is here!" Wu De couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard that, he quickly got up from the ground and ran to the outside of the mountain gate.

Seeing this, Lin Mu also followed Wu De to the outside of the mountain gate.

Seeing that there were tens of thousands of people densely packed outside, and the worst ones were those who had completed the Nascent Soul Realm, Lin Mu was also a little surprised.

The True Yuan Sect was established for a very short time, logically speaking, its background should be very thin.How could there be so many masters.

But the more people came, the more excited Wu De was, because for Wu De, these people came to give him gifts.

"You guys at the Zhenyuan Sect really have a heart for coming to congratulate us and give us gifts at such a late hour?" Wu De glanced at the crowd and said calmly.

"We are here to avenge the young master, if you are sensible, you should be arrested obediently, otherwise, our Zhenyuan Sect will destroy your Fumanlou!" A small follower standing behind the great elder roared arrogantly.


Wu De directly slapped out with a big hand of real essence, and immediately sent the little follower's slap far away.

"Bah! What are you, your master didn't say anything, why are you barking so anxiously!" Wu De said with a look of contempt.

After finishing speaking, Wu De looked at the Great Elder with a full face of smiles, and said, "Master Dog, if you have anything to say, let me listen to it! Let your fat man taste it and see if it's something good!"

"Hmph!" The Great Elder snorted coldly, and ignored Wu De at all.

Wu De's palm just now really made the Grand Elder fearful.When Wu De made a move, the First Elder had fully sensed it, but when the First Elder wanted to block it, Wu De's slap was already on the person behind him.

Such speed and control over strength are far above him.

"You killed my young master for no reason. If you can't give an explanation today, I, Zhenyuanmen, will fight to the end with you, Fumanlou!" Another elder stood up and said loudly.

"Good! Good! I like to go shopping to the end, since you are going to go shopping. Your fat grandpa won't be polite to you, and I will give you a meeting gift first!" Wu De said directly, crushing the jade slip in his hand .

"Not good!" Seeing that Wu De had crushed the jade slip, the Great Elder's expression changed suddenly.

Happy April Fools' Day everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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