Supreme Chef

Chapter 759

Chapter 759

Lin Mu was tired all day, so he went to recover first.

In order to take revenge on Lin Mu, Wu De ruthlessly ate the remaining meat of all the ninth-level spirit beasts.

"City Master Qiucheng, I'm here to meet Master Lin!" Just as Lin Mu was about to start practicing, he heard Qiu He's voice.

This time Qiu He specially emphasized that he came to see him, obviously he had put his identity to the lowest level.

Although Lin Mu had expected the arrival of the hills and valleys, he was in such a hurry that it was beyond Lin Mu's expectations.According to Lin Mu's expectation, it is not too late for Qiu He to come tomorrow morning.

But now that Qiuhe is here, Lin Shu has to go to see Qiuhe.

Lin Mu got up and called Wu De who was venting, and the two went out to meet Qiu He together.

This time, the lineup brought by the hills and valleys is very luxurious.In addition to the black armored guards of the City Lord's Mansion, there are also all the elders of Qiucheng.

Seeing such a luxurious lineup, Lin Mu also smiled slightly, and said, "City Master Qiu came here with such a luxurious lineup, is he here to make trouble?"

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Qiu He's expression changed involuntarily, he cupped his hands quickly, and said, "Sect Leader Lin misunderstood, I just heard that the Zhenyuan Sect might be against you tonight, Sect Leader Lin. So I specially brought someone to see See if there is any place that can help Sect Leader Lin."

"It's really shameless, I'm going to bow down!" Wu De muttered softly.

Although Wu De's voice is soft, the people who can stand here are not ordinary people.So no matter how soft the voice is, it is equivalent to speaking directly in their ears.

"What did you say!" Before Qiu He could respond, the fiery-tempered elder behind Qiu He was the first to dare.

Wu De said without any fear: "You know what I say."

"You're courting death!" The fiery elder was about to fight Wu De desperately after he finished speaking.

"Elder Ma, don't be rude!" Qiu He's face turned cold, and he reprimanded angrily.

When Elder Ma heard Qiu He's words, a trace of unwillingness flashed across his face, and he said, "It's the city lord!"

After reprimanding his subordinates, Qiu He looked at Lin Mu with a smile, and said, "I have no way to restrain my subordinates, and Sect Leader Lin laughed."

Lin Mu waved his hand and said, "City Lord Qiu is serious. Even if our Elder Wu speaks too frankly, I will restrain him in the future."

Hearing Lin Shu's words, Qiu He almost vomited blood angrily.

I have no restraint, but your subordinates are just talking straight.

"City Lord..."

"Shut up!" Elder Ma was about to speak when Qiu He coldly interrupted him again.

Lin Mudao: "I appreciate the kindness of City Lord Qiu's late-night visit, but the Zhenyuan Gate can no longer threaten me. Please go back, City Lord Qiu."

"Oh! What does Head Master Lin say?" Since he wanted to pretend, Qiu He naturally had to pretend to the end.

Lin Mu took out a crystal ball, handed it to Qiu He, and said, "The people from the Zhenyuan Sect took the initiative to attack late at night, and they have been wiped out by me, Fumanlou."

Qiu He took the crystal ball, glanced at the contents of the crystal ball, and his understanding of trees could not help but rise to a new level.

The crystal ball recorded everything, the process of Zhenyuanmen coming to find fault.

With such a record, even if someone really wanted to take the opportunity to attack Fumanlou, there would be no excuse.Because judging from all the records in the crystal ball, all of this was completely caused by Zhenyuanmen itself, and had absolutely nothing to do with Fumanlou.

"The Zhenyuan Sect is so arrogant, it's really too much." After watching it, Qiu He said in a sympathetic voice.

Lin Mudao: "Thank you, City Lord Qiu, for your support and understanding."

Qiu He said: "Sect Leader Lin just said that the Zhenyuan Sect was destroyed by Sect Leader Lin, what does that mean?"

Lin Mu smiled lightly, and did not expose Qiu He's pretentious behavior, and said, "It's nothing interesting, that is, the Zhenyuan Sect will be removed from Dongxuanzhou from now on."


After listening to Lin Mu's words, Qiu He couldn't help but gasped.

He was really surprised that this ravine was not an act.

Listening to others and listening to Lin Mu himself are two completely different feelings.

Qiu He said in shock: "Master Lin, you mean that the Zhenyuan Gate has already been destroyed by you?"

Lin Mu nodded, and said: "That's right. I was also forced to be helpless. The Zhenyuan Sect has already bullied me. If I don't fight back, I can only wait to be wiped out."

Qiu He nodded in understanding, and said: "Sect Leader Lin's words are correct. A man stands above heaven and earth, and my generation of monks should be so happy and enmity. But I really didn't expect that Mr. Lin's Fumanlou would have such power And the foundation, uprooted the True Yuan Sect overnight."

After he finished speaking, Qiu He laughed at himself mockingly, and said, "It seems that I, Qiu, am acting affectionate this time."

Wu Dedao: "You are not pretending to be sentimental, you are not pretending enough."


This time, before Elder Ma could speak, Lin Mu said, "Elder Wu, don't say a few words. City Lord Qiu came here with good intentions. No matter whether City Lord Qiu is sincere or not, we should appreciate it. Even if you have the truth to tell, Elder Wu , and you can't embarrass City Lord Qiu in front of so many people."

Hearing Lin Mu's first words, Qiu He looked a little better.Hearing the back, Qiu Gu's face turned black with charcoal.

"Since Sect Leader Lin is fine, let's go back first. I still have things to deal with in the city, so don't bother me!" Lin Mu said so, if Qiu He stayed, he would be really shameless.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "In that case, I won't keep City Lord Qiu any longer."

Seeing Qiu He and the others leave, Lin Mu also sneered.

For a duplicitous person like Qiu He, Lin Mu looked down on him the most.If Qiu He really pulls out to fight Lin Shu, Lin Shu can still admire and admire Qiu He, even if Qiu He doesn't come, Lin Shu can look up to Qiu He.

"It's just a scumbag, and it will be a disaster to stay around sooner or later!" Wu De said.

Lin Mu said: "He didn't take the initiative to provoke us, and we have no reason to do it. Let's talk about it after he takes the initiative to provoke us. Let's go back first, discuss the criteria for accepting apprentices, and start to open the mountain gate to accept apprentices tomorrow."

The prestige has been established, and the next step is to recruit disciples.

Moreover, Lin Mu had to rush to the Tiannvzong, so he really didn't have much time to spend here.

As soon as the sun rose the next day, there were countless casual practitioners waiting at the gate of the mountain, waiting to join Fumanlou.

A sect that possesses a half-immortal alchemist and can overthrow a six-star sect overnight, you don't need to think about how terrifying it is.If they could join such a sect, besides opportunities, it would also mean endless glory to them.

However, when Lin Mu announced the criteria for accepting apprentices, many people's faces changed drastically.

Lin Mu's apprenticeship is very strict with his cultivation, as long as he has reached the Nascent Soul Realm within a hundred years, he can join.Reaching the Nascent Soul Realm within a hundred years is considered a top talent choice.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with a strict cultivation base, but Lin Mu's requirements for apprentices and conduct are also extremely strict.This makes many people can only stay away.

Lin Mu requires all those who join must swear a heavy oath.Make sure that you have never killed anyone who shouldn't be killed, and make sure that you have never done anything to rob.

In the world of comprehension, very few people can do these two things, and many people have done this, or something like this.

Other sect parties have no requirements for this at all, but Lin Mu has such strict requirements for this, which makes them what to do.

In the three days of the final apprenticeship, in total, more than 200 people passed the test.Such a number of people is already too small and cannot be reduced.

However, Lin Mu doesn't care how many people he accepts. Since he wants to build the most powerful sect, he needs to be skilled rather than numerous.

(End of this chapter)

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