Supreme Chef

Chapter 760 My name is Lin Mu

Chapter 760 My name is Lin Mu (1)

After the three-day apprenticeship was over, Lin Mu led everyone into the mountain gate they had imagined.

Lin Mu looked at the crowd and said his first words: "From today onwards, all of you will be cultivating here."

Looking at the rich aura in the mountain gate and the exquisite formation, all the selected people felt that it was worth it even if they faced a hundred times more stringent requirements.

This place is simply a holy place for cultivation, for these rootless casual practitioners.After reaching a certain level of cultivation, one must rely on a powerful sect to continue to advance.

However, ordinary powerful sects don't need casual cultivators like them.And even if necessary, very strict conditions will be put forward, and after joining, they will not be treated as normal disciples, but just as servants or cannon fodder.It is even less likely to bring them into the core area of ​​the mountain gate.

Pausing for a moment, Lin Shu pointed to the 99 peaks in the distance, and said: "That is the core of the entire sect. I will give you three years. Whoever among you first becomes a strong man who has successfully crossed the tribulation realm can own a mountain of his own. Independent mountain peaks, become the elders of the sect."

Looking at the mountain peak shrouded in starlight, yearning appeared in everyone's eyes.

With the help of the power of the stars to cultivate, that is the effect of one day worth ten days.

"In the past three years, I don't need you to make any contributions to the sect, nor do I need you to pay anything to the sect. But if after three years, some of you still haven't made any progress, then I can only ask you to leave the sect. The building is full." Lin Mu ran out again, which made everyone excited.

There is no need to make any contributions or pay anything for three years.This is simply equal to free, helping them improve their cultivation, there is such a good thing in the world.

"That's all I want to say. Elder Wu will tell you the rest of the rules. When I'm here, you can ask me any questions about cultivation. When I'm not here, you can ask Wu Elder." Lin Mu pointed to Wu De and said.

"It's the master!"

"Meet Elder Wu!"

Suddenly being worshiped by 300 people together, Wu De also felt light, and felt that joining Fumanlou was not a boring thing.

After Wu De gave a pretentious lecture, he asked all of them to go to practice.

Hearing that it was time to start practicing, these people didn't dare to waste any time, and they all started to find places to start practicing.

The conditions given by Lin Mu are not unreasonable.Especially those 99 main peaks are really too attractive to them.

Seeing that everyone was cultivating desperately, Wu De also came to Lin Mu, looked at the 99 main peaks opposite, and said: "I really hope to see that all the 99 main peaks can find their masters. By then 99 If a strong man above the Tribulation Transcendence Realm is in command, the power might not even be comparable to that of the Emperor Sect."

Lin Mudao: "I want to leave here to go to Tiannvzong. During my absence, you will handle all matters in the sect. When I come back from Tiannvzong, I will go with you to the place left by the first concubine of the ages. Treasure."

Wu De knew what Lin Mu was going to Tiannvzong for, and he said generously: "Don't worry, leave it to me, there won't be any problems."

Lin Mu nodded, then took out a jade slip, and said, "This is the jade slip that controls the entire formation. If a strong enemy comes, you can just activate the formation."

Wu De looked at the jade slip that Lin Mu handed over, and was also stunned.

He really did not expect that Lin Mu would give such an important thing to himself.If Lin Mu entrusts this thing to himself, it is equivalent to entrusting the lifeblood of the entire Fumanlou to himself.

Wu De hesitated for a moment, but still took the jade slip, and said with a smile, "Aren't you afraid that I will swallow your Fumanlou?"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "I have no doubts about employing people, and I trust your character. Besides, if you want to swallow my Fumanlou, you don't have to wait until now."

Wu De said: "Don't take me too much for a saint. I haven't done anything because I'm not sure if I can beat you."

Lin Mu also laughed out loud after hearing Wu De's words.

into the night!

Lin Mu quietly left Fumanlou by himself without disturbing anyone.

It takes about two months to travel from here to Tiannvzong, just in time for the martial arts competition to recruit relatives.

Lin Mu didn't plan to use the teleportation array to go early, because Lin Mu knew that even if he went early, it was impossible for the Tiannvzong to let people go.

And even if Tiannvzong agrees to release her, the other Emperor Sects will not agree.Instead of this, why not use his own fist to hit all the opponents one by one.

"Don't you, Emperor Zong, want to lure me to go? I'm going now. I hope your disciples can block my fist!" Standing in front of the flying Lingbao, Lin Mu said with a sneer.

The second reason why Lin Mu didn't plan to go early was because Lin Mu wanted to use these two months to continue to sharpen and improve his cultivation.Try to improve your cultivation to the perfection of Ascension Realm when you reach the Tiannvzong.

To improve two levels in two months, to others, it is simply whimsical.

After the cultivation base reaches the back, every step forward is very difficult.

But for the forest with the time tower, the chaotic world and the chaotic green lotus, this is not an impossible task.

Two months passed quickly, and Lin Mu was also approaching the sphere of influence of the Tiannvzong.

The Tiannvzong is located in the entire west of Dongxuanzhou, which is a rare and blessed place in Dongxuanzhou that is rich in aura.

With the Tiannvzong as the core, within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, it can be regarded as the sphere of influence of the Tiannvzong.

However, the Tiannv Sect has always been aloof from the world, and has never done things that oppress other sects.Therefore, those small sects that exist within the sphere of influence of the Tiannv Sect live very comfortably.

The Tiannv Sect was already very lively here, but in the past month, the Tiannv Sect has become even more lively.

Because under the joint promotion of the Eastern Emperor Sect and the Southern Emperor Sect, the Tiannv Sect's martial arts contest to recruit relatives is already well known in the entire Eastern Xuanzhou.

Moreover, in order to further expand their influence, the Eastern Emperor Sect and the Southern Emperor Sect were worried that Lin Mu would not know.With this in mind, the Martial Dao Competition of the entire Eastern Xuanzhou was directly held.

The competition is only allowed to those below the Transcending Tribulation Realm, which is also the request of the head of the Tiannv Sect.

Regarding this point, the suzerains of the Eastern Emperor Sect and the Southern Emperor Sect naturally understood in their hearts, this is another chance for Luo Guanyue to give Lin Mu.But what they were waiting for was Lin Shu, so they didn't refuse such a request.

The winner of the competition will not only be able to embrace the beauty in the end, but also become the core disciple of the emperor's sect, and even obtain the supreme cultivation method and a ninth-grade spiritual treasure.

This kind of reward has to make people's hearts flutter, so in the past month, there have been tens of millions more people within the sphere of influence of the Tiannvzong.

After Lin Mu came down from the Flying Lingbao, listening to the people around him talking about Xu Mei, instead of being excited, he became more and more calm. Even in the end, Lin Mu's calmness made the people around him dare not approach Lin Mu.

Lin Mu walked step by step to the registration place set up by Tiannvzong.

The person in charge of the registration was an elder of the Tiannv Sect. Looking at the forest trees whose face was almost condensed into frost, the elder couldn't help but tremble in his heart: "What's your name?"

"My name is Lin Mu!" Lin Mu said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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