Supreme Chef

Chapter 761 My name is Lin Mu

Chapter 761 My name is Lin Mu (2)

Hearing Lin Mu's words, the elder in charge of registration couldn't help but pause, and quickly looked up at Lin Mu.

"You are Lin Mu?" The elder looked at Lin Mu and repeated in surprise.

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I am Lin Mu!"

"Lin Mu takes his life!" Before the elder could ask another question, someone made a strong move not far behind her, ready to directly take down Lin Mu.

The Eastern Emperor Sect and the Northern Emperor Sect made such a big show, not just to wait for Lin Shu's arrival.

Now that Lin Mu appeared, it was naturally an opportunity for these disciples to make contributions.

Seeing this disciple of the Eastern Emperor Sect who was eager to show off and rushed forward, Lin Mu sneered, and then calmly punched out.

Seeing Lin Mu's punch calmly, the elder who was in charge of registering the Crossing Tribulation Realm frowned involuntarily.

Lin Mu's punch seemed ordinary, but there was indeed a deep dao rhyme in it, and it was impossible to defend against it.

This is also one of the achievements of Lin Mu's two-month training. In two months, Lin Mu completely integrated Ye Family's Daoquan.

Although it is still not able to fully exert its power, it is enough to deal with a disciple who has completed the transformation of the gods.

The disciple who had completed the transformation into a god, saw Lin Mu's ordinary punch, and at first his eyes were full of disdain.

But it wasn't until he got close that he felt the horror of this punch.But when he wanted to dodge, he found that he was unable to dodge, and his whole body was completely bound by an invisible force.


Since there was no way to avoid it, he could only shout loudly to cheer himself up.

But no matter how much he angered himself, the ending was already doomed.


Lin Mu hit his fist with a punch, instantly shattering half of his body, Nascent Soul and Sea of ​​Consciousness were instantly annihilated.

He punched and killed a strong man who had completed the transformation into a god, but Lin Mu still had no expression on his face.

The elder who was in charge of registration looked at Lin Shu, and a look of fear flashed in his eyes.

She is at the third level of Transcending Tribulation, but she doesn't have the confidence that she can kill a disciple of the Emperor Sect who has completed the God Transformation Realm with a single punch.

"If you dare to kill my disciple, die to me!" As soon as Lin Mu killed a disciple, he immediately attracted the master.

A loud shout seemed to come from the sky, and the next moment, people were already in front of them.

The overwhelming shadows of his palms showed his identity and power as a strong man in the Tribulation Realm.

Looking at the big hand of real yuan in the sky, Lin Mu snorted coldly, and slapped out the same big hand of real yuan.


The two big hands with true essence collided with each other, and a violent explosion occurred immediately.

The two big hands of true essence collapsed at the same time, the spiritual energy in the midair rioted, and the sound of "rumbling" was heard endlessly, and everyone around couldn't help frowning.

"At the Transformation God Realm, you can rely on the big hands of true essence and the strong men on the third floor of Transcendence Tribulation. This forest is really against the sky."

"This kind of power, I am afraid that only those few evildoers who can aspire to the list of crossing the catastrophe can be compared."

"The growth of the trees is too scary. If it really grows, the two emperor sects will be in trouble."

"Yeah! The growth of Lin Shu is really terrifying. A year ago, he just passed through the tribulation. Now he is already at the peak of the seventh level of the God Transformation, and with the help of his true energy, he can forcibly overwhelm the powerhouse of the third level of the tribulation. Such talent is truly terrifying.”

The people below did not expect that Lin Mu would really dare to come, let alone that Lin Mu was so powerful.Without the slightest cover-up, he beheaded a core disciple of the Emperor Sect as soon as he arrived, and at the same time shook the elders of the Emperor Sect.


There was a wave of unrest and another wave. Just as Lin Mu repelled an elder who had crossed the third floor of the tribulation, immediately a strong man who had completed the tribulation realm made a move, ready to suppress Lin Mu forcefully.

Facing a big hand of real essence who had successfully crossed the Tribulation Realm, Lin Mu didn't dare to trust him.

"Witch Emperor Fist!"

Lin Mu let out a low growl, and then punched out with a punch of red whirlwind killing intent.

At this time, the killing intent of the Wuhuangquan has become more and more solid, and at the same time, the light emitted by the punch has almost completely turned golden. It is obvious that the Wuhuangquan is about to transform.

The powerful murderous space raged in the air, completely crushing all auras.



Murderous intentions raged, and the crazy hands of real yuan collided.

No one would doubt the power of the sputtering spiritual energy.

The people around couldn't help retreating again and again, even the elders who were in charge of registration had retreated far away.


Lin Mu shouted loudly, his fists moved forward, and the killing intent field exploded immediately, detonating the big hand of true essence in an instant.


Although the big hand of Zhenyuan was broken, Lin Mu still couldn't help but let out a muffled groan, and couldn't help but step back half a step.

Although Lin Shu was repelled by a palm, it was enough to make everyone's jaw drop.

This is a direct attack by a strong man who has completed the Tribulation Realm. Although he did not come in person, there is still a strong man who has transformed into a god in this world, who can resist the blow of a strong man who has completed the Tribulation Realm.

Lin Shu's strength once again shocked everyone.

This kind of power can already directly threaten the strong ones on the top of the list.

"Looking for death!" His big hand of real essence was broken by the forest tree, which also made the strong man who had completed the tribulation realm become angry from embarrassment.

The next moment, the strong man who had completed the Tribulation Realm had already descended in real body, obviously planning to directly capture Lin Mu alive.

Seeing the strong earthquake that crossed the catastrophe land personally, Lin Shu's eyes also appeared dignified.

It is my own strength and self-confidence that I can break the opponent's big hand of true essence, but Lin Mu doesn't have the confidence to be able to shake one.

"Die to me!" The Tribulation Transcending Realm expert let out a loud roar, and shot directly, preparing to suppress Lin Mu himself.


But before Lin Mu could make a move, a beautiful figure appeared in front of Lin Mu ahead of time, and blocked the blow of the strong man who had completed the Tribulation Realm for Lin Mu.

The delicate hand collided with the Emperor Sect's Tribulation Transcending Realm Perfectionist, and his delicate body shook slightly, while the Emperor Sect's Tribulation Transcending Realm expert took three steps back.

"War Goddess Sun Shuang!" Seeing this beautiful figure, everyone couldn't help but exclaimed.

Sun Shuangjiao turned her head with a smile, looked at Lin Mu and said, "Brother Lin, we meet again."

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you for the rescue."

Sun Shuang smiled like a flower and said: "Brother Lin, you are really more and more polite."

Everyone had never seen Sun Shuang give anyone a smiling face, and they couldn't help but stare blankly for a moment.

The Goddess of War has always displayed her ruthlessness, and even if she occasionally showed her amorous feelings, it was not something they could see.

"Sun Shuang, what do you mean?" The Emperor Sect's strong man who had completed the tribulation realm also looked at Sun Shuang and asked sharply.

Sun Shuang is in the top [-] of the Tianbang, he is naturally not an opponent, and he dare not act rashly.

Sun Shuangdao: "I don't mean anything, it's just that I don't like seeing someone bullying my friend."

The strong man who had successfully crossed the Tribulation Realm of the Emperor Zong looked at Sun Shuang and said, "Lin Mu is a person wanted by our Emperor Zong. Sun Shuang, you break the rules like this. Are you not afraid of being suppressed by our Emperor Zong?"

Hearing this, Sun Shuang couldn't help but turn cold, and said, "I'm alone, so what's so scary about your Emperor Zong? If your Emperor Zong has the ability, just come and catch me. If you can't catch me, then your Emperor Zong Zong just wait for my revenge."

This is the well-known female Goddess of War, no matter who she is facing, she will never take half a step back.All the way to the top [-] of the Tianbang, the Emperor Zong regarded him as someone who should not be easily provoked.

"Challenge my Emperor's authority, I will accept you today!" The roaring sound waves came overwhelmingly, falling on everyone's ears, as if thunder was exploding in their ears.

This is obviously a strong person in Ascension Realm.

The people around have been completely numb to the turmoil caused by the appearance of trees.

However, at this time, the strong man who led to the Ascension Realm still made the onlookers feel tense.

"The little Ascension Realm expert dares to yell, and today I'm accepting you too!" Just as the Emperor Zong Ascension Realm expert's voice came, another more arrogant voice came over.

(End of this chapter)

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