Supreme Chef

Chapter 763 Luxurious support group

Chapter 763 Luxurious support group

Hearing someone calling Lin Mu again, everyone looked back.

"Who is this?" Everyone looked back and saw a lame man and a fairy-like old man coming hand in hand, all curious about their identities.

"Hush! Keep your voice down! These are the two great weapon saints of Qidu." Someone who knew the two quickly whispered.

"The Holy Artifact of Qidu!" Hearing that person's words, the mouth of the person who asked the question was also opened wide.

Although they have become numb to these powerful people who came to help Lin Mu.But the arrival of the two great weapon sages from Qidu still surprised everyone present.

This is the Artifact Sage of the Artifact Capital, and almost all the famous spirit treasures in the entire cultivation world come from the hands of these two great Artifact Saints.

Even Emperor Zong must be polite to the two of them.

"Lin Xiaoyou really didn't expect to meet you here." Mi Yan said to Lin Mu with a smile.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Lin Mu has seen the two seniors."

Looking at the tense atmosphere, Mi Yan said, "Little friend Lin, what's going on?"

Lin Mu smiled and said: "It's okay, I want to sign up for the competition. The people on the opposite side are worried that their disciples can't afford to lose, so they want to prevent me from signing up for the competition."

"Ling Mu, you are courting death!" An elder behind Yun Tianhua heard Lin Mu's remarks, and said angrily, raising his hand to suppress Lin Mu.


Cao Xiu, who was standing beside Lin Mu, raised his hand to defuse the opponent's attack, looked coldly at the person who made the attack, and said, "What are you going to do!"

"Should I ask you this?" Cao Xiu said with a sneer.

"Cao Xiu, this is a matter between us and Lin Mu. You guys have always been neutral and don't take part in any fights. Are you going to break the rules?" Yun Tianhua felt that what he said today was more than what he said in a year.

But the people present were the ones he had to speak to.

"I have nothing to do with the weapon. I promised Lin Mu that I would go to his sect to sit in charge for a hundred years. Now I am considered the elder of Lin Mu's sect." Cao Xiu said coldly.

"Hmph! What sect can he develop!" the elder said disdainfully.

Lin Mu chuckled, and said, "Unfortunately, you really hit the spot. I really opened up a sect, which is located in the north of Dongxuanzhou, and it's called Fumanlou!"

"Fumanlou! What kind of sect name is this? Is this exactly the name of the restaurant?" The elder of the Emperor Sect laughed.

Lin Mu also laughed twice, and said: "This is indeed the Ming restaurant, and it specializes in cooking dogs like you Emperor Sect!"

"Boy, you are looking for death!" The elder frowned fiercely when he heard Lin Mu's words.

Now that Lin Mu has a strong support group behind him, he is not afraid of him at all, and looks at the elder with a provocative face.The meaning is obvious, as long as you dare to fight, the people behind me will kill you in minutes.

The elder of the Emperor's sect really didn't have the guts to make a move when he saw such a luxurious support group.

Take out any one from the forest tree, and one finger can crush him to death.And it's still the kind that crushes to death, and the head doesn't take revenge for himself.

Yun Tianhua also never expected that things would turn out like this.The strength of Lin Mu's support team was beyond his expectations.

With such a luxurious lineup, even he dare not offend easily.Although Emperor Zong is in the realm of comprehension, he is an absolutely transcendent existence.

But this does not mean that Emperor Zong has absolute authority, and the realm of comprehension is far from being as simple as it seems.

"Junior Sister Luo, this is your place, it's up to you to decide!" Yun Tianhua finally had to choose to compromise, Lin Mu's support team was too luxurious.

At this time, Luo Guinea also felt a little bit hard to get off. The support team behind Lin Mu was really too luxurious, so luxurious that Luo Guinea was a little caught off guard.

Now Luo Guanyue regretted agreeing to Yun Tianhua and Dongfang Ao's request.If he had known that there were so many people standing behind Lin Mu, maybe she would not have agreed to Yun Tianhua's request back then.

Luo Guanyue pondered for a moment, and said: "Since it is a martial arts conference, then everything will be settled in the arena."

"Okay! Let's stay on top of the ring and see the outcome!" Yun Tianhua had no choice but to accept such a proposal.

Lin Mu said: "Then I can sign up normally now, right?"

Luo Guanyue nodded and said, "Yes!"

Under everyone's gaze, Lin Mu completed the registration work.

"Can I meet Xu Mei?" Lin Mu looked at Luo Guaiyue and asked.

Luo Guanyue nodded and said, "Yes!"

The elder behind Yun Tianhua opened his mouth, originally wanting to stop him, but the headmaster didn't have anything to say, so his words are useless.

Lin Mu left with Luo Guanyue, the protagonist left, and naturally there was no need for the opposing sides to stay.

Such a turmoil was resolved silently.

Although neither of the two parties made a move, the atmosphere was even more tense than if they did.

Many people's backs were already drenched with sweat at this time, which was both nervous and frightening.


The people on both sides left for a long time, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

With so many legendary masters confronting each other, the powerful aura exuded naturally and unnaturally is like going through a life-and-death battle for them.

Lin Mu followed Luo Guanyue all the way into the gate of Tiannvzong.

"Xu Mei is inside, you go in." Luo Guanyue pointed to a thatched cottage in front of her.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior."

Lin Mu suppressed his excitement and pushed open the door of the thatched cottage.

The room is very simple, just a desk and a bed.

Xu Mei was sitting by the window at this moment, her back was facing the door, and she didn't even look at the people behind her.

"Senior Sister Nie, I don't need those pills, so don't give them to me in the future!" Xu Mei said listlessly.

Hearing Xu Mei's voice, Lin Mu said tremblingly, "Xu Mei!"

When Xu Mei heard the voice she had been looking forward to for half a year, her delicate body couldn't help trembling.

Xu Mei turned her head slowly and saw Lin Mu standing at the door, she couldn't help but threw herself into Lin Mu's arms: "Lin Mu... Lin Mu, you are here!"

Lin Mu patted Xu Mei's back lightly, and comforted him, "I've wronged you."

Xu Mei shook her head and said, "Don't feel wronged, it will be fine if you come."

Xu Mei wiped away her tears, looked up at Lin Mu, and said, "Lin Mu, are you here to pick me up?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I'm here to pick you up."

Xu Mei said excitedly: "Then let's go now."

Lin Mu shook his head with a smile, and said, "I'm so sorry to just pick you up like this. I've never done anything spectacular for you, but today I will do something spectacular for you. I will defeat all opponents, Take you away from the Heavenly Girl Sect in a glorious manner."

Xu Mei was also very moved when she heard that Lin Mu was going to participate in the Martial Arts Competition and wanted to pick her up gracefully.

But Xu Mei soon became worried about Lin Mu, and said, "I don't need to make a fuss, let's go. Senior Sister Sun told me that the people participating in the Martial Dao Competition this time are all monstrous disciples of the emperor sects... "

Lin Mu put his fingers against Xu Mei's cherry lips with a smile, and said with a smile, "Are you worried that I won't be their match?"

Xu Mei shook her head quickly and said, "Of course not, I'm just worried that you will get hurt."

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Your husband, I am in good health, don't worry I won't get hurt. You are in the sect, wait for me to pick you up in a good way."

Speaking of this, Lin Mu thought of a movie he had watched on Earth, and said with a smile, "I will definitely step on the colorful clouds to pick you up."

"Puchi!" Xu Mei burst into laughter when she heard Lin Mu's words.

"There's still plenty of time, how about we..." Seeing the smiling Xu Mei, Xiao Linmu couldn't help but react.

"No more!" Xu Mei said shyly, wanting to refuse but still welcome.

"Cough cough!" Just as the two of them were preparing to make fire, a light cough suddenly came from the door.

(End of this chapter)

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