Supreme Chef

Chapter 764 I Was Fooled To Come Here

Chapter 764 I Was Fooled To Come Here
Hearing this light cough, both Lin Mu and Xu Mei were taken aback.

When Xu Mei looked up and saw her senior sister Nie Shuang standing at the door, she also had a face full of shyness, her little hand pinched Lin Mu's waist fiercely, and then blushed and called, "Senior sister."

Lin Mu stared at the beautiful woman standing at the door, with a willow waist and slender body, who was completely indescribable, and was taken aback for a moment.

Lin Mu has seen many beauties, but none of them seem to be able to compare with the one in front of him.A completely out-of-this-world temperament, compared with her, everything around her is so vulgar.

Nie Shuang nodded, then put the jade bottle in his hand on the table, turned around and left the room.

After Nie Shuang left, Xu Mei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all your fault!" Xu Mei was puzzled, and pinched Lin Mu's waist again.

Lin Mu said: "What does it have to do with me? Didn't you resist?"

Xu Mei covered Lin Mu's mouth with her hands, and said angrily, "You still talk!"

Lin Mu laughed and said, "Okay, let's not talk about it. Who came in just now?"

Xu Mei looked at Lin Shu, and said jealously: "How do you think he is beautiful, I have taken a fancy to him."

Seeing the jealous look, Lin Mu couldn't help teasing Xu Mei and said, "I really like your senior sister. This is the first time I've seen such a beautiful woman."

When Xu Mei heard Lin Mu's words, she pouted angrily, with a sour look on her face.

When Xu Mei looked up and saw the smile in Lin Mu's eyes, Xu Mei also knew that she had been tricked.

"Okay! You're teasing me!" Xu Mei said, and her little hands started pinching Lin Mu's waist indiscriminately again.

After the two had been fighting for a while, Xu Mei was exhausted and said with a coquettish smile, "Stop it! Stop it!"

After the two stopped fighting, Xu Mei said: "The one who came in just now is the saintess of the Heavenly Maiden Sect, and also the first talented disciple of my Heavenly Maiden School, Nie Shuang, who is also known as the peerless pair of prides with the Goddess of War."

Lin Mu stroked his chin and said, "She is Nie Shuang."

Xu Mei nodded and said, "Senior Sister Nie and I are both master's disciples, and Senior Sister Nie has always taken care of me on weekdays.

Apart from this incident, Senior Sister Nie also came to give me pills every day, and also promised me that she would help me win the first place this time and let me stay in the mountain gate forever. "

Lin Mu nodded after hearing Xu Mei's words, and suddenly said with a sly smile, "Your Senior Sister Nie is really kind to you, you two can't be the legendary lace."

Seeing the smirk in Lin Mu's eyes, Xu Mei instantly understood what Lin Mu was going to say, and blushed pretty, and said, "You're the one...I'm so pissed off!"

Lin Mu laughed and said, "I'm just saying that, don't get excited, and if you agree, I won't agree."

After a pause, Xu Mei said: "Actually, master took good care of me, but the situation at that time was so weak that master couldn't refuse. But master has tried his best to push back the time for half a year, so don't blame me, master."

Lin Mu nodded and said, "I know your master's difficulties. And she can delay the time for half a year and bring me in. I am already very grateful to her."

Xu Mei said: "Do you really want to participate in the martial arts competition?"

Lin Mu nodded solemnly, and said: "For you, I must participate, and I will not let others see your jokes. I want the whole world to know that your husband is the strongest."

Listening to Lin Mu's words, Xu Mei nodded happily, and then leaned into Lin Mu's arms like a bird.

In the few days before the Martial Arts Competition, Lin Mu was with Xu Mei all the time, and Luo Guaiyue also took a tacit attitude towards this.

During this period, Sun Shuang also came several times. Although he didn't say a word to Lin Mu, Lin Mu knew that Sun Shuang came these few times to test his own strength.See if you have the ability to take Xu Mei away.

The Martial Dao Competition in Dongxuanzhou will officially start tomorrow, and Lin Mu has to leave Tiannvzong to go back to prepare.

"These are the rules of this Martial Arts Competition. Master asked me to give it to you." As soon as Lin Mu left the door, he ran into Nie Shuang who had already been waiting outside.

This is the first sentence Nie Shuang said to himself. Nie Shuang's voice is very pleasant. Although there is no emotion, it is very comfortable to listen to.

"Thank you, Senior Sister Nie!" Lin Mu took the jade slip and thanked her.

Nie Shuang nodded and said: "If you and I meet on the ring, I will not let you. You can take Xu Mei away only by your own strength."

When Lin Mu heard Nie Shuang's words, he also burst out with strong confidence, and said, "I will use my strength to take Xu Mei away."

Seeing the strong self-confidence gushing out of Lin Mu's body, Nie Shuang also nodded, then turned and left without saying a word.

After Lin Mu left Tiannvzong, he went directly to the old beggar's restaurant to meet everyone.

When Lin Mu came back, Chen Yunkai and the others were all sitting cross-legged on the ground, listening to the old beggar's preaching.

Lin Mu also knew at this time that the old beggars were completely of the same generation as their parents, even much older than their parents.

Lin Mu didn't know how the old beggar was able to stay in the cultivation world for so long, but Lin Mu knew that the old beggar definitely had secrets beyond his imagination.

When Lin Mu came back, the old beggar also stopped preaching.

"Big brother!" Chen Ziyan, who woke up from her training, threw herself at Lin Mu excitedly.

Lin Mu looked at these people who came to support him from thousands of miles away, and bowed his hands deeply, saying: "Lin Mu thank you seniors for your help."

Chen Yunkai laughed and said, "Little friend Lin, you're going too far if you say that."

The old beggar muttered: "Not far, not far, not far at all, I was fooled to come here."

Lin Mu directly chose to ignore the words of the disrespectful old beggar.

That night, Lin Mu personally cooked a meal for everyone in the restaurant where everyone was resting.

The old beggar gnawed on the thigh of the ninth-level spirit beast bull, and said: "Boy, I didn't expect your cooking skills to be so good. Old beggar, I really didn't come in vain this time."

Others were also full of praise for Lin Mu's cooking skills.

Cao Xiu said while eating: "It seems that I have been lucky for a hundred years."

"No, this is the list of participants for this competition, please take a look." The old beggar got the list of participants from nowhere, and threw it directly to Lin Mu.

Lin Mu took over the list and looked at it. The list is completely ranked according to strength.

The first one was Wang Lang from the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect, and the second one was Nie Shuang, and the rest were all disciples of the Emperor Emperor Sect.

Looking at such a list, Lin Mu's expression was also a bit more dignified.

The names on this list are all geniuses among Emperor Zong, and each of them has the strength to dominate one side, and it will not be easy for me to stand out among so many people.

After reading the list, Lin Mu began to look at the rules of the game that Nie Shuang gave him.After reading the rules of the game, Lin Mu frowned involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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