Supreme Chef

Chapter 768 Strongly Changing the Rules

Chapter 768 Strongly Changing the Rules
The ban was broken for the second time, and everyone watching the battle below also took a deep breath.

This is a master of Ascension Realm Consummation, and the restriction personally arranged by himself was broken twice in a row.

Seeing this, the Great Elder of the Tiannv Sect had no choice but to lead people to fly to the ring again, and set up layers of restrictions.

The sky is full of fire!

Knife marks across the sky!
At this time, everyone wanted to know what the situation of Lin Mu was like.


There was a sudden explosion in the center of the flame, and then the entire flame dispersed.Lin Mu, on the other hand, was standing in the center of the flame with his upper body naked, and Zidian was blocked by the skyfire shield, so he couldn't get close at all.

Under the dual effect of "Sorcerer God Body Refining Technique" and Flawless Body, those open wounds on his body quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally became as clean as ever.

"Flawless body!"

The trees were almost transparent, which once again surprised everyone.

Body training is the most difficult, and also the hardest to achieve anything.Throughout the ages, there have been many powerful body refiners, but those who can truly achieve a flawless body are rare.In the realm of comprehension, it is even more unknown that there has been no flawless body in tens of thousands of years.

Although the disciples of the Emperor Sect knew that Lin Mu had a flawless body, they were still very surprised when they saw it with their own eyes.

The scars on his body disappeared, and Lin Mu suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking at the disciples of the emperor's sect on the opposite side, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Mu's mouth.

"Will you try my punch too?"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he punched out.

Seeing the flames shooting out from the trees all over the sky, the Emperor Sect disciple also slashed three times in a row, and stood in front of himself to block the flame waves from the trees.

Seeing the defensiveness of the Emperor Sect disciple, Lin Mu sneered again.

Seeing Lin Mu's sneer, the Emperor Sect disciple's heart skipped a beat for no reason.

"Not good! This isn't the flame wave from just now!" As soon as Lin Mu's punch came into contact with the sword curtain he had set up, he already knew that it was not Lin Mu's punch just now.

Although Lin Mu's punch just now was extremely domineering.But there is absolutely no such fist power and dao rhyme contained in it. The power of this punch is directly several times that of just now.

The moment the sword screen and Yan Lang came into contact, they instantly shattered, completely unable to resist.

The people below looked at Lin Shu's punch and noticed the difference.

In the flame waves, each layer contains Dao rhyme and fist power, and every time a layer of Dao rhyme and fist power is spread, it will be doubled in an instant.

This was Lin Mu's comprehension from that knife just now, the instant enlightenment, let Lin Mu know how to melt the Dao Fist into his flame wave, and instantly increased the power of his flame wave several times.

The brief epiphany only allowed Lin Mu to find a way to integrate Daoquan, and other exercises had to wait for Lin Mu's development in the future.But that's it, it's enough for Lin Mu.

The power of the Great Dao Fist was already unparalleled, but now that it was dissolved in the waves of flames, its power soared even more.

The old beggar and the others were also very surprised to see that Lin Mu had actually comprehended the opponent's combat skills during the battle.

Although the confrontation just now seemed to be very long, it actually only lasted a few breaths.Within a few breaths, Lin Mu understood the subtlety of the opponent's skills.Such a terrifying comprehension ability is too terrifying.

Seeing Lin Mu's terrifying comprehension ability, the five heads of the Emperor's sect couldn't help but change their expressions.

Especially Yun Tianhua's complexion has become uglier than pig liver.

The stronger Lin Mu's performance, the greater the threat to his Emperor Sect in the future.

On the ring, the fire waves from the trees had already shattered hundreds of fire curtains on the other side, and the third layer of fire waves had also completely spread out.

Seeing the three layers of flame waves spreading out from the trees, the Emperor Sect disciple also heaved a sigh of relief.

But before he could catch his breath, Lin Shu's flame wave changed again, directly evolving into the fourth flame wave.

The fourth layer of flames suddenly rose all over the sky, and almost in the blink of an eye, the restriction placed by the elder of the Tiannv Sect was instantly shattered.

At the same time, almost instantly, the overwhelming oppression fell on the disciples of the Emperor Sect.

The disciple of the emperor's sect saw the fourth level, the flame wave that was about to burn a hole in the sky, and a smear of ashes appeared in his eyes. He knew that he had lost, and the defeat was very thorough.

"Zhuzi dare to come!" When the first elder of Tiannvzong didn't step forward to set up a restraint, Yun Tianhua shouted loudly, then dodged and appeared directly on the ring.

This is a candidate for the monstrous disciple, no matter in terms of aptitude or talent, they are all the same monstrous, how could it be possible for him to be beheaded by Lin Mu just like this.

The moment Yun Tianhua flashed over, he was killing the killer. Obviously, besides saving his disciples, he also wanted to kill the trees together.

Lin Shu below, although he felt great pressure, still did not stop the direction and power of punching.

Yun Tianhua made a sudden attack, but Chen Yunkai and the others did not respond.

Just when they were about to leave, they found that the old beggar had already appeared on Yun Tianhua's attack route ahead of time.

The old beggar shook his almost shattered sleeve robe, and suddenly there were strange fluctuations that seemed to pervade Yun Tianhua's attack in an instant.

The old beggar's actions were silent, until Yun Tianhua's attack was destroyed, there was no disturbance and no one was affected.

"You want to break the rules!" The old beggar looked at Yun Tianhua indifferently.

Yun Tianhua didn't expect the old beggar to be so strong, and when he launched an attack in advance, the old beggar would be the first to attack and break his own attack, all so silently, this was not an existence that he could resist at all.


Just as the two were talking, Lin Mu's fourth wave of flames had fully unfolded, engulfing the Emperor Sect's disciple in an instant.

That Emperor Sect disciple hadn't even uttered a scream before being burned to ashes.

Everything in his body turned into fly ashes, but there was an electric light surrounding him, and the constantly beating flame remained.

This is Tianhuo Zidian, and the only thing that can survive under Tianhuo is Tianhuo.

"It's good that there is something left behind at last." Lin Mu looked at Zi Dian, also smiled, and was about to collect Zi Dian.

"Take it!" Seeing that Lin Mu wanted to collect Zidian, Yun Tianhua uttered a word in a cold voice, and then Zidian appeared in Yun Tianhua's hands.

Seeing Zidian disappearing from his eyes, Lin Mu had no regrets.

It's no wonder that the Eastern Emperor Sect didn't take back such a precious thing. Lin Mu had already earned money by killing such a substitute evildoer.

"Hmph!" The disciple was already dead, it was useless to pester him any longer, and even if he wanted to pester him, the old beggar stood in front of him and would not give him a chance at all.

So Yun Tianhua just let out a cold snort, and walked away with his hands.

Seeing Yun Tianhua leave, the old beggar smiled, turned his head and said to Lin Mu: "You guys did a good job, I think I didn't come in vain this time."

Lin Mu arched his hands and said, "Thank you, Senior!"

After Lin Mu finished speaking, the old beggar also smiled, and slowly returned to his seat.

Such an episode almost suffocated the scene.But seeing the two big shots leave, everyone was relieved.

At the same time, discussions about trees are also raging.

He beheaded two disciples of the Emperor Sect in a row, and they were all so crisp and neat.This is simply beyond their imagination.

"Lin Mu only has the seventh level of Huashen, but he was the two geniuses who killed Emperor Zong in a row. How many cards does Lin Mu have?"

This was the only thought of everyone at this time, because Lin Mu killed the two Emperor Sect disciples with the same tactic, although there were differences, the tactic was the same.

The Great Elder of the Tiannv Sect led all the elders, and after rearranging the formation, he announced in a loud voice, "The competition will end as soon as possible, try to avoid casualties."

After hearing the rules added by the female sect this day, the people below discussed again.The sudden change of the rules was obviously because of Lin Mu alone.

One person can influence the rules set by Emperor Zong, which has never happened before.

(End of this chapter)

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