Supreme Chef

Chapter 769 Against Nie Shuang

Chapter 769 Against Nie Shuang
After Lin Mu changed the rules forcefully, for a while, no one dared to challenge Lin Mu anymore.

After the temporary pause on Lin Mu's side, the other nine arenas, there are also strong players starting to compete. After all, there are only ten places. Even if the rules are changed, no one is willing to give up this rare opportunity.

However, no one came to Lin Mu's side, and it was only half an hour. After half an hour, people came up to challenge Lin Mu again and again.

For those who come to challenge themselves, as long as they are not from Emperor Zong.Lin Mu just kicked him out of the field. If he was a member of Emperor Zong, Lin Mu would not be so polite.

The rules just say, try not to kill people.Lin Mu tried his best, but he still accidentally killed his opponent, and Lin Mu couldn't control it completely.

In just two hours, as many as ten genius disciples of the Emperor's sect were lost under Lin Mu's hands.

Although the number of ten people is not many, it must be clear that these are all talented disciples of Emperor Zong, who have spent countless efforts and resources to cultivate them.

If such a disciple is among the nine-star forces, the nine-star sect cannot afford to lose one of them.

In the end, Emperor Zong finally couldn't bear it anymore, and directly changed the rules again. All the matches could only be played to the end, and he was immediately disqualified for the shot that hurt someone's life. The plot was serious and decisive!

The rules were changed twice in a row because of one person within half a day.This is absolutely unprecedented, this time the game is destined to go down in history.

The half-day challenge time passed quickly, and a total of 240 people came to challenge Lin Shu, and the results were all the same.

Among the 240 eight people, except for more than 30 disciples who were not Emperor Zong's disciples, the rest were all Emperor Zong's disciples.This was obviously arranged by Emperor Zong deliberately to wear down Lin Mu's strength.

When the time is up, the rest of the people will have no chance to challenge.And Lin Mu, together with the other nine people, entered the finals without a doubt.

Among the ten finalists, apart from Lin Mu and another disciple from Soul City and a disciple from Nine Star Sect Tianyan Sect, the remaining seven are also disciples from Emperor Sect.

After all, Emperor Sect has too many resources and advantages, top-level skills and top-level resources.This is destined to make the emperor's disciples go further and stand higher than the disciples of other forces.

This time, three disciples who were not Emperor Zong entered the finals, which already greatly exceeded everyone's expectations.

The rules of the finals are exactly the same as the previous ones, a direct draw of lots to catch a duel, the winner takes the position of the person on the ring, and then proceed to the next round of duel.

Lin Mu didn't know if he was lucky or unlucky, but the opponent he got was actually Nie Shuang, the second-ranked Saintess of the Heavenly Nvzong.

Lin Mu glanced at Nie Shuang's arena, and then jumped straight to the arena where Nie Shuang was.

Nie Shuang looked at Lin Shu without any emotion on his face.

"You can rest for half an hour, I don't want to take advantage of you." Nie Shuang said lightly.

Lin Mu smiled and said: "Thank you, Senior Sister Nie, but no need, rules are rules, I don't want to be the one who breaks the rules..."

Nie Shuang didn't wait for Lin Mu to finish speaking, and directly pointed it out, saying: "You don't have to worry about causing me any trouble."

Lin Mu said this because he was worried about causing unnecessary troubles to Nie Shuang, and Emperor Zong made it clear that he was targeting himself.If Nie Shuang allowed himself to rest, there would definitely be people from Emperor Zong who would jump out and target Nie Shuang.

Lin Mu smiled slightly when he heard Nie Shuang's words, and said, "It's really unnecessary."

Nie Shuang didn't force Lin Mu anymore, but said: "I won't show mercy to you. If you don't have the strength to take Xu Mei away, I will use my method to keep Xu Mei in Tiannvzong. Come find her again."

Lin Mu stared at Nie Shuang, and said with a fighting spirit on his body: "Senior Sister Nie, I said that I will use my own strength to marry Xu Mei. Senior Sister Nie doesn't have to hold back from me."

Nie Shuang nodded, and sacrificed his spirit treasure directly.

Nie Shuang's spiritual treasure is an antique lyre.

The Guqin is an eighth-rank Lingbao that is infinitely close to the Ninth-Rank Lingbao, and it has the vicissitudes of life on the Guqin.It makes people understand that the origin of this guqin is extremely great, and it is very likely that it came from ancient times.

Lin Mu couldn't help but twitched his brows as he looked at the guqin in Nie's hands.

Others may not know the origin of this guqin, but Lin Mu knows it very well.Because Lin Mu was in the fairy world, he had seen one similar to this one, but that was not an eighth-grade spiritual treasure, but one of the three most famous musical instrument magic weapons in the fairy world.

Lin Mu did not expect that there would be an imitation of this Qileqin in the cultivation world, and it would fall into the hands of Nie Shuang.

But I have to say that with Nie Shuang's temperament, it is also a perfect match with this Qileqin.

Nie Shuang's ethereal spirit and nobility are only worthy of this Qileqin.

Seeing that Nie Shuang came up and took out his seven music instruments, Luo Guanyue frowned slightly.

Her own apprentice knows best, and Luo Guanyue knows the power of the Qileqin very well.

Although the lyre has seven strings, when Nie Shuang confronts an enemy, at most he only needs to pluck four of them, and the opponent will lose, which shows the power of this lyre.

Xu Mei, who was standing beside Luo Guanyue, saw her senior sister sacrifice the seven music instruments, her eyes were also full of worry.

Xu Mei knows the strength of her own world best.Xu Mei had also seen the power of the Qileqin once.

That time left a deep impression on Xu Mei. Nie Shuang only plucked three strings, and all the mountains within a radius of a hundred miles were all cut off from the tops. Thinking about such power now makes people afraid.

Originally, Xu Mei thought that it was Lin Mu's luck that Lin Mu met Nie Shuang, but now it seems that her senior sister is obviously not going to let Lin Mu.

At this moment, Yun Tianhua was full of complacency. He also thought that Nie Shuang would let Lin Mu, but he didn't expect that Nie Shuang didn't mean it at all.

Nie Shuang is second only to Wang Lang, a genius disciple of his own sect. Even if Nie Shuang really exerts his full strength, it is not certain which of the two is better.

The old beggar stared at the lyre in Nie's hands, and frowned, as if he was thinking about something, but soon his brows relaxed again, revealing a hint of understanding.

"Senior Sister Nie, please make a move." Lin Mu raised his hand to invite.

Nie Shuang was not polite to Lin Mu either. When he raised his hand, a table and chair made of spiritual energy appeared beside Nie Shuang.

Nie Shuang put the lyre on the table, and then sat on the chair himself.

Nie Shuang looked at Lin Mu and said, "I only have five moves, if you can resist them, I will admit defeat."

Lin Mu nodded, and was fully alert.

"Gong Zi Jue!"

With Nie Shuangsu's hands clear, he plucked lightly on the first string, and suddenly a heavenly sound came out, and all the people watching the battle below were fascinated by it.

But in Lin Mu's ears, this graceful heavenly sound is not the case at all.

As soon as Gongyin came out, Lin Mu felt the pressure around him suddenly double, and the earth-attribute aura around his body was crazily squeezed towards the tree, as if countless mountains were squeezing towards the tree.

The palace is the head of the five tones, the five elements belong to the earth, and the sound is extremely long and extremely low.

Earth attribute aura, capable of attacking and defending, with a balance of offense and defense, difficult to deal with.

It's just the first sound, which makes Lin Mu feel pressured and unable to move an inch.

Soon the top of Lin Mu's head was covered with sweat, and his body was unable to move even the slightest bit.

The strength of the top ten is definitely not comparable to those people just now, nor is it comparable to those genius disciples who are substitutes.

Lin Mu also believed that Nie Shuang could achieve the same power as himself in his position.

Seeing that on the second ladder, Lin Shu, who was strong all the way and broke the bamboo all the way, was already sweating on his forehead after the first confrontation with Nie Shuang,
(End of this chapter)

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