Supreme Chef

Chapter 773 Fundamentally defeated

Chapter 773 Fundamentally defeated
Lin Mu completely let go of his cultivation, which shocked everyone present.

No one thought that Lin Mu was actually a perfect cultivation of God Transformation.

You must know that half a year ago here, Lin Mu had just survived the minor catastrophe.

To be able to possess the cultivation base of the seventh level of the God Transformation in half a year, everyone felt that it was enough to defy the sky.

But now Lin Mu used his true cultivation to slap everyone hard.

Lin Mu turned out to be at the ninth level of God Transformation. Even if he took pills every day, he couldn't improve his cultivation like riding a rocket.

"What kind of opportunity did Lin Mu encounter?"

"What kind of secret does Lin Mu have?"

This is what everyone is eager to know at this moment. There is no one who is not envious of being able to improve his cultivation so quickly.

Even the head of Emperor Sect at this time covets Lin Mu's secrets very much.

However, there are old beggars and others pressing here, no matter how much they covet them, they will not be able to move at all, unless they are sure that they can defeat the old beggars.

In fact, for Lin Mu, raising nine floors in half a year, or more precisely, raising two floors in half a year, is not considered fast.

Lin Shu owns the Time Tower, Chaos World and Chaos Qinglian. For half a year, Lin Shu spends almost half a year in the Time Tower, and he is accompanied by Chaos Qinglian day and night.

Listen to the voice of the Tao every day and understand the way of heaven.And half a year in the time tower is equivalent to ten years outside.It takes ten years to raise two levels of cultivation, which is definitely not fast.

It's just that it's impossible for Lin Mu to tell outsiders about these things.

The Emperor Sect disciple whose arm was severed by Lin Mu had already regained the severed arm.

But at this time, he didn't dare to attack rashly anymore. It was simply not something he could resist if he completely let go of the trees of his cultivation.

Wang Lang, as the No.1 among the disciples of the Nine Fate Emperor Sect, also had a solemn expression at this time.

The strength of Lin Shu was indeed beyond his expectation.

Lin Mu's performance before, even Lin Mu's defeat of Nie Shuang, was not taken seriously by him.

Because in his opinion, even if Lin Mu defeated Nie Shuang, he would not be his opponent.Because he also has a hole card, if he plays his hole card, he can also defeat Nie Shuang.

But now Wang Lang doesn't see it that way, Lin Mu defeated Nie Shuang with the seventh level of God Transformation.Wang Lang didn't think that he also possessed such strength, and could defeat Nie Shuang at the ninth level of God Transformation when he was at the seventh level of God Transformation.

After Wang Lang stared at Lin Mu for a long while, he decisively transmitted his voice to everyone, asking them to attack Lin Mu together.

When the nine people heard Lin Mu's voice transmission, they also took their respective sects as the formation and began to press towards Lin Mu.

Among the nine people, there are three people from the Eastern Emperor Sect, and the others are two people each.

The disciples of the Four Great Emperor Sects formed the Four Elephant Formation from four directions, and the disciples of the Eastern Emperor Sect formed the Three Talents Formation again, all pressing towards Lin Mu.

Seeing these disciples of Emperor Zong whom they respected, they actually chose to besiege Lin Shu at this time.The people watching the battle below all showed expressions of contempt.

But they are not Lin Mu, Lin Mu has the strength to despise Emperor Zong.They also have a support group that can despise Emperor Zong, but they don't have such strength.So they can only dare to be angry and dare not speak out.

Facing the siege from four directions, Lin Mu also directly chose the south. The disciples of the Southern Emperor Sect planned to attack them first.

Lin Mu already knew the list of disciples of the Southern Emperor Sect, among the two of the Southern Emperor Sect.One of them was Wanting, Hua Tian, ​​the formation master who was known as the first formation genius under the Southern Emperor.

Lin Mu killed his younger brother, Hua Tian saw Lin Mu rushing towards him, and a venomous flash flashed in his eyes.

When Hua Tian saw Lin Shu rushing towards him, he immediately threw out dozens of foundations, and a level [-] killing formation was instantly formed.

Just as he raised his hand, there was a powerful six-level killing formation. Huatian's attainments in the formation were indeed terrifying and heaven-defying.

The people below were also very amazed when they saw Huatian's sky-defying formation skills.

"As expected of the entire comprehension world, the youngest master of formations, the killing formations arranged by raising his hands, all have such power." The people below couldn't help sighing when they saw Huatian's power.

"Hua Tian's attainments in formation techniques are indeed unrivaled, but his cultivation base will be slightly worse. Otherwise, Hua Tian will rely on his exquisite formation formation attainments, coupled with his cultivation base, It can definitely be among the top three." Some people affirmed it, but of course some people questioned it.

Huatian's attainments in formation techniques are indeed remarkable, and Lin Shu also admits this.However, Hua Tian's cultivation base is really a little bit worse.

However, Lin Mu didn't intend to use his own cultivation to suppress Hua Tian. Lin Mu liked to defeat a person, so he defeated him from what he was best at, so as to completely destroy his confidence.

It is easy to kill a person, but it is very rare to defeat the undefeated confidence of a genius, and this is what Lin Mu has to do.

The six-level killing formation between raising hands is indeed extremely powerful.But for Lin Mu, who is also a formation master and also has the wonderful book "Formation", this so-called powerful killing formation is nothing more than mediocre.

The moment the formation was formed, Lin Mu had already found the eye of the formation.

"Break!" Lin Mu shouted in a low voice, and then directly shattered the eye of the formation.

The eyes of the formation were shattered, and the formation naturally disintegrated.

Seeing that Lin Mu found the eye of the formation he had arranged in an instant, and easily broke his formation, Hua Tian couldn't help being stunned.

However, Hua Tian didn't believe in evil, and raised his hand again, and another six-level killing formation took shape.

Lin Mu sneered, and said, "Since you are not convinced, I will break until you do."

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he found out the eye of the formation again accurately, then shattered it directly, and then put away all the formation foundations Hua Tian used for the formation.

If the first time was a coincidence, then the second time is definitely not a coincidence.

The people below also saw it at this time, Lin Mu didn't break the formation by luck, but Lin Mu really moved the formation.

"Could it be that Lin Shu is still a formation master?"

"The cultivation base is so high, and he is still a master of formations, so is this tree really going against the sky?"

The people below all made such sighs.

Although they have been stunned and numb by Lin Shu's performance again and again.However, the strength that Lin Shu showed again still shocked them very much.

Hua Tian still refused to believe it, and used a formation again, but the result was still the same. He just persisted for a while before being cracked by Lin Mu again.

Three consecutive failures let Hua Tian know.Lin Mu's attainments in formations are definitely higher than his own.

His so-called advantages are nothing in front of Lin Mu.

Lin Mu looked at Hua Tian who was already sluggish, then sneered, and said directly: "Since you have no formation to arrange, then you can see how powerful my formation is?"

Lin Mu's voice fell, and he immediately started to intersperse among the attacks of the crowd, and the formation base in his hand was constantly thrown by Lin Mu.

After ten breaths, a six-level killing formation ten times more complicated than Huatian's six-level killing formation surrounded Huatian inside.

"I gave this to you. I hope you, a genius in the formation, can help me judge it!" Lin Mu looked at Hua Tian who was trapped in the formation, and said sarcastically.

Hua Tian looked at Lin Mu's mocking sneer, and the spirit of not admitting defeat in his heart was completely aroused.

However, when Hua Tian went to observe the formation that Lin Shu had arranged hastily, he found that he couldn't see through the formation at all.

Lin Shu's method of arranging formations turned out to be something he had never touched before.

Such a blow, almost instantly, defeated all Huatian's confidence.

Hua Tian admits that he is indeed not as good as other geniuses of the Emperor Sect in terms of cultivation, but in terms of formation, Hua Tian does not believe that any peers of his age can surpass him.

However, the array arranged by Lin Mu at this time completely broke Hua Tian's belief.

Looking at the array arranged by the trees, Hua Tian suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time, the breath in his whole body was in a riot.

This is obviously a situation where the Dao heart is unstable.

Seeing Huatian like this, Dongfang Ao's face couldn't help but change drastically, and then he shot directly to snatch Huatian from the ring, and at the same time helped Huatian stabilize his Dao heart.

(End of this chapter)

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