Supreme Chef

Chapter 774 7 Baolinglong Tower

Chapter 774 Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda (1)

The old beggar didn't stop Dongfang Ao from saving Huatian, as long as it didn't affect the trees, the old beggar didn't bother to fight for hatred.

After all, it is Emperor Sect, and its background is still very strong.

Although the old beggar is aloof, it doesn't mean that his ghost city is also aloof. If it is not necessary, he doesn't want to offend Emperor Zong to death.

Huatian's defeat meant that the entire Southern Emperor Sect had withdrawn from the battle.

Watching Lin Mu use Huatian's best method to defeat Huatian.Everyone couldn't help exclaiming again.

This tree is really too monstrous, not only the cultivation base is against the sky, but also the attainments in the formation are also against the sky, making the Southern Emperor Sect, who is invincible in the world with the formation, willing to bow down.

At the same time, it almost made Huatian's Dao heart unstable, which is really too heaven-defying.

After solving a Southern Emperor Sect, Lin Mu aimed his next target at the Northern Emperor Sect. Lin Mu also had a big enmity with the Northern Emperor Sect, but the Northern Emperor Sect didn't know it yet.

Seeing Lin Mu rushing towards him, the two disciples of the Northern Emperor Sect subconsciously felt a kind of fear.

The most taboo thing in confronting people is to have fear in your heart, and having fear is already equal to losing half the battle.

Seeing the fear flickering in the eyes of the two, Lin Mu also sneered.For Emperor Zong's disciples, Lin Mu would not say anything about holding back.


Lin Mu slashed out with a single knife, and the knife formation killed him instantly, and at the same time followed the knife formation, which was Lin Mu's Daoquan.

The fists cooperated with the saber formation, and the powerful saber formation, driven by the fists, directly swept towards the disciples of the Northern Emperor Sect.

The two disciples of the Emperor Sect had already developed a sense of fear, and now they were frightened by such a huge formation, and they lost all fighting spirit.

The head of the Northern Emperor Sect saw that two talented disciples of his sect were about to fall.He also shot directly and saved the two disciples of his own sect.

After the two disciples of the Northern Emperor Sect were rescued, there were only two sects of the Western Emperor and Eastern Emperor left on the field.

In the blink of an eye, four beating one to one to two. Such a speed made the people watching the battle below speechless.

This tree is simply abnormal, it is beyond what they can guess with common sense, and they simply don't guess, guessing that they don't know where the bottom line of Lin Shu is.

After finishing off the two sects forcefully, Lin Mu shifted his target again and directly aimed at the two disciples of the Western Emperor Sect.

Lin Mu was obviously planning to keep the members of the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect until the end.

Lin Mu didn't have the slightest liking for the people of the Eastern Emperor Sect.Back then in the Immortal Realm, it was also the Eastern Emperor Emperor Sect who launched an inexplicable hunt for him.

After arriving in the realm of comprehension, he was still a member of the Eastern Emperor Sect. He was the first to jump out and hunted him down.

The head of the Western Emperor Sect saw Lin Mu and directly oppressed the two disciples of his own sect.It was also very straightforward, before Lin Mu could do anything, he rescued the two disciples.

All of a sudden, without the influence of the three parties, Lin Mu also looked at Wang Lang and the others.

Lin Mu and Wang Lang looked at each other, and said with a sneer, "Whether you three are going or staying, if you go, get out of here. If you stay, you must be prepared to die."

When Wang Lang and the others saw Lin Mu forcefully repelling the three parties, their faces were also extremely solemn.However, Wang Lang and the other three were obviously not prepared to retreat, because they still had cards to play.

"If you're not going to get out, are you? Then die!" After Lin Mu finished speaking, he also raised his hand and slashed out.


However, just as Lin Mu slashed out with a knife, the three members of the Eastern Emperor Sect sacrificed a magic weapon at the same time.

This is an exquisite pagoda, the entire pagoda is seven stories high, and the body of the pagoda has strong spiritual energy fluctuations. Obviously, this is a ninth-grade spiritual treasure.

The Linglong Pagoda emitted a golden light, which directly defeated Lin Shu's knife array.

"Ninth Grade Spirit Treasure!"

The people below couldn't help but tighten their eyes when they saw Wang Lang and the three of them working together to sacrifice the Ninth Grade Spirit Treasure.

The Eastern Emperor Sect really spent their blood. Obviously, they didn't want Lin Mu to live anymore, and even took out the ninth-grade Lingbao.

Although the Emperor Sect has a profound background, even with the profound background of the Emperor Sect, he can easily come up with a ninth-rank Lingbao.

"This seems to be the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda left by the Eastern Emperor!" A senior who had been staring at the Linglong Tower suddenly said.

"Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda!"

Hearing the name said by the senior, everyone was shocked again.

The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda is said to be a spiritual treasure that was used by the Middle East Emperor in the past, and it can be used by a great emperor. It is not necessary to think about the power of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

"The Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda should have been used by the Eastern Emperor in his early years. When the Eastern Emperor rose to power, he relied on this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda to sweep the entire cultivation world. Even in other worlds, this Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda has a great reputation." The senior who recognized the origin of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda murmured.

"Didn't the Eastern Emperor take such a powerful spirit treasure with him when he ascended?" Someone asked.

The senior shook his head and said, "How can we know what the emperor thinks?"

Lin Mu didn't know the origin of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, but Lin Mu knew that the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda was very strong, much stronger than the Qiankun Shovel in his hand.

Although they are both ninth-grade spirit treasures, they are also divided into three, six, and nine grades.

The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is obviously the most powerful existence among the Ninth Rank Spirit Treasures, otherwise it wouldn't be necessary for three people to sacrifice at the same time.

"Yun Tianhua is really despicable, to use the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda." Chen Yunkai also said with a serious face at this time.

Chen Ziyan didn't know the origin of the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, so she raised her head and looked at the old beggar with a worried expression on her face, "Grandpa Beggar God, is this pagoda very powerful?"

The old beggar also nodded with a serious face.

Seeing that Grandpa Beggar God was so solemn, Chen Ziyan also realized that this pagoda must have extraordinary origins, and said, "Grandpa Beggar God, please save big brother too."

The old beggar didn't speak, because he knew why Lin Mu came.Even if he wanted to save Lin Mu, Lin Mu would never agree.

However, although the old beggar didn't speak, he already had calculations in his heart. If Lin Mu was in danger, he would save Lin Mu no matter what.

Seeing that the old beggar didn't speak, Chen Ziyan also looked at her mother and said, "Mom, can you save big brother?"

Sun Huixin sighed, and said: "Ziyan's matter is not as simple as you think, and mother can't act rashly. Besides, your big brother will not agree to mother's rash act."

Chen Ziyan said with tears in her eyes: "Then what should I do?"

Lin Mu and the three members of the Eastern Emperor Sect looked at each other, and did not make any rash moves.The power of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is unknown, and Lin Mu didn't dare to act rashly.


The three members of the Eastern Emperor Sect shouted loudly, and then seven precious lights flew out, directly forming a colorful battle space, firmly controlling Lin Shu inside.

"Battle space!"

After seeing the battle space of the Qibao Linglong Tower, everyone's expressions became serious for a while.After the Ninth Grade Spirit Treasure sacrificed its battle space, it was basically difficult for the trees to win again.

(End of this chapter)

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