Supreme Chef

Chapter 775 7 Baolinglong Tower

Chapter 775 Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda (2)

The Ninth Grade Spirit Treasure sacrificed the fighting space, and everyone no longer looked after the trees.

Although no one is particularly clear about the power of the Ninth Rank Lingbao, there is one thing they can be sure of.That is the Ninth Grade Spirit Treasure, which is not invincible by manpower at all, especially this Spirit Treasure that was once used by the Great Emperor, is even more invincible.

The seven-color battle space firmly traps the trees, and the lights of seven different colors continuously impact the trees, trying to smash them into pieces.

The forest is in the battle space, and the movement is also greatly restricted.But thanks to Lin Shu's flawless body, Lin Shu would not be crushed.

In fact, it is not impossible for Lin Mu to break through this battle space, as long as Lin Mu takes out the fairy weapon that he picked up the Blood Spirit Dragon at that time.

But the fairy artifact is of great importance, if Lin Mu really sacrifices the fairy artifact.Lin Mu believed that he would be able to crack the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, but his own life would definitely be lost.

Once the fairy artifact is released, no one will care about the rules and regulations, and they will definitely swarm up to kill themselves and snatch the fairy artifact.

Even if the old beggar took action, it would be impossible to save Lin Mu.Besides, this is the territory of Emperor Zong. Even if the old beggar is extremely skilled, he can stop a few people.Moreover, the emperor sect also had immortal artifacts.

But fortunately now, although Lin Shu was suppressed in the battle space, the three of Wang Lang also wanted to control the Qibao Linglong Pagoda, so they were also unable to attack Lin Shu.

What Lin Mu has to do now is to compete in endurance with Wang Lang and the others, to see who can exhaust the opponent first.

It is not afraid of consuming trees like this, his spiritual energy reserve is definitely higher than that of ordinary people.What's more, Lin Mu's flawless body and his astonishing recovery speed are far beyond ordinary people. If it continues like this, Lin Mu believes that he must be the one who wins.

The three of Wang Lang obviously knew what Lin Mu was paying attention to, and they obviously didn't plan to give Lin Mu time to let Lin Mu spend it like this.

The three of Wang Lang turned their hands together, and at the same time, a large amount of spiritual energy poured directly into the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda.

The spiritual energy entered the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda, and the Seven Treasures Exquisite Pagoda immediately spun at high speed.Rays of precious light shot out, like sharp swords, piercing directly into the colorful battle space.


Lin Mu didn't expect the Qibao Linglong Pagoda to have such a change. If he didn't check it for a while, he was also stabbed by Baoguang, and a big hole with deep bones appeared directly on Lin Mu's arm.

Seeing that Lin Mu was injured, everyone's hearts couldn't help but tighten, especially if Xu Mei hadn't been stopped by Nie Shuang, Xu Mei might have rushed straight up.

Injured by Baoguang, Lin Mu hastily performed his body training exercises, and instantly healed the wound.

Wang Lang looked at Lin Mu, sneered, and said, "You don't think this is the end, kill!"

Wang Lang shouted loudly, and from the first floor of the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, a fairy sword flew out directly, and slashed at Lin Shu.

"Infinitely close to the ninth-grade flying sword!"

"In the Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda, there is such a top-level spiritual treasure hidden!"

"Could it be that the secret of the true invincibility of the Qibao Linglong Pagoda is that each floor of it hides a top-level spirit treasure. Use the battle space to control the opponent, and then kill the seven top-level spirit treasures together!" Seeing this flying sword, then The senior couldn't help but muttered to himself in shock.

Hearing such an inference, the people around were extremely shocked.If this is really the case, then it is understandable that the Eastern Emperor was able to run amok in all worlds back then.

The Seven Treasures Linglong Pagoda is almost incomprehensible, and there are still seven spiritual treasures hidden in it, which are also extremely powerful.This power is comparable to a half-immortal weapon, and even a half-immortal weapon may not be as good in attack. No wonder Dongdi has never tasted a defeat along the way.

With such a heaven-defying spiritual treasure, it would be difficult for the Eastern Emperor to defeat.

Although this is just everyone's guess, this guess is infinitely close to the truth.

As soon as the flying sword comes out, it directly enters the battle space and will kill the trees.

Seeing the flying sword attacking, Lin Mu also tried his best to avoid the vital point.However, he was still directly drawn by the flying sword from the chest, and the blood flowed like a forest tree, and his whole body was like a blood gourd.

"Ah! Big brother! Mom, save big brother!" Chen Ziyan yelled in horror.

At this time, Chen Yunkai, the old beggar and others also had solemn faces, but they did not make a move.Because they believed that this was not the last moment, and Lin Mu must have a way to turn around.

The eighth-rank flying sword that is infinitely close to the ninth rank, even if the trees are not controlled by the battle space, it is difficult to escape, let alone now controlled by the battle space, the trees are now no different from the meat on the chopping board.

Perhaps the only good news now is that the three of Wang Lang's cultivation base and strength are not enough to activate the spirit treasure on the second floor again, otherwise Lin Mu will undoubtedly die.


Before the first wound healed, the flying sword struck again, leaving another terrible wound on Lin Mu's body.

Two consecutive wounds across the whole body almost tore the entire forest tree apart.

Lin Shu is really in danger of falling at any time now.

"Senior sister, please beg master, let master save my husband?" Xu Mei cried and begged Nie Shuangdao as she looked at the blood-soaked trees.

Nie Shuang looked at Xu Mei, sighed too, and said, "Master won't make a move, but I believe Lin Mu won't just lose like this."

Chen Ziyan was doing the same thing.

Sun Huixin and the others were also nervous for Lin Mu at this time, but they did not dare to act rashly.

On the one hand, it was because they believed that Lin Mu had a backhand, and on the other hand, it was also because they were afraid of Emperor Zong.

If Emperor Zong did the same thing, no one would say anything.But if they did it, waiting for them would be ruthless suppression.

None of them are alone, and they all have to think about the forces they represent behind them.

Two consecutive sword strikes also made Lin Mu's aura weak to the extreme, and Lin Mu did not expect that things would eventually turn out like this.

Lin Mu thought that Wang Lang and the others would definitely have a follower, but he didn't expect that the Eastern Emperor Sect would be so ruthless.He directly took out the spirit treasure that the East Emperor used back then to suppress himself.

"It's time to end!" Wang Lang looked at Lin Mu and sneered, and then directly sacrificed the flying sword again, ready to directly deal with Lin Mu.

A huge sword light directly straddles the seven-color battle space.The sword energy filled the air, as if it wanted to shred the battle space.

Yun Tianhua and the others also had smiles in their eyes as they looked at the battle space filled with sword qi.At the same time, several people also started to be wary of the old beggar and others.

If the old beggar wants to make a move, even if they try their best, they will stop the old beggar.

Lin Shu must die, and they must not keep such a trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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