Supreme Chef

Chapter 777

Chapter 777
The four extremely powerful phantoms landed and passed through the Tiannvzong's mountain protection formation, which made everyone look at it in surprise.

The four phantoms are so radiant that people dare not look directly at them, let alone see who they are.

The coercion of the four phantoms is extremely powerful, and everyone has no doubt that the four of them united can sweep away everyone present.

"The emperor's decree, the trees will be cut!"

The four phantoms suddenly spoke at the same time, and the rumbling voice directly resounded throughout the Tiannvzong. When everyone heard this voice, it felt as if thunder was exploding in their ears.

"The emperor's decree, the trees will be cut!"

"Could it be that the strength of Lin Shu has already alarmed the great emperor of the fairy world? He actually let the great emperor of the fairy world directly issue a decree to cut Lin Shu immediately!"

Everyone exclaimed when they heard the words of these four people.

Lin Mu frowned when he heard the four phantoms speak.

These four phantoms gave Lin Mu a very weird feeling, but Lin Mu really couldn't tell what was so strange.

But no matter what the weirdness of these four phantoms is, if he wants to kill himself, Lin Mu will never agree.

"Follow the emperor's decree!" Seeing this, Yun Tianhua hurriedly got off the donkey, and at the same time, the other three heads of the Emperor's sect also hurriedly responded.

"Follow the emperor's decree, Lin Mu will be executed!" Yun Tianhua also looked at Lin Mu viciously, and was about to directly suppress Lin Mu.

Before Yun Tianhua could make a move, the old beggar flew into the air, revealing his powerful coercion.

The power of the old beggar, even alone, directly frightened the four phantoms.

"Yun Tianhua, you can't beat him, so you use this despicable method. What kind of emperor's decree, it's just a trivial skill. Let me break it!"

After the old beggar finished speaking, he shot directly.

The big hand covered the sky and the sun, and fell directly, covering four phantoms.





The four phantoms were all shattered under the hands of the old beggar, and the old beggar never gave them a chance to speak again.

Yun Tianhua was also restrained by the old beggar's sudden attack. At this moment, Yun Tianhua also glared at the old beggar, and said: "That is the projection of the emperor's lineage. You actually blatantly shouted at the emperor. You will definitely die, old beggar."

The old beggar was also a bachelor, and said: "I don't know what the lineage of the Great Emperor is, I only know that it is you Yun Tianhua pretending to be a ghost. Besides, if they are really from the lineage of the Great Emperor as you said, how could they be so easily captured by me?" Crushed.

This is clearly the trap you, Yun Tianhua, designed long ago.As the dignified head of the Emperor Sect, how can we believe that your Emperor Sect can lead the realm of comprehension well if you use such despicable means. "

The old beggar couldn't help but put this big hat on Yun Tianhua's head first.

Hearing the old beggar's analysis, the people below also started to discuss.

Obviously, they were more inclined to what the old beggar said. They believed that all of this must be a play directed and performed by Emperor Zong himself. The purpose was nothing more than to kill Lin Mu, the future star.

Emperor Zong has already done a lot of self-directed and self-acted things in Dongxuanzhou.The Law Enforcement Team is a product created by Emperor Zong in order to eradicate dissidents.

Listening to the discussion of the people below, Lin Mu said directly, "What about the emperor, what about the emperor? Can the emperor and the emperor decide my life? What kind of mistake did I make, and I will be executed?
All monks in the world are equal, and everyone is fighting for heaven. What right does Emperor Zong have to prevent others from dedicating themselves to Taoism.The so-called Great Emperor is only grown up from the weakest monk.Is it just because he is one step ahead of us that he can decide our life or death.It's ridiculous! "

Lin Mu spoke loudly, and every word was heartfelt, straight into the hearts of all the monks.

These words were in everyone's heart, but they didn't have the courage to say them like Lin Mu.

The old beggar glanced at Lin Shu, and said loudly: "That's right. Under the law of heaven, everyone is equal. What can the emperor do? What can the emperor do? My generation of monks fights against the sky and people, if we can't be fearless How can you talk about being invincible? Even if it is from the lineage of the Great Emperor, I will kill this old man today!"

What the old beggar said was quite domineering.

After listening to the words of Lin Mu and the old beggar, the people below caused a thousand waves with one stone.All the people started to discuss Lin Mu and what the old beggar said just now.

Every word that Lin Mu and the old beggar said was pure and clear, and every word was what they thought in their hearts.But now it sounds like they were too afraid in the past.

"You dare to disobey the emperor's decree, aren't you afraid that the emperor will punish you?" Yun Tianhua saw that the situation seemed to be getting out of control, so he immediately scolded loudly.

Lin Mu looked at Yun Tianhua with a sneer, and said, "If the Great Emperor can really punish me, then I, Lin Mu, will wait here today. I want to see how the so-called Great Emperor you speak of punishes me today?"


Directly provoking the emperor, Lin Mu really did something that no one has done for countless years.

In the realm of comprehension, the Great Emperor is an existence that is even more taboo than the Emperor Zong. In the realm of comprehension, some people may dare to challenge the Emperor Zong, but absolutely no one dares to challenge the authority of the Great Emperor.

The reason for this is that someone once tried to challenge the majesty of the Great Emperor, and in the end the heavenly catastrophe fell and wiped out that person and his entire sect. Since then, the Great Emperor has been a taboo.

Even if it is usually mentioned by others, they are respectful and respectful, and they don't dare to go beyond the thunder.

In fact, the reason why Lin Mu dared to make such clamor was because Lin Mu knew that Lei Chi was locked.The passages to the Immortal World and the Realm of Comprehension have already been closed.

Even if the four old guys above knew what they said, they could only stare blankly.

And Lin Mu believed that if those four old guys really wanted to attack him.The gatekeeper I met in the Land of Perishing Immortals would never stand idly by.I haven't found him yet, his so-called young master, how could he watch himself die.

Just when Lin Mu was thinking about the Land of Perishing Immortals, he was inside the remote Land of Perishing Immortals in West Jizhou.A man of indeterminate age who was meditating also sneezed inexplicably.

Opening his eyes, he also felt a little surprised by his inexplicable sneeze, and he also pinched his fingers to calculate.

After doing some calculations, the old man also smiled slightly, and muttered to himself: "It turns out that this kid is talking about me, but I didn't expect him to do it. It seems that I really have nothing to do with the Emperor Zong so soon. Picking the wrong guy."

But at this moment, the old man's face also changed slightly, and he said in a low voice; "Since he is the one I chose, I will make an exception and help him."

(End of this chapter)

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