Supreme Chef

Chapter 778

Chapter 778

On the arena, Lin Mu pointed his sword to the sky, looking like he was invincible.The so-called punishment was completely ignored.

Seeing the state of the trees, everyone was in awe.At the same time, he was also worried about Lin Mu.

After all, that is not a legend, but something that really happened.

But everyone waited for a long time, but they didn't wait for the legendary punishment from heaven.

Lin Mu let out a long laugh, looked at Yun Tianhua whose face was livid and disfigured, and said, "It seems that the so-called Heaven's Punishment is just fabricated by your Emperor. If you plan to do something today, I will accompany you to the end. If you If you don't plan to do something, the young master will leave with another reward."

Seeing Lin Mu's face, Yun Tianhua's expression changed a few times, but in the end Yun Tianhua still didn't make a move.

Yun Tianhua knew that Heaven's Punishment was neither a legend nor a fabrication.But now that Heaven's Punishment has not fallen, it can only explain one problem.That is behind the trees, there are secrets that I can't even imagine, and even secrets that can directly affect the fairy world.

After Lin Mu finished speaking, he ignored Yun Tianhua and stepped on his feet, and a colorful auspicious cloud appeared under Lin Mu's feet.Lin Mu stepped on the colorful clouds and flew directly to Xu Mei's side.

Looking at Xu Mei Linmu said affectionately: "I said, I will step on the colorful clouds to pick you up."

Seeing that Lin Mu was already in tears, Xu Mei nodded heavily, and then directly took Lin Mu's hand and stepped onto the colorful auspicious clouds.

Seeing Lin Mu's gentleness and arrogance, all the female cultivators in the audience had peach blossoms in their eyes.

Such a hero is obviously what all of them dream of.Such a scene is what they all want to have in their dreams.

"Look at people!"

Many female cultivators regard the Taoist companions around them as punching bags.

And those helpless Taoist companions can only be helpless.

They are completely incomparable with Lin Shu, and they cannot look up to the strength of Lin Shu.

Lin Mu's courage was beyond their imagination.

"Thank you for your kindness of teaching, Master. This disciple will never forget the teaching of Master." Standing on the auspicious clouds, Xu Mei bowed deeply to Luo Guaiyue.

Luo Guanyue nodded and did not obstruct.

Lin Mu looked at Luo Guaiyue, bowed his hands, and said, "This junior will definitely remember the kindness of the senior. In the future, whenever the senior has any orders, the junior will do his best to do it."

Luo Guanyue also nodded to Lin Mu's words.

But even though they all nodded, Luo Guanyue's words to Lin Mu were obviously more serious.

As long as the trees do not fall, the rise of the trees is doomed.And Lin Mu after his rise, under such a complicated general trend, is obviously the person most likely to shake the foundation of Emperor Zong.

A person who may shake the foundation of Emperor Zong, if Luo Guaiyue doesn't know how to win him over, then Luo Guaiyue is really stupid enough.

Lin Mu embraced Xu Mei, and left the Tiannvzong under everyone's gaze.

And Yun Tianhua looked at Lin Mu, and left so arrogantly in front of him.The steel teeth in one bite were almost crushed.

When the old beggar and others saw Lin Mu leaving, they all followed suit.

Lin Mu took Xu Mei and waited for everyone thousands of miles away from Tiannvzong.

When everyone arrived, Lin Mu and Xu Mei also bowed their hands to everyone, saying: "Boy, thank you for your generosity. I will remember everyone's kindness in my heart. From now on, if you have any orders from seniors, I will be obliged. "

Chen Yunkai said: "Lin Mu, if you say that, you are cheating. We are friends, so we don't reciprocate. If you and Xu Mei are fine, you can visit me in Soul City for a while."

Lin Mu knew that Chen Yunkai obviously believed that the thing he said about establishing the mountain gate was nonsense, so he invited himself and Xu Mei to go there.

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said: "Senior's heart is appreciated by this junior, but there are indeed many things to do in this junior's door, so I won't bother you."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, Cao Xiu asked curiously, "Boy, did you really build a mountain gate?"

Lin Mu nodded and said, "It's right where the jade slip Senior Mi gave me."

After listening to Lin Mu's words, Mi Yan also said curiously: "Then the old man really wants to take a look, and see how the old man looks?"

After hearing this, Chen Yunkai smiled and said, "Then I should bother you."

After hearing this, Chen Ziyan said excitedly: "You can go to Big Brother's sect now, I have to stay for a few more days."

Lin Mu looked at the old beggar, and the old beggar said with a look of old gods: "I am alone now, old beggar, so I will go with you to have a look. But go to your place, you have to take care of food and shelter."

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Senior, don't worry, the food, lodging and storage will satisfy you."

Being able to go back with such a large number of masters also made Lin Mu feel at ease.

Lin Mu sacrificed his flying spirit treasure, and then all the people went directly to the flying spirit treasure, preparing to go to the nearest city and go to Lin Mu's Fumanlou through the teleportation array.

After everyone boarded the Flying Spirit Treasure, Lin Mu closed the Flying Spirit Treasure casually, and then asked: "Senior, you should know something about the Great Emperor's lineage, right? Senior, can you tell me what is going on with the Great Emperor's lineage?" ?”

Those four phantoms always made Lin Mu feel uneasy, so Lin Mu also wanted to know what was going on with the lineage of the Great Emperor.

After hearing Lin Mu's question, everyone also looked at the old beggar.

Obviously they are not too clear about the so-called lineage of the Great Emperor.

The old beggar pondered for a moment, and then said: "Actually, the so-called lineage of the Great Emperor is the bloodline left by the Great Emperor in the cultivation world. If we really want to talk about it, they are the real background of these Emperor Sects.

They have the real top skills left by the emperor and enjoy the real top resources.

And if you want to be in the lineage of the Great Emperor, you don't have to have the bloodline of the Great Emperor.This requires rigorous and bloody screening, and only the disciples with the best talents can be selected among all bloodline descendants to be cultivated.

It is no exaggeration to say that every descendant of the Great Emperor's lineage is a master in this cultivation world.

In comparison, those so-called monsters of Emperor Zong are nothing at all.However, everyone in the lineage of the great emperor is devoted to heaven, and they don't care about the emperor's sect at all.Therefore, outsiders will not know their existence at all.

But if the Emperor Zong is alive or dead, or if something threatens the Emperor Zong, they will take action directly. "

Everyone fell silent after listening to the old beggar's words.

Everyone did not expect that there was such a terrifying existence in the Emperor Sect.

If everything is really as the old beggar said, then wouldn't it be possible for someone from the Emperor's lineage to sweep the entire cultivation world directly.

(End of this chapter)

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