Supreme Chef

Chapter 779 News from West Jizhou

Chapter 779 News from West Jizhou
After everyone was silent for a while, Lin Mu asked, "Senior, what kind of existence is the phantom you defeated at that time?"

The old beggar said solemnly: "Existences on the same level as me, but the four of them just came for projection. If they come in person, I can only retreat."

In fact, no one present knew what level the old beggar was.

But the people present can be sure that the old beggar is very strong, very strong, so strong that they can't understand it at all.

And being able to have four beings at the same level as the old beggar showed that Emperor Zong was far more terrifying than they thought.

The old beggar said: "But you don't have to worry too much. They don't dare to come out easily. They must stay in the emperor's sect to deal with the real crisis."

After a pause, the old beggar said: "Although such an existence will not come out directly, some geniuses from the emperor's lineage will inevitably come out and walk around. These are the things you have to guard against. Although you are already very strong, But there is no such thing as the strongest in this world.”

Lin Mu cupped his hands and said, "Thank you, senior, for your reminder."

After three days of traveling and teleporting, Lin Mu brought everyone to his Fumanlou.

The old beggar looked at the golden words 'Fumanlou' above the sky, and said with a smile: "Now I believe more and more that you are a cook. The name of the sect is the same as that of a restaurant."

Lin Mu glanced at Xu Mei who was full of excitement, smiled slightly, and said, "I was originally a cook, and it was this world that forced me to kill people with a table knife."

After hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Lin Mu opened the natural hidden formation outside and invited everyone to enter the sect together.

When everyone entered the Fuman Building and looked at the 99 towering peaks that soared into the sky, and the main peak completely shrouded in starlight, everyone's expressions were very wonderful.

"Sealing the sky and locking the earth!" The old beggar was obviously well-informed, and he could see the tricks in it at a glance.

Lin Mu smiled and said, "Senior has good eyesight."

Cao Xiu stared at the starlight covering the main peak, and said, "This is really a good place to practice, don't say 100 years, just let me stay here forever."

Mi Yan was also emotional, and said, "I really didn't expect that such an ordinary place would be transformed into such a paradise by you, so I don't want to leave."

Chen Ziyan was the least polite to Lin Mu, pointing directly at a main peak, said: "Brother, can you give me that main peak?"

Lin Mu nodded with a smile, then directly raised his hand, and wrote the words 'Ziyan Peak' on the main peak.

Lin Mu said: "This main peak will belong to you from now on."

Chen Ziyan looked at her name, shining under the starlight of the main peak, and said excitedly: "I will have my own place to practice in the future."

"Mom, Dad, this will be my Ziyan Peak from now on, and I will stay here to practice in the future." Chen Ziyan pointed to her main peak and said.

Looking at the layout here, Chen Yunkai and Sun Huixin naturally wouldn't object to their daughter staying to practice.

Although his own soul city is impenetrable, there are still masters sitting in it.But in terms of layout, it is definitely not as good as Linshu's layout here, and everyone can see that Linshu's layout here is just a prototype, and it will definitely be perfected in the future.

Chen Yunkai nodded and said with a smile, "If you want to stay here, just stay here."

After hearing her father's words, Chen Ziyan was also excited and rewarded her father with a kiss.

After giving Chen Ziyan a mountain peak, Lin Mu also looked at the crowd and said, "Seniors, please choose a main peak each, and treat it as a gift from me to you seniors."

Hearing Lin Mu's words, everyone was not polite. They each chose a main peak and engraved their names on it.

In fact, for everyone, this is a win-win situation.

Through this method, Lin Mu directly recruited a large number of real masters for his Fumanlou.

Even if they can't join Fumanlou, it's no problem to become Keqing elders.

As for the old beggars, it is equivalent to buying the biggest insurance for their future.

The rise of Lin Shu is inevitable, and everyone believes that Lin Shu will influence the overall situation in the future.

Building a good relationship with Lin Mu in advance is not only a guarantee for themselves.It even bought an insurance for the forces represented behind them.

After everyone chose their respective main peaks, Wu De also hurried over. Seeing that Lin Mu had pulled back so many masters, Wu De did not dare to make mistakes and behaved very honestly.

After all, the people here, whoever stood up, could crush themselves to death several times.

At night, Lin Shu served everyone as promised, and once again cooked a table of delicacies.

At the dinner party, everyone exchanged glasses, and the atmosphere was always very enthusiastic.

"I have something I want to ask all the seniors. I don't know the seniors, but do you know how is Xijizhou now? To tell you the truth, this junior came from Xijizhou. When I came here, Xijizhou was being captured The demon world is encroaching. Many seniors of the younger generation are in Xijizhou, and the younger generation wants to know how the situation in Xijizhou is now?" Xu Mei has already found her, and after solving the Longmen matter, Lin Mu is also planning to go back Xijizhou, take Liu Yiyi over.

Cao Xiudao: "I know something about West Jizhou. Although West Jizhou has not been occupied by the demon world yet, the situation is not optimistic. The masters sent by Dongxuanzhou have already fallen a lot. West Jizhou At least [-]% of the sects in the continent have completely disappeared."

Lin Mu couldn't help becoming nervous when he heard Cao Xiu's words.Lin Mu didn't expect that the situation in Xijizhou would become so bad in less than two years since he left Xijizhou.

Originally, Lin Mu thought that no matter how bad Xijizhou was, it could last ten or eight years.Once he has gained a firm foothold in Dongxuanzhou, he can go back to pick up Liu Yiyi.

"Senior, I would like to know if there is any problem with the Nine Star Sect in West Jizhou?" Lin Mu asked.

Cao Xiudao: "I don't know about this, but I heard that there is indeed a Nine-Star Sect that has been severely injured and the loss is extremely serious."

Hearing Cao Xiu's words, Lin Mu immediately became nervous, and said, "Does senior know which Nine-Star Sect it is?"

Cao Yao shook his head and said, "I don't know about that."

After a pause, Cao Yao also sighed, and said: "The Demon Realm is coming very aggressively this time, it's a pity that we are still fighting among ourselves. If West Jizhou really falls, then we may be in danger."

After listening to Cao Xiu's words, Lin Mu couldn't wait to go back to Xijizhou.

Lin Mu doesn't care whether Xijizhou will fall or not, as long as his friends and lovers in Xijizhou are fine.

(End of this chapter)

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