Supreme Chef

Chapter 780 Emergency Rescue

Chapter 780 Emergency Rescue

After the one-night banquet was over, everyone returned to practice in the mountain they had chosen.

And Lin Mu also returned to the main peak in the center with Xu Mei.

The starlight leaked like mercury, covering the entire main peak, everything looked so dreamy and wonderful.

Xu Mei was dressed in light gauze, and her graceful body shone with a seductive pink in the night wind.

The panting aroma indicated that the two had just completed a fierce battle.

Xu Mei lay in Lin Mu's arms, panting delicately: "You are so nervous about the matter of Xijizhou, is it true that you have been dishonest in Xijizhou again and have harmed someone's girl?"

When Lin Mu heard Xu Mei's words, he also smiled embarrassedly, and said, "I am not a disaster, I have a reason."

Xu Mei interrupted Lin Mu and said, "Don't justify yourself there, you just can't control the things in your crotch. When Sister Yaqing and the others come over, I will tell Sister Yaqing and the others about these things, Let you try it for ten years without tasting meat."

Xu Mei is still the same as the earth, sexy, charming, dare to speak, dare to act, her cultivation has not changed her character.

Lin Mu looked down at Xu Mei's sexy red lips, and the things in his crotch reacted again, and said, "Since you want me to not taste meat for ten years, then I will first give you ten years' interest Get them all back."

"Ah! Don't!" After Xu Mei called out coquettishly, her next voice turned into a soft moan.

Lingering all night, Lin Mu and Xu Mei got up the next day, Xu Mei practiced for a long time before she regained her strength.

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei who was getting more and more beautiful, and teased, "How does it feel to satisfy you for ten years?"

Xu Mei blushed, she got up and was about to hit Lin Mu, she said coquettishly, "How dare you say that!"

Lin Mu looked at Xu Mei and laughed. Lin Mu hadn't been this happy for a long time after coming to the realm of comprehension.

After arguing for a while, the two also left their main peak.

Because Chen Yunkai and his wife still had Soul City, they also bid farewell early. As for Chen Ziyan, they strongly demanded to stay in Fumanlou.

Chen Yunkai and his wife were not worried about Chen Ziyan's request to stay in Fumanlou.After all, Cao Xiu, Mi Yan and the old beggar all expressed that they would stay in Fumanlou for a while, and these three masters were in charge.

The security level of Fumanlou is no worse than that of his own soul city.

After saying goodbye to Chen Yunkai and his wife, Lin Mu was also preparing to leave for Yunshui City to solve Xing'er's problem, and at the same time bring Xiao Diao and the others here.

Seeing that Lin Mu was about to leave, Xu Mei also insisted on following Lin Mu.However, I am not going on a trip this time, and it must be dangerous to take Xu Mei with me.

In the end Xu Mei stayed in Fumanlou to practice, and Lin Mu set off for Yunshui City alone.

In fact, the reason why Lin Mu went alone was also for the safety of Fumanlou.

What Emperor Zong had to deal with was himself, as long as he left and there were three old beggars sitting in Fumanlou, Emperor Zong would not move.

After Lin Mu left Fumanlou, he teleported all the way in the direction of Yunshui City through the teleportation array.

After half a month of teleportation, Lin Mu is now less than seven days away from Yunshui City.

However, there is no teleportation array available for the remaining seven days of journey, and Lin Shu can only use the flying spirit treasure by himself.

Sitting on the flying spirit treasure, Lin Mu still did not forget to improve his cultivation.

The appearance of the Emperor's lineage made Lin Mu feel the crisis even more.

The Emperor's lineage has the same level as the old beggar, if Lin Mu can't improve his cultivation as soon as possible.If two of them really shot at him, he would have no ability to resist at all.

Now that I have completed the ninth level of God Transformation, I can overcome the minor catastrophe at any time.

But several times of crossing tribulations, let Lin Mu know the importance of thick accumulation.

Therefore, Lin Mu was not in a hurry to cross the tribulation, but continued to suppress his cultivation, striving to enter the heaven list once he broke through, and he had to be at the forefront.

After flying peacefully for three days, when Yunshui City was already in sight, Lin Mu's spiritual sense detected that his way forward was blocked by someone.

Lin Mu came out of the cabin and frowned slightly as he looked at a group of people wearing Dongxuanzhou Law Enforcement Team.

There are a total of twelve people on the opposite side, and the one with the highest cultivation level is a strong man who has crossed the first level of tribulation.

When the leader on the opposite side saw the appearance of Lin Shu, a trace of greed and passion flashed in his eyes.

Obviously he was tempted by Lin Shu's eighth-rank flying spirit treasure, and he was ready to take it for himself.

Lin Mu naturally sees each other's every move.

Seeing the fire in the opponent's eyes, Lin Mu also sneered in his heart.

"East Xuanzhou Law Enforcement Team is enforcing the law, idlers are not allowed to approach!" the leader said loudly to Lin Mu.

"Go away! I'm going to Yunshui City!" Lin Mu didn't have a good impression of these bastards at all.

Hearing that Lin Mu dared to scold him, the leader was not angry.On the contrary, I was very happy.

I am worried that there is no reason to take down Lin Shu and snatch his flying spirit treasure?Lin Mu here took the initiative to give himself a chance.

"Provoke the authority of the law enforcement team and take him down!" the leader shouted.

Following this shout, the people behind him all rushed towards the forest.

Looking at the people rushing over, Lin Mu also sneered and said, "I don't know how to live or die!"

"Flame wave!"

Lin Mu shouted loudly, stood on the bow of the boat, and just punched out.

Immediately aroused the fire that filled the sky, and wiped out all the eleven people who rushed up in an instant.

"Skyfire!" The leader's face changed drastically when he saw Lin Mu's punch, and then turned around and fled without thinking.

"Did you run away?" Lin Mu sneered, and then his body disappeared in the bow of the boat in an instant.

In just one step, Lin Mu had already walked in front of the leader.

With trees shrinking to an inch, how could it be possible for this person who crossed the first floor of the tribulation to run away.

Seeing Lin Mu approaching him one step at a time, the expression of the leader of the Dujie first floor couldn't help but changed drastically again.

"What are you going to do! My law enforcement team is in Yunshui City to destroy Fumanlou, if you..."

Before he could finish speaking, Lin Mu punched out.

The Witch Emperor Fist punched out, and instantly crushed the strong man at the first level of Transcending Tribulation Realm.

With Lin Mu's cultivation at this time, it is no problem at all to deal with a strong man at the first level of Transcending Tribulation Realm.

After solving this group of dog legs, Lin Mu also quickly returned to the spaceship, and then rushed towards the direction of Yunshui City at full speed.

Under the full speed of Lin Shu, Lin Shu arrived in one day after four days' journey.

Seeing the members of the East Xuanzhou Law Enforcement Team defending the city, Lin Mu didn't even think about it, and directly slashed out.

The four people guarding the city gate had no ability to resist under Lin Mu's knife, and were instantly beheaded.

Going straight into the city, Lin Mu didn't blame the surprised eyes of others, he just shrunk to an inch and rushed towards his own Fumanlou.

At this time, the surrounding area of ​​Fumanlou was completely sealed off.

Although everyone didn't know what was going on inside, the angry cries of the eagles let people know that the battle inside must be extremely tragic.

At this time, Xiao Diao, Luo Ye, and Xing'er were trying their best to resist the attack of the strong law enforcement team.

As for some of the people that Lin Mu had recruited before, they were all dead and running away.

Although the three of them were resisting with all their strength, but Xiao Diao was seriously injured and was restrained by two Ascension Realm powerhouses. It would be a matter of time before they lost.


The flying sword flew across the sky, and directly pierced through Xiao Diao's wings, and a terrifying hole suddenly appeared above Xiao Diao's wings.

When Lin Mu felt it, he was seeing Xiao Diao being attacked by two Ascension Realm powerhouses.

"Little eagle!"

Lin Mu looked at the precarious little vulture, and his eyes were tearing apart.

Lin Mu flew directly into the air, took out the Heavenly Dragon Bow, and recklessly poured his whole body's aura into the Heavenly Dragon Bow, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness also merged into it.


A light arrow with a length of hundreds of feet was shot out, and it went straight to the two Ascension Realm experts who were about to attack Xiao Diao.

In front of the powerhouses in the Ascension Realm, Lin Mu has no means of attack except for the Heavenly Dragon Bow.

(End of this chapter)

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